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Your search found 7 Achievement Standards under the following subjects:

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91521 Physics Carry out a practical investigation to test a physics theory relating two variables in a non-linear relationship 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (79KB) (64KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (140KB) (65KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (67KB) (67KB)
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91522 Physics Demonstrate understanding of the application of physics to a selected context 3 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (29KB) (61KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (35KB) (62KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (70KB) (63KB)
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91523 Physics Demonstrate understanding of wave systems 4 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (66KB) (62KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (91KB) (63KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (76KB) (64KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (316KB)
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91524 Physics Demonstrate understanding of mechanical systems 6 credits External
Achievement standard 2023 (151KB) (167KB)
Achievement standard 2019 (97KB) (118KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (157KB) (119KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (88KB) (118KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (316KB)
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91525 Physics Demonstrate understanding of Modern Physics 3 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (30KB) (63KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (36KB) (64KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (67KB) (67KB)
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91526 Physics Demonstrate understanding of electrical systems 6 credits External
Achievement standard 2023 (176KB) (134KB)
Achievement standard 2019 (98KB) (106KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (158KB) (108KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (104KB) (109KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (316KB)
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91527 Physics Use physics knowledge to develop an informed response to a socio-scientific issue 3 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (32KB) (68KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (38KB) (69KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (67KB) (71KB)
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