Domain - Bituminous Product Manufacturing

Domain - Bituminous Product Manufacturing

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Level 4
32241 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of the process and procedures for bitumen product manufacturing
10 Credits
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32242 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of the process and procedures for asphalt product manufacturing
10 Credits
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32243 Unit Plan for a bitumen or asphalt product manufacturing run
15 Credits
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32244 Unit Coordinate operations for a bitumen or asphalt product manufacturing plant
15 Credits
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32245 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of health and safety for a bitumen or asphalt product manufacturing plant
15 Credits
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32246 Unit Explain environmental protection procedures for a bitumen or asphalt product manufacturing plant
10 Credits
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32247 Unit Explain and carry out quality assurance requirements for a bitumen or asphalt product manufacturing plant
15 Credits
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32248 Unit Manage a bitumen or asphalt product manufacturing process
20 Credits
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32249 Unit Optimise the performance of a bitumen or asphalt product manufacturing plant
20 Credits
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