Domain - Civil Defence Management

Domain - Civil Defence Management

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Level 2

Demonstrate knowledge of the administration of a CDEM volunteer group

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Version 2

23703 Unit Standard 2 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people who currently have, or are seeking, responsibility for providing administration services for a volunteer group or unit. People credited with this unit standard are able to describe: administration systems for CDEM volunteers; organisational communications and information processes relevant to a CDEM volunteer group; and benefits of liaison for a CDEM volunteer group.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 223 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council

Level 4

Plan, manage and evaluate CDEM exercises

Word  PDF

Version 2

23697 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for team leaders, section trainers and managers who have responsibility to train personnel in CDEM skills and knowledge. People credited with this unit are able to plan, manage, and evaluate and review CDEM exercises.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 223 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of leadership theory and use it in CDEM situations

Word  PDF

Version 2

23698 Unit Standard 8 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for CDEM personnel who have a leadership role during an emergency. People credited with this unit standard are able to: explain leadership theory in a CDEM context; and use leadership skills in CDEM situations.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 223 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council

Coordinate and manage spontaneous volunteers during a CDEM emergency

Word  PDF

Version 2

23702 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people who have assumed, or are likely to take on, the responsibility of coordinator of spontaneous volunteers (volunteer coordinator) during an emergency. People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe the role of the spontaneous volunteer coordinator in a CDEM organisation; screen, register, brief, and manage spontaneous volunteers during an emergency; and debrief spontaneous volunteers following an emergency.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 223 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council

Manage mass casualty triage in a civil defence and emergency management (CDEM) emergency

Word  PDF

Version 7

7319 Unit Standard 3 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people acting in a team leader role in a casualty sorting area. People credited with this unit standard are able to manage mass casualty identification and classification, and complete documentation; and establish a casualty recording system in the triage area.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 223 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council

Establish a Civil Defence Emergency Management section

Word  PDF

Version 6

7325 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for anyone holding a management or supervision role in a Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) organisation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: design an organisational structure for a CDEM section; recruit, appoint, and train CDEM section staff; establish facilities for a CDEM section; and establish links with supporting organisations and services.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 223 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council

Coordinate a Civil Defence emergency response for a community

Word  PDF

Version 5

7327 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for anyone holding a management or supervision role in a Civil Defence organisation at a community level. People credited with this unit standard are able to: provide an assessment of a community emergency situation; activate a Civil Defence community response organisation; implement response to the emergency; and manage stand down of response activity.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 223 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council

Supervise a welfare centre during an emergency

Word  PDF

Version 6

7330 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is designed for people involved in Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) with a responsibility for supervision of a welfare centre during an emergency. People credited with this unit standard are able to: activate a welfare centre in an emergency; allocate welfare centre responsibilities; and supervise welfare centre activities.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 223 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council

Level 5

Develop training and support programmes, and recruit, appoint, and manage CDEM volunteers

Word  PDF

Version 2

23701 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people who fulfil the role of a coordinator of volunteers (volunteer coordinator) for a CDEM organisation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify the training requirements of CDEM volunteers; develop a training programme for CDEM volunteers; develop a CDEM volunteer support programme; recruit, select, and appoint, CDEM volunteers; manage performance of CDEM volunteers; conduct the CDEM volunteer's performance appraisal interview; manage conflict between volunteer(s) and other party(ies); and describe procedures for changing or ending a CDEM volunteer's involvement.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 223 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council

Produce a Standard Operating Procedure for a Civil Defence Emergency Management organisation

Word  PDF

Version 6

7322 Unit Standard 4 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people required to write a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for a process within a Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) organisation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: analyse the characteristics of a CDEM process; write a SOP and demonstrate knowledge of testing; and review a documented SOP.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 223 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council

Prepare contingency plan for specific Civil Defence threats
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 5

7323 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people required to write contingency plans for specific Civil Defence threats. People credited with this unit standard are able to: determine the response needed to counter a specific threat; write contingency plan; and test and review contingency plan.

Standard-setting body:

The Skills Organisation - Local Government

Prepare civil defence and emergency management (CDEM) reduction strategies

Word  PDF

Version 6

7324 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for anyone holding a management role in a civil defence organisation. People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of CDEM reduction strategies and write CDEM reduction plans.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 223 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council

Declare, extend, and terminate a State of Emergency
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 6 This unit standard has been replaced by unit standard 26608.

7326 Unit Standard 3 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for Civil Defence Emergency Management Group and local Controllers and those who need to know the implications of the declaration of a state of emergency. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of what constitutes a state of emergency; and declare, extend, and terminate a state of emergency.

Standard-setting body:

The Skills Organisation - Local Government

Level 6

Prepare Civil Defence plan
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 5

7320 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for anyone holding a management or supervision role in Civil Defence. People credited with this unit standard are able to: assess community readiness to respond to Civil Defence threats; write a Civil Defence plan; and validate a Civil Defence plan.

Standard-setting body:

The Skills Organisation - Local Government

Act as a Controller in a Civil Defence emergency

Word  PDF

Version 5

7328 Unit Standard 8 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for Controllers and Controller alternates during a Civil Defence emergency. People credited with this unit standard are able to analyse Civil Defence emergency situation; select strategies to respond to Civil Defence emergency; and direct and coordinate operations.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 223 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council

Manage a central government agency response to a Civil Defence emergency

Word  PDF

Version 5

7329 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for anyone in a management or supervision role in a central government agency with responsibilities to respond to a Civil Defence emergency. People credited with this unit standard are able to: provide an assessment of an emergency situation as it affects the central government agency; activate the central government agency Civil Defence response; implement coordinating action to assist the local authority(ies); and manage stand down of response activity of own organisation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 223 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council

Manage recovery in a civil defence emergency at a local government level

Word  PDF

Version 6

7333 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for anyone holding a disaster recovery manager position in a civil defence organisation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: activate a local government recovery organisation; manage recovery activities; and manage stand-down of recovery activities.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 223 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services Workforce Development Council

Data as at 2024-07-26 23:01:06.887