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Education Organisation's details

Youth Cultures & Community Trust (Wellington)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Sub-field consents to assess

Communication Skills (to level 2)

Domain consents to assess

Community Work (to level 6)

English Oral Language (to level 1)

Financial Capability (to level 2)

Generic Computing (to level 1)

Iwi/Māori Social Services (to level 5)

Measurement (to level 1)

Number (to level 1)

Personal Financial Management (to level 2)

Self-Management (to level 1)

Social and Cooperative Skills (to level 2)

Work and Study Skills (to level 1)

Youth Development (to level 6)

Youth Work (to level 6)

Standard consents to assess

Adventure Based Learning

24665 Facilitate adventure programmes for the personal and social development of the participants (level 5) View details »

Amenity Horticulture

29663 Care for trees and shrubs (level 2) View details »

21027 Plant and maintain displays of bedding plants (level 2) View details »

Assessment of Learning

30421 Carry out assessments against standards to make judgements of learner performance (level 4) View details »

4098 Use standards to assess candidate performance (level 4) View details »

Core Driving Knowledge and Skills

3462 Demonstrate knowledge of traffic law for the purpose of safe driving (level 2) View details »

3464 Describe human risk factors in terms of a self-management strategy for a driver (level 2) View details »

Delivery of Adult Education and Training

7110 Evaluate and improve own professional knowledge and practice in adult education (level 5) View details »

7097 Facilitate learner-led, interactive learning sessions for adult learners (level 6) View details »

7106 Prepare learning plans and provide guidance for individual adult learners (level 4) View details »

Food and Beverage Service

17288 Prepare and present espresso beverages for service (level 3) View details »

Food Safety

167 Practise food safety methods in a food business under supervision (level 2) View details »

General Agriculture

19139 Gather and record information from a rain gauge, thermometer, and barometer; or weather station (level 1) View details »

Generic Computing

29782 Demonstrate knowledge of computing hardware, software and terminology to select digital tools for specified purposes (level 2) View details »


29583 Describe key elements of hauora from a Māori world view (level 1) View details »

Health and Disability Principles in Practice

32419 Apply Māori values and evaluate their application, when supporting tangata whai ora in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

28522 Demonstrate knowledge of human development theory for a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

28542 Demonstrate knowledge of, and apply professional and ethical behaviour in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

32418 Describe application of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and its benefits, in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

23389 Describe risk management planning in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »

Health Education

91236 Evaluate factors that influence people's ability to manage change (level 2) View details »

Interpersonal Communications

1304 Communicate with people from other cultures (level 3) View details »

9681 Contribute within a team or group which has an objective (level 3) View details »

9705 Give feedback on performance in the workplace (level 3) View details »

1312 Give oral instructions in the workplace (level 3) View details »

11097 Listen actively to gain information in an interactive situation (level 3) View details »

Introductory Primary Sector Knowledge

29633 Demonstrate knowledge of the New Zealand primary sectors and industries (level 2) View details »

Nursery Production

20570 Describe nursery growing media and soils (level 2) View details »

27707 Describe plant propagation by budding, grafting, tissue culture and layering (level 2) View details »

27708 Describe sexual and asexual plant propagation and propagation methods (level 2) View details »

Occupational Health and Safety Practice

497 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements (level 1) View details »

Plant Pest, Weed, and Disease Control

21556 Control weeds under supervision (level 2) View details »

Primary Sector Core Skills

22174 Demonstrate knowledge of soils and fertilisers (level 2) View details »

19145 Describe hydration, nutrition, and sleep in relation to physical well-being of primary industry workers (level 2) View details »

2803 Maintain a documented work record for a primary industry operation (level 2) View details »

4 Maintain hand tools and service small engines used in a primary industry operation (level 2) View details »

19143 Perform calculations in a primary industry context (level 2) View details »

Production Horticulture

22191 Demonstrate knowledge of factors which influence plant growth (level 2) View details »

829 Demonstrate knowledge of plant nomenclature (level 2) View details »

29829 Demonstrate knowledge of plant structure, functions and processes (level 3) View details »

23783 Grow and maintain plants in containers from seed (level 1) View details »

23781 Grow and pot up plants from stem cuttings (level 2) View details »

29499 Identify a range of plants by botanical and common name, and their basic features (level 2) View details »

23782 Identify containers, materials, plants, and tools used in plant propagation (level 1) View details »

29502 Plant out by hand (level 2) View details »

29506 Prepare and propagate plants by cuttings (level 2) View details »

1 Prepare and sow outdoor seedbeds manually (level 1) View details »

29504 Prick-out seedlings or rooted cuttings, transplant, and pot-on young plants into containers (level 2) View details »

29505 Propagate plant material by division (level 2) View details »

29508 Sow seeds and monitor germination and emergence (level 2) View details »

23780 Undertake general garden maintenance (level 1) View details »

Professional Development of Social Service Workers

7917 Demonstrate self-awareness for social service work (level 6) View details »

7918 Prepare and implement a self-care plan for social service work (level 5) View details »

Provide Social Services

8071 Establish and maintain working relationships with people of other cultures and/or life experience (level 5) View details »


7123 Apply a problem-solving model (level 2) View details »

8548 Demonstrate knowledge of accessing legal assistance (level 2) View details »

12357 Demonstrate knowledge of human sexuality (level 2) View details »

12349 Demonstrate knowledge of time management (level 2) View details »

12352 Describe aspects of one's own whakapapa, heritage, and cultural identity (level 2) View details »

12359 Describe household sustainability strategies (level 2) View details »

12354 Describe legal rights and responsibilities under tenancy law and means to prevent and resolve related problems (level 2) View details »

12355 Describe strategies for managing stress (level 2) View details »

7127 Make an informed choice in deciding on a major goods or service purchase (level 3) View details »

Social and Cooperative Skills

12356 Demonstrate knowledge of consumer problems and ways to resolve them (level 3) View details »

30906 Plan and engage in an activity intended to benefit the community (level 3) View details »

7126 Respond to negative feedback in one-to-one situations (level 3) View details »

Social Service Work with Abuse, Neglect, and Violence

18292 Describe aspects of knowledge for working with abuse, neglect, and violence (level 4) View details »

18290 Describe structural issues related to abuse, neglect, and violence (level 4) View details »

Supported Learning - Personal, Community and Work Skills

29299 Access and use facilities and services in the community (level 1) View details »

29310 Apply basic skills and practices in a workplace context (level 1) View details »

29301 Demonstrate strategies to ensure personal safety (level 1) View details »

32927 Maintain commitments to a limited range of repetitive and familiar activities within defined contexts (level 1) View details »

32929 Maintain routines in a limited range of repetitive and familiar situations within defined contexts (level 1) View details »

29305 Set personal goals and carry out a plan designed to achieve personal goals (level 1) View details »

29308 Use functional numeracy skills in a range of day-to-day contexts (level 1) View details »

Whānau Ora and Community Support

28537 Undertake self-care to maintain and enhance personal wellness in a health or wellbeing setting (level 4) View details »

Work and Study Skills

10780 Complete a work experience placement (level 2) View details »

4253 Demonstrate knowledge of job search skills (level 2) View details »

7120 Demonstrate knowledge of note taking (level 1) View details »

7121 Demonstrate skills to search and select information (level 1) View details »

1979 Describe employment agreements (level 2) View details »

7119 Describe memory processes and demonstrate a memory technique (level 2) View details »

12382 Describe the significance of one's work within an employing organisation (level 2) View details »

7117 Develop strategies to enhance own learning (level 2) View details »

12383 Explore career options and their implications (level 2) View details »

7118 Manage own learning in a programme (level 2) View details »

4252 Produce a personal targeted CV (curriculum vitae) (level 2) View details »

10781 Produce a plan for own future directions (level 2) View details »


24871 Complete complex forms (level 2) View details »