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Search results

Your search found 21 Unit Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Community Work
Employment Support
Iwi/Māori Social Services
Manage Social Services
Pacific Island Social Services
Professional Development of Social Service Workers
Provide Social Services
Social Service Work in Suicide Intervention
Social Service Work with Abuse, Neglect, and Violence
Social Work
Tamariki Ora - Well Child Services
Whānau/Family and Foster Care
Youth Development
Youth Work

7919 Describe the roles and functions of social service workers 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (122KB) (109KB)
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7926 Demonstrate knowledge of Te Tiriti o Waitangi for social service purposes 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (127KB) (96KB)
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7930 Negotiate service provision with users of social services 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (87KB)
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7931 Identify and define the community 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (106KB)
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7952 Support a social service user to identify and address their presenting concerns, issues, or needs 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (91KB) (90KB)
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7957 Co-ordinate family meetings or whānau hui 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (123KB) (91KB)
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7984 Identify, respond to, and report in situations of suspected abuse, neglect, or violence 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (106KB) (99KB)
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7991 Contribute to the planning and implementation of an educational and recreational programme and project 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (89KB) (91KB)
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16260 Assist a person to identify their own whakapapa in an Iwi/Māori social services setting 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (123KB) (89KB)
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16849 Describe knowledge of ethics in youth work 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (129KB) (100KB)
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16853 Describe tangata whenua, and demonstrate kawa and tikanga, in a youth work setting 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (120KB) (116KB)
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18290 Describe structural issues related to abuse, neglect, and violence 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (124KB) (113KB)
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18292 Describe aspects of knowledge for working with abuse, neglect, and violence 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (105KB) (97KB)
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18298 Assess presenting issues in situations of abuse, neglect, or violence 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (106KB) (100KB)
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19410 Demonstrate knowledge of and plan to establish and maintain working relationships with whānau in social service work 12 credits Internal
Unit standard (161KB) (119KB)
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22250 Demonstrate knowledge of professional supervision for youth workers 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (130KB) (121KB)
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28538 Establish and maintain a relationship to support a young person in the youth development sector 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (133KB) (126KB)
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28540 Facilitate group activities with young people in the youth development sector 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (98KB) (120KB)
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28541 Support a young person to identify goals and develop an action plan to support their achievement 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (98KB) (119KB)
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28556 Plan, implement, and evaluate a youth development project 15 credits Internal
Unit standard (130KB) (122KB)
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16862 (expiring) Demonstrate knowledge of safety management in the youth development sector 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (162KB) (112KB)
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