Organisation: Whitecliffe Education Limited

30 qualifications found
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Qualification Type
New Zealand Certificate in Apparel and Fashion Technology (Level 4) 2607 Current Certificate 4 120 Whitecliffe Education Limited
New Zealand Certificate in Apparel and Fashion Technology (Patternmaking) (Level 5) 2608 Current Certificate 5 120 2 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
New Zealand Certificate in Arts and Design (Level 4) 2627 Current Certificate 4 60 17 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
New Zealand Certificate in Creativity (Level 4) 2869 Current Certificate 4 60 9 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
New Zealand Certificate in Digital Media and Design (Level 4) 2629 Current Certificate 4 60 10 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
New Zealand Certificate in Fashion (Level 4) 2630 Current Certificate 4 60 6 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
New Zealand Certificate in Information Technology (Level 5) 2595 Current Certificate 5 60 16 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
New Zealand Certificate in Information Technology Essentials (Level 4) 2594 Current Certificate 4 60 21 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
New Zealand Certificate in Jewellery (Level 4) 2631 Current Certificate 4 60 Whitecliffe Education Limited
New Zealand Diploma in Apparel and Fashion Technology (Level 6) 2606 Current Diploma 6 120 4 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
New Zealand Diploma in Fashion (Level 5) 2641 Current Diploma 5 120 3 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
New Zealand Diploma in Information Technology Technical Support (Level 5) 2596 Current Diploma 5 120 28 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
New Zealand Diploma in Jewellery (Level 5) 2646 Current Diploma 5 120 3 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
New Zealand Diploma in Software Development (Level 6) 2604 Current Diploma 6 240 9 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
New Zealand Diploma in Web Development and Design (Level 5) 2598 Current Diploma 5 120 12 Organisations can assist in gaining this qualification
Bachelor in Jewellery Design and Technology (Level 7) 4012 Current Bachelor Degree 7 360 Whitecliffe Education Limited
Bachelor of Applied Information Technology (Level 7) 4120 Current Bachelor Degree 7 360 Whitecliffe Education Limited
Bachelor of Design and Digital Media (Level 7) 4468 Current Bachelor Degree 7 360 Whitecliffe Education Limited
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Level 7) 3587 Current Bachelor Degree 7 360 Whitecliffe Education Limited
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Level 7) PC1713 Current Bachelor Degree 7 360 Whitecliffe Education Limited
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) (Level 8) 3567 Current Bachelor Degree with Honours 8 120 Whitecliffe Education Limited
Bachelor of Sustainable Fashion Design (Level 7) 4469 Current Bachelor Degree 7 360 Whitecliffe Education Limited
Master of Arts in Arts Therapy (Level 9) 109509a Current Masters Degree 9 240 Whitecliffe Education Limited
Master of Arts in Creative Arts Therapy (Clinical) (Level 9) 109509 Current Masters Degree 9 360 Whitecliffe Education Limited
Master of Creative Enterprise and Innovation (Level 9) 4705 Current Masters Degree 9 180 Whitecliffe Education Limited
Master of Fine Arts (Level 9) PC2275 Current Masters Degree 9 240 Whitecliffe Education Limited
Master of Information Technology (Level 9) 4706 Current Masters Degree 9 180 Whitecliffe Education Limited
Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Arts Therapy (Level 8) 2466 Current Postgraduate Diploma 8 120 Whitecliffe Education Limited
Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (Level 8) 4707 Current Postgraduate Diploma 8 120 Whitecliffe Education Limited
Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (Level 8) 4435 Current Postgraduate Diploma 8 120 Whitecliffe Education Limited
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