Domain - Hauora

Domain - Hauora

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Level 1
Contains Maori components 29583 Unit Describe key elements of hauora from a M?ori world view
3 Credits
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Contains Maori components 29588 Unit Explain tikanga in relation to the treatment of an injury
2 Credits
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Contains Maori components 29589 Unit Explain the human anatomy in accordance to tikanga
2 Credits
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Level 2
Contains Maori components 15315 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of personal safety of kaimahi when working with wh?nau
3 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15986 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of tikanga in relation to rongo? r?kau
2 Credits
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Contains Maori components 29585 Unit Explain anger management in a hauora context
4 Credits
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Level 3
Contains Maori components 15299 Unit Explain the principles and concepts of hauora based on a M?ori world view
4 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15310 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of the human life cycle in a hauora context
4 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15312 Unit Explain implications of legislation on hauora M?ori
6 Credits
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Contains Maori components 18352 Unit Explain four key dimensions of hauora
3 Credits
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Contains Maori components 18353 Unit Explain the values of wh?nau and peers in relation to sex and sexuality
3 Credits
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Contains Maori components 18354 Unit Explain the impact of teenage pregnancy on wh?nau
3 Credits
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Contains Maori components 18356 Unit Develop a substance abuse cessation programme in a hauora context
3 Credits
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Contains Maori components 18357 Unit Develop a substance abuse awareness programme for rangatahi
3 Credits
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Contains Maori components 18360 Unit Prepare a nutritionally balanced diet using kai t?tika M?ori
4 Credits
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Contains Maori components 18361 Unit Explain M?ori childcare practices pre and post-P?keh? contact
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
5 Credits
Contains Maori components 18363 Unit Explain the impacts of tikanga associated with hauora in the home
4 Credits
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Contains Maori components 18560 Unit Explain M?ori methods of effective communication used by kaimahi in a hauora context
4 Credits
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Contains Maori components 29559 Unit Identify and explain M?ori models of hauora and explain how these models can be implemented in a health organisation
4 Credits
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Contains Maori components 29584 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of rongo? M?ori in relation to the prevention and treatment of illness
3 Credits
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Contains Maori components 29586 Unit Explain the impact of grief from a M?ori perspective
4 Credits
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Contains Maori components 29587 Unit Describe M?ori diet and nutrition pre and post-P?keh? contact
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits
Level 4
Contains Maori components 15300 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of natal practices
6 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15308 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of tikanga used for stress management in a hauora context
4 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15309 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of hauora M?ori models and their application in a hauora context
3 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15314 Unit Explain and apply tikanga when communicating with, and caring for, wh?nau in a hauora context
3 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15316 Unit Explain, apply, and maintain personal and professional boundaries when working with wh?nau
3 Credits
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Contains Maori components 18561 Unit Compile a database of hauora service providers, and identify and explain referral policies and processes
4 Credits
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Level 5
Contains Maori components 15304 Unit Identify and analyse the impacts of whakam? and the implications on hauora outcomes
5 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15305 Unit Explain and analyse hauora M?ori concepts of kaitiakitanga and mana
6 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15307 Unit Research, analyse, and explain the impacts of colonisation on the hauora of M?ori and other indigenous people
7 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15311 Unit Relate mana motuhake M?ori to working in a hauora context
4 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15317 Unit Design and implement M?ori health promotion programmes
6 Credits
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Contains Maori components 31430 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of m?tauranga M?ori to research and present findings in a wh?nau ora context
15 Credits
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Level 6
Contains Maori components 15301 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of indigenous treatments and traditional practices for treatment of te tinana in a hauora context
6 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15302 Unit Explain hauora practices to identify and develop a plan for a range of activities that whakaohooho te hinengaro
8 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15303 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of research methods, and evaluate published research findings on hauora M?ori
8 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15306 Unit Analyse primary health care service provision to determine the maximum effectiveness of health care for M?ori
6 Credits
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Contains Maori components 15313 Unit Review current hauora M?ori priorities and associated issues and policies
6 Credits
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Contains Maori components 18414 Unit Research hauora trends and paradigms from 1940 to the present day to explain a present day hauora priority
12 Credits
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Contains Maori components 18562 Unit Identify, explain, and provide intervention strategies for at-risk situations for M?ori
8 Credits
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Contains Maori components 18563 Unit Analyse M?ori leadership and its impact on hauora M?ori
6 Credits
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Contains Maori components 18564 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of M?ori methods of conflict resolution in a hauora context
6 Credits
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Contains Maori components 18565 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of socioeconomic status and its impact on hauora M?ori
8 Credits
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Contains Maori components 29543 Unit Research and present findings on hauora issues between 1840 and 1940
12 Credits
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