Education Organisation's details

Education Organisation's details

Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi (Whakatane)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Sub-field consents to assess

M?ori Performing Arts (to level 4)

Mau R?kau (to level 4)

Seafood M?ori (to level 5)

Domain consents to assess

Computer Support (to level 4)

Environmental Tourism M?ori (to level 3)

Financial Capability (to level 3)

Generic Computing (to level 4)

K?rero (to level 6)

Mana Whakairo (to level 5)

P?nui (to level 6)

Personal Financial Management (to level 3)

Reo Autaia (to level 4)

Reo T??papa (to level 4)

Reo Tumu (to level 4)

Reo Waenga (to level 4)

Self-Management (to level 2)

Social and Cooperative Skills (to level 2)

Software Development - Design (to level 4)

Software Development - Programming (to level 4)

Tikanga ?-Iwi (to level 4)

Tikanga Concepts (to level 2)

Tikanga-?-Iwi (to level 4)

Toi Whakairo (to level 5)

Tourism M?ori Practices (to level 5)

Tuhituhi (to level 6)

Whakaraupapa Whakairo (to level 5)

Whakarongo (to level 6)

Work and Study Skills (to level 2)

Standard consents to assess

Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education

29624 Plan and facilitate embedded adult literacy and numeracy skills development within a training or education programme (level 5) View details »

29625 Use assessment to strengthen adult literacy and numeracy teaching and learning (level 5) View details »


20306 Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of a species of aquatic Crustacea (level 3) View details »

17253 Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of abalone (level 3) View details »

19851 Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of fin fish (level 3) View details »

16673 Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of oysters (level 3) View details »

16340 Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of the New Zealand Greenshell mussel (level 3) View details »

20305 Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of the sea urchin (level 3) View details »

Assessment of Learning

30421 Carry out assessments against standards to make judgements of learner performance (level 4) View details »

11552 Design and evaluate assessment materials (level 5) View details »

11280 Manage and monitor assessment within an organisation (level 6) View details »

11551 Moderate assessment (level 5) View details »

4098 Use standards to assess candidate performance (level 4) View details »

Building, Construction, and Allied Trades Skills

24356 Apply elementary procedures and processes for a BCATS project (level 1) View details »

24361 Apply mathematical processes to BCATS projects (level 2) View details »

31812 Complete a BCATS project (level 2) View details »

12933 Complete minor concrete works as a BCATS project (level 2) View details »

12939 Construct a basic retaining wall as a BCATS project (level 2) View details »

12936 Construct a non-consent timber framed utility building as a BCATS project (level 2) View details »

12935 Construct a spaced residential timber deck up to one metre high as a BCATS project (level 2) View details »

31860 Construct and perform routine maintenance on a basic residential timber fence as a BCATS project (level 2) View details »

12932 Construct timber garden furniture as BCATS projects (level 2) View details »

24352 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of safe working practices and use PPE during the construction of a BCATS project (level 1) View details »

24353 Demonstrate knowledge of and create sketches and drawings for BCATS projects (level 2) View details »

24351 Demonstrate knowledge of and use fixed machinery in the construction of BCATS projects (level 2) View details »

24355 Demonstrate knowledge of construction and manufacturing materials used in BCATS projects (level 1) View details »

24354 Demonstrate knowledge of health and safety legislation and apply safe working practices in a BCATS environment (level 2) View details »

24360 Demonstrate knowledge of timber and other construction materials used in BCATS projects (level 2) View details »

12927 Demonstrate knowledge of, select, maintain, and use hand tools for BCATS projects (level 2) View details »

24350 Identify, select, use and maintain portable power tools for BCATS projects (level 2) View details »

12938 Lay paving blocks as a BCATS project (level 2) View details »

24358 Plan and monitor the construction of a BCATS project, and quality check the product (level 2) View details »

22607 Read and interpret plans, working drawings and specifications for BCATS projects (level 2) View details »

24357 Receive instructions and communicate information in relation to BCATS projects (level 2) View details »

Business Administration Services

11650 Plan, implement and evaluate a business conference, event, or function (level 5) View details »

Delivery of Adult Education and Training

7114 Coach adult learner(s) (level 5) View details »

29690 Describe contemporary principles and practices of adult learning (level 4) View details »

7110 Evaluate and improve own professional knowledge and practice in adult education (level 5) View details »

7097 Facilitate learner-led, interactive learning sessions for adult learners (level 6) View details »

7106 Prepare learning plans and provide guidance for individual adult learners (level 4) View details »

Design and Development of Adult Education and Training

7104 Conduct a training needs analysis for adults in an organisation (level 6) View details »

7094 Design a course for adult education and training (level 6) View details »

7093 Plan for facilitation of learning sessions for adults (level 4) View details »

Evaluation in Adult Education and Training

7098 Evaluate an adult training course (level 6) View details »

7113 Trial and evaluate an innovation for adult education and training within an organisation (level 6) View details »

Governance of M?ori Authorities

16070 Explain the work of the M?ori Land Court (level 3) View details »

Health Education

91236 Evaluate factors that influence people's ability to manage change (level 2) View details »

Open, Flexible, and Networked Learning

10472 Demonstrate knowledge of support systems required for the provision of open, flexible, and networked learning (OFNL) (level 4) View details »

25779 Develop materials for open, flexible, and networked learning (OFNL) (level 5) View details »

25781 Facilitate learning in an open, flexible, and networked learning (OFNL) environment (level 5) View details »

People Development and Coordination

9735 Demonstrate knowledge of theory in relation to management in organisations (level 6) View details »

Preliminary Journalism Skills

27610 Demonstrate basic understanding of news stories and the role of journalists (level 2) View details »

27611 Demonstrate understanding of current events for journalism (level 2) View details »

27616 Identify and research potential news stories or news features for broadcast on radio (level 3) View details »

27612 Plan and conduct interviews for a news story or a feature for publication or broadcast (level 2) View details »

27614 Sub-edit news stories and a feature intended for publication (level 3) View details »

27615 Take and select photographs for a news story and a feature (level 2) View details »

27613 Write and present news stories intended for publication (level 2) View details »


26553 Demonstrate knowledge of radio broadcasting (level 2) View details »

26554 Demonstrate knowledge of radio broadcasting law (level 2) View details »

10234 Design and manage radio promotions (level 4) View details »

10309 Operate a studio during a live radio broadcast (level 4) View details »

10313 Plan and broadcast a radio programme using an automated system (level 2) View details »

10320 Present a live-voice report on radio (level 3) View details »

10183 Present on-air for radio (level 3) View details »

10308 Record and edit for radio broadcast (level 3) View details »

10231 Sell radio advertising (level 3) View details »

10235 Write a basic radio commercial (level 3) View details »

10319 Write a voice report for radio (level 2) View details »

Research in Education

9188 Demonstrate knowledge of approaches to research in education (level 7) View details »

9192 Demonstrate knowledge of ethics in research in education (level 7) View details »

9189 Evaluate and interpret research literature in education (level 7) View details »


7127 Make an informed choice in deciding on a major goods or service purchase (level 3) View details »

Social and Cooperative Skills

12356 Demonstrate knowledge of consumer problems and ways to resolve them (level 3) View details »

Te Aho Wahine

16056 Describe the changing roles for M?ori women throughout history (level 3) View details »

Te M?tauranga M?ori Wh?nui

16049 Compare the English and M?ori versions of te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Treaty of Waitangi (level 3) View details »

16030 Describe approaches to M?ori historical research (level 3) View details »

16048 Describe the development and introduction of te Tiriti o Waitangi/ the Treaty of Waitangi (level 2) View details »

16047 Describe the history of He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga/ Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand (level 2) View details »

16050 Explain the historical impact of te Tiriti o Waitangi/ the Treaty of Waitangi (level 3) View details »

30074 Explain the Treaty of Waitangi and Te Tiriti o Waitangi in legislation today (level 4) View details »

Te Whakamau Whenua

16068 Explain the work of the Waitangi Tribunal (level 3) View details »

Tikanga Concepts

27107 Demonstrate knowledge of the distinguishing features determined by the kaupapa of a hui (level 3) View details »

16032 Examine the use of M?ori modes in transmitting M?ori history (level 3) View details »

16034 Explain M?ori and P?keh? perspectives of history (level 3) View details »

27110 Explain the creation of the world in accordance with ng? k?rero tuku iho and analyse its influence on tikanga (level 3) View details »

16041 Explain the place of p?r?kau or pakiwaitara in M?ori history (level 3) View details »

16042 Explain whakapapa in relation to M?ori history (level 3) View details »

Tikanga Issues

16059 Demonstrate knowledge of the history of M?ori in politics (level 3) View details »

16053 Describe key historical events for hap? or iwi (level 3) View details »

16064 Describe racism and its relationship to legislation and how it discriminates against M?ori (level 4) View details »

16045 Describe the colonisation of M?ori (level 4) View details »

16052 Describe the dispossession of M?ori land and its effects (level 3) View details »

16063 Describe the effects of colonisation on different ethnic groups (level 4) View details »

16061 Describe the historical context and political position of an indigenous minority in their own country (level 4) View details »

16046 Describe the relationships between P?keh? and M?ori prior to 1840 (level 2) View details »

16051 Describe the wars between M?ori and P?keh? during the 1800s in accordance with ng? k?rero tuku iho (level 3) View details »

27128 Explain the impact of Christianity on te ao M?ori (level 2) View details »

Tikanga Practices

16057 Describe the history of spiritual beliefs and practices of M?ori (level 3) View details »

Visitor Services

18226 Apply cross-cultural communication for the tourism industry (level 3) View details »

23758 Demonstrate knowledge of communication and customer service theory in a tourism workplace (level 3) View details »

23766 Demonstrate knowledge of the tourism industry (level 3) View details »

24728 Demonstrate knowledge of work roles in tourism (level 2) View details »

23768 Describe the legal rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in a tourism workplace (level 3) View details »

23755 Identify and self-evaluate the demands of a specific role in a tourism workplace (level 3) View details »

18237 Perform calculations for a tourism workplace (level 2) View details »

23761 Read and comprehend work-related documents for a tourism workplace (level 2) View details »

23760 Work in a team on a tourism workplace task or project (level 3) View details »


24871 Complete complex forms (level 2) View details »