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Your search found 11 Unit Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Visitor Services

18237 Perform calculations for a tourism workplace 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (80KB) (101KB)
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23761 Read and comprehend work-related documents for a tourism workplace 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (29KB) (98KB)
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23767 Demonstrate knowledge of and use the Internet in a tourism workplace 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (80KB) (99KB)
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24726 Describe and compare social and cultural impacts of tourism 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (27KB) (96KB)
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24727 Describe and compare impacts of tourism on the environment 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (28KB) (97KB)
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24728 Demonstrate knowledge of work roles in tourism 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (101KB)
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24729 Demonstrate knowledge of world tourist destinations 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (101KB)
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24730 Demonstrate knowledge of the business of tourism 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (77KB) (97KB)
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24731 Demonstrate knowledge of destination Aotearoa New Zealand 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (92KB) (108KB)
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24732 Demonstrate knowledge of tourist characteristics and needs 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (78KB) (97KB)
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24724 (expiring) Demonstrate knowledge of the history of tourism 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (110KB) (101KB)
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