Education Organisation's details

Education Organisation's details

Summit Institute Limited (Sydenham)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Domain consents to assess

Standard consents to assess

Business Administration Services

29036 Evaluate and recommend new business technology to improve processes and support the strategic goals of a business entity (level 6) View details »

29038 Plan and manage business administration systems, processes and technologies to support an entity's strategic goals (level 6) View details »

Delivery of Adult Education and Training

7097 Facilitate learner-led, interactive learning sessions for adult learners (level 6) View details »

Financial Services - Professional Practice

31885 Apply knowledge of banking products and services to meet client needs (level 5) View details »

31867 Apply knowledge of life, disability, and health insurance products and services to meet client needs (level 5) View details »

31877 Apply knowledge of residential property lending products and services to meet needs and process a loan application (level 5) View details »

31868 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of administrative processes to provide life, disability, and health insurance services (level 5) View details »

31855 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of financial services legislation, good conduct, professionalism, and Six Step Process (level 5) View details »

31857 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of key factors in the economic environment to provide financial advice solutions (level 5) View details »

28362 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of key lending concepts and frameworks to a variety of lending situations in banking (level 5) View details »

28385 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of market factors and key concepts affecting residential property to meet client needs (level 5) View details »

31883 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the banking services environment and concepts (level 5) View details »

31856 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the financial services sector to provide financial advice solutions (level 5) View details »

31865 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the life, disability, and health insurance services environment and concepts (level 5) View details »

31880 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the personal lending services environment and concepts (level 5) View details »

31875 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the residential property lending services environment and concepts (level 5) View details »

28382 Develop personal lending solutions to meet lending framework requirements and process a personal loan application (level 5) View details »

31881 Gather and analyse information and apply knowledge of products to meet personal borrowing needs (level 5) View details »

31884 Gather and analyse information to determine client banking needs (level 5) View details »

31866 Gather and analyse information to determine client life, disability, and health insurance needs (level 5) View details »

31876 Gather and analyse information to determine client residential property borrowing needs (level 5) View details »

31858 Interpret and explain provisions in the regulatory framework in a financial advice services context (level 5) View details »

31869 Provide advice in a life, disability, and health insurance context using the Six Step Process (level 5) View details »

31882 Provide advice in a personal lending context using the Six Step Process (level 5) View details »

31879 Provide advice in a residential property lending context using the Six Step Process (level 5) View details »

Financial Skills

26367 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of costing for an activity within an entity (level 5) View details »

Human Resource Management

25682 Demonstrate knowledge of staff recruitment and appointment systems in human resource management practice (level 4) View details »

Industrial Rope Access

19369 Carry out advanced patient recovery techniques using industrial rope access systems (level 4) View details »

19363 Carry out simple patient recovery by rope techniques (level 3) View details »

19358 Demonstrate knowledge of legislative requirements for the industrial rope access industry (level 3) View details »

19364 Identify and apply industrial rope access legislation and standards (level 4) View details »

19359 Identify, inspect and maintain height safety equipment (level 3) View details »

19368 Operate advanced industrial rope access systems (level 4) View details »

19366 Plan and prepare for advanced industrial rope access work (level 4) View details »

19360 Plan and prepare for basic industrial rope access work (level 3) View details »

19362 Prepare and use industrial rope access systems (level 3) View details »

28898 Prepare, install, inspect, use and dismantle basic industrial rope access systems (level 3) View details »

19361 Set up and dismantle basic industrial rope access systems (level 3) View details »

31854 Set up and operate rope access haulage systems (level 4) View details »

19367 Set up, alter, and dismantle industrial rope access systems (level 4) View details »

23229 Use safety harness system when working at height (level 3) View details »

15757 Use, install and disestablish temporary proprietary height safety systems when working at height (level 3) View details »

Mental Health and Addiction Support

26971 Describe factors that contribute to mental health wellbeing and mental health challenges (level 3) View details »

Occupational Health and Safety Practice

17588 Apply for, accept, and carry out work according to a work permit in the workplace (level 3) View details »

30265 Apply health and safety risk assessment to a job role (level 3) View details »

17593 Apply safe work practices in the workplace (level 2) View details »

17459 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of safe manual handling practices in the workplace (level 3) View details »

18426 Demonstrate knowledge of hazards associated with confined spaces (level 3) View details »

17594 Demonstrate knowledge of hearing conservation in the workplace (level 3) View details »

22316 Demonstrate knowledge of the management of drug and alcohol-related problems in the workplace (level 3) View details »

17591 Demonstrate knowledge of the prevention and management of Discomfort, Pain and Injury (DPI) in the workplace (level 3) View details »

30266 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety culture and practices (level 3) View details »

497 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements (level 1) View details »

25045 Employ height safety equipment in the workplace (level 3) View details »

17600 Explain safe work practices for working at heights (level 3) View details »

17592 Identify the causes of back injury and methods to prevent back injuries in the workplace (level 3) View details »

15189 Implement a health and safety plan for a workplace (level 4) View details »

17590 Issue worksite specific work permits (level 3) View details »

25510 Operate an atmospheric testing device to determine a suitable atmosphere exists to work safely (level 3) View details »

17599 Plan a confined space entry (level 4) View details »

19522 Undertake job safety analysis (level 3) View details »

Organisational Direction and Strategy

29051 Apply broad business knowledge for strategic objectives in a business entity (level 6) View details »

29052 Contribute at a strategic level to innovation and organisational change within a business entity (level 6) View details »

29053 Contribute to a business entity's strategic objectives and strategic plan (level 6) View details »

29046 Lead and manage people to achieve a business entity's strategic goals (level 6) View details »

29047 Manage business activities to achieve a business entity's strategic goals (level 6) View details »

Power-operated Elevating Work Platforms

23960 Assess the worksite, prepare and operate a scissor lift elevating work platform (EWP) (level 3) View details »

23962 Assess the worksite, prepare and operate a self-propelled boom lift elevating work platform (EWP) (level 4) View details »

23963 Assess the worksite, prepare and operate a trailer-mounted elevating work platform (EWP) (level 3) View details »

23961 Assess the worksite, prepare and operate a truck-mounted elevating work platform (EWP) (level 3) View details »

23964 Assess the worksite, prepare and operate a vertical lift elevating work platform (EWP) (level 3) View details »

23966 Describe types of elevating work platforms (EWPs), and industry requirements for their use (level 3) View details »


26859 Apply knowledge of business performance measures to sales situations (level 3) View details »

26865 Apply knowledge of customer focused business relationships to sales situations (level 3) View details »

26857 Apply knowledge of target markets, buyer behaviour and marketing mix to sales situations (level 3) View details »

26864 Apply knowledge of the sales process to sales situations (level 3) View details »

26861 Apply sales skills and tools to sales situations (level 3) View details »

10458 Communicate product information to sales clients (level 4) View details »

26863 Demonstrate knowledge of business ethics and corporate social responsibility as they apply to sales professionals (level 3) View details »

10457 Establish and develop sales client relationships (level 4) View details »

26858 Examine sales roles and produce a personal development plan for a career in sales (level 3) View details »

26860 Manage buyer resistance in sales situations (level 3) View details »

26862 Negotiate sales in one-on-one situations (level 3) View details »


9695 Examine problem-solving models and apply a problem-solving model to a problem of some complexity (level 3) View details »

9696 Solve a complex problem using a problem-solving model (level 4) View details »

Service Delivery

26255 Conduct business research in a service delivery organisation (level 5) View details »

Small Business

29057 Assess the feasibility and viability of a potential small business opportunity (level 3) View details »

20078 Demonstrate knowledge of taxation, financial, and insurance obligations for a small business (level 3) View details »

29058 Develop a business plan for a small business (level 4) View details »

29464 Develop, maintain, and strengthen external relationships for a small business (level 5) View details »

29055 Identify a business opportunity/ies and assess compatibility with own abilities, interests, and preferences (level 3) View details »

29059 Manage operations for a small business (level 4) View details »

29060 Manage staff and human resource processes for a small business (level 4) View details »

30388 Market a small business's product or service (level 5) View details »

Social and Cooperative Skills

542 Recognise discrimination and describe ways of responding (level 2) View details »

525 Recognise sexual harassment and describe responses (level 2) View details »

Specialist Cleaning Environments

30894 Carry out methamphetamine screening sampling and assessment on property (level 4) View details »

30892 Demonstrate knowledge of methamphetamine contamination of property in New Zealand (level 3) View details »

30893 Demonstrate knowledge of methamphetamine screening sampling in accordance with NZS 8510:2017 (level 4) View details »