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Search results

Your search found 15 Unit Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Supported Learning - Interpersonal and Social Skills
Supported Learning - Perceptual Awareness Skills
Supported Learning - Personal Care Skills
Supported Learning - Personal, Community and Work Skills
Supported Learning - Work and Community Skills

29299 Access and use facilities and services in the community 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (148KB) (110KB)
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29300 Maintain hauora - personal health and well-being 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (149KB) (134KB)
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29301 Demonstrate strategies to ensure personal safety 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (145KB) (130KB)
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29302 Demonstrate interpersonal skills in familiar contexts 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (148KB) (130KB)
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29303 Demonstrate behaviours appropriate to different types of relationships and contexts 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (130KB) (108KB)
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29304 Describe elements of own culture, and basic rights and responsibilities of residing in Aotearoa New Zealand 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (157KB) (119KB)
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29305 Set personal goals and carry out a plan designed to achieve personal goals 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (131KB) (112KB)
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29306 Apply problem solving strategies to resolve day-to-day issues 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (130KB) (107KB)
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29307 Use functional literacy skills in a range of day-to-day contexts 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (150KB) (111KB)
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29308 Use functional numeracy skills in a range of day-to-day contexts 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (147KB) (109KB)
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29309 Plan a personal work pathway 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (147KB) (128KB)
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29310 Apply basic skills and practices in a workplace context 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (193KB) (114KB)
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29311 Act in accordance with the basic rights and responsibilities needed for work 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (133KB) (108KB)
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32927 Maintain commitments to a limited range of repetitive and familiar activities within defined contexts 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (150KB) (114KB)
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32929 Maintain routines in a limited range of repetitive and familiar situations within defined contexts 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (150KB) (113KB)
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