Domain - Printing - Screen

Domain - Printing - Screen

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Level 2

Reclaim screens using a pressure gun or automatic machine, and maintain cleaning equipment for screen printing

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Version 1 This unit standard replaced unit standard 5129 and unit standard 5130.

33235 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: select and prepare screen reclaiming chemicals for use in pressure gun or automatic machine; wash screens using a pressure gun or automatic machine; store screens; and carry out routine maintenance of automatic cleaning machine or pressure guns.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 13 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate trade knowledge for screen printing
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 3 This unit standard replaces unit standard 337.

5127 Unit Standard 8 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: use trade terms and vocabulary applicable to screen printing; follow written instructions and complete forms; use reference material to ensure procedures are followed and required standards are met; demonstrate knowledge of the factors contributing to production costs; explain the importance of confidentiality; use calculations, formulas, measuring systems and devices; demonstrate understanding of halftones; use instruction marks applicable to the process being undertaken; demonstrate knowledge of the principles of design and layout; and demonstrate knowledge of the machinery and equipment used in screen printing.

Standard-setting body:

Competenz - Communications and Media

Reclaim screens using a pressure gun for screen printing
This standard is expiring. The last date for assessment to take place is Wed Dec 31 00:00:00 NZDT 2025.

Word  PDF

Version 5 This unit standard, and unit standard 5130 have been replaced by unit standard 33235.

5129 Unit Standard 4 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: select and prepare screen reclaiming chemicals for use in a pressure gun; wash screens using a pressure gun; and store screens in accordance with workplace practices.

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Reclaim screens using an automatic machine, and maintain cleaning equipment for screen printing
This standard is expiring. The last date for assessment to take place is Wed Dec 31 00:00:00 NZDT 2025.

Word  PDF

Version 5 This unit standard, and unit standard 5129 have been replaced by unit standard 33235.

5130 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: select and prepare screen reclaiming chemicals for use in an automatic machine; wash screens using an automatic machine; store screens in accordance with workplace practices; and carry out routine maintenance on the automatic cleaning equipment.

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Wash up for screen printing

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Version 5

5131 Unit Standard 4 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: select solvents for use in wash up procedures; and wash up the press using selected solvents.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 13 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Level 3

Assist machine operator for screen printing

Word  PDF

Version 3

16756 Unit Standard 15 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: follow safety requirements for the equipment being used; check documentation and confirm requirements for the job are available; prepare substrates for screen printing; check film positives for faults; demonstrate knowledge of screens and stencils; assist with make ready and printing tasks for single colour printing; and undertake post-press tasks.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 13 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Prepare, handle and store substrates required for screen printing

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Version 5 This unit standard replaced unit standard 5132, unit standard 5133, and unit standard 5134.

16795 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify and describe substrates used in the workplace for screen printing; and prepare, handle and store substrates used for screen printing.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 13 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate industry knowledge for screen printing

Word  PDF

Version 3

21328 Unit Standard 12 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: define and use terms and vocabulary applicable to screen printing; describe use and application of halftones; demonstrate knowledge of the principles of design and layout; describe the machinery and equipment used in screen printing; use reference material to ensure procedures are followed and required standards are met; identify problems associated with static electricity and relative humidity and explain potential solutions; identify and describe the requirements of screen printing processes; explain colour theory and use colour terms; demonstrate knowledge of inks or dyes, and additives, and ink drying systems and equipment.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 13 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate advanced trade knowledge for screen printing
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 3

5128 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: explain ways of overcoming problems associated with static electricity and relative humidity; demonstrate knowledge of the requirements of inter-related processes; demonstrate knowledge of colour theory and use colour terms; demonstrate knowledge of inks or dyes, and additives; demonstrate knowledge of ink drying systems and equipment.

Standard-setting body:

Competenz - Communications and Media

Produce screens, and make stencils using the capillary system, for screen printing

Word  PDF

Version 6

5135 Unit Standard 12 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: check documentation and confirm job requirements are available; check film positives for faults; demonstrate knowledge of screens and select screens to meet job requirements; demonstrate knowledge of stencils and select stencils to meet job requirements; prepare screens for the stencils; make stencils using the capillary system; and make final preparation to screens ready for printing.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 13 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Produce screens, and make stencils using the direct emulsion system, for screen printing

Word  PDF

Version 6

5136 Unit Standard 12 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: check documentation and confirm job requirements are available; check film positives for faults; demonstrate knowledge of screens and select screens to meet the job requirements; demonstrate knowledge of stencils and select stencils to meet the job requirements; prepare screens for the stencils; make stencils using the direct emulsion system; and make final preparation to screens ready for printing.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 13 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Produce screens, and make stencils using the indirect system, for screen printing

Word  PDF

Version 6

5137 Unit Standard 12 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: check documentation and confirm job requirements are available; check film positives for faults; demonstrate knowledge of screens and select screens to meet job requirements; demonstrate knowledge of stencils and select stencils to meet the job requirements; prepare screens for the stencils; make stencils using the indirect system; and make final preparation to screens ready for printing.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 13 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Make ready and print single colour for flat sheet screen printing

Word  PDF

Version 6 This unit standard, unit standard 5139, unit standard 5140, unit standard 5141, unit standard 5142, and unit standard 5143 replaced unit standard 345, unit standard 347, and unit standard 348.

5138 Unit Standard 40 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: check documentation and confirm requirements for the job are available; demonstrate knowledge of product bar code printing; prepare substrates for screen printing; set the screen for single colour flat sheet printing; prepare screen printing tools and place in the press; take the first prints and make adjustments; print single colour flat sheet work in position; and complete post-press tasks.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 13 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Make ready and print multi colour for flat sheet screen printing

Word  PDF

Version 6 This unit standard, unit standard 5138, unit standard 5140, unit standard 5141, unit standard 5142, and unit standard 5143 replaced unit standard 345, unit standard 347, and unit standard 348.

5139 Unit Standard 25 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: set and position the screens for multi colour flat sheet screen printing; undertake make ready tasks for multi colour flat sheet work; and print multi colour flat sheet work in close register.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 13 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Make ready and print single colour for fabric panel screen printing

Word  PDF

Version 6 This unit standard and unit standard 5138, unit standard 5139, unit standard 5141, unit standard 5142, and unit standard 5143 replaced unit standard 345, unit standard 347, and unit standard 348.

5140 Unit Standard 40 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: check documentation and confirm requirements for the job are available; prepare substrates for screen printing; set the screen for single colour fabric panel printing; prepare screen printing tools and place in the press; take the first prints and make adjustments; print single colour fabric panel work in position; and complete post-press tasks.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 13 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Make ready and print multi colour for fabric panel screen printing

Word  PDF

Version 6 This unit standard, unit standard 5138, unit standard 5139, unit standard 5140, unit standard 5142, and unit standard 5143 replaced unit standard 345, unit standard 347, and unit standard 348.

5141 Unit Standard 25 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: set and position the screens for multi colour fabric panel screen printing; undertake make ready tasks for multi colour fabric panel work; and print multi colour fabric panel work in close register.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 13 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Make ready and print single colour for formed shapes screen printing
This standard is expiring. The last date for assessment to take place is Wed Dec 31 00:00:00 NZDT 2025.

Word  PDF

Version 6 This unit standard, unit standard 5138, unit standard 5139, unit standard 5140, unit standard 5141, and unit standard 5143 replaced unit standard 345, unit standard 347, and unit standard 348.

5142 Unit Standard 40 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: check documentation and confirm requirements for the job are available; demonstrate knowledge of product bar code printing; prepare substrates for screen printing; set the screen for single colour formed shapes printing; prepare squeegee (and scraper if available) and place in the press; take the first prints and make adjustments; print single colour formed shapes work in position; and complete post-press tasks.

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Make ready and print multi colour (not process) for formed shapes screen printing
This standard is expiring. The last date for assessment to take place is Wed Dec 31 00:00:00 NZDT 2025.

Word  PDF

Version 6 This unit standard, unit standard 5138, unit standard 5139, unit standard 5140, unit standard 5141, and unit standard 5142 replaced unit standard 345, unit standard 347, and unit standard 348.

5143 Unit Standard 25 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: set and position the screens for multi colour (not process) formed shapes printing; undertake make ready tasks for multi colour formed shapes work; and print multi colour (not process) formed shapes work in close register.

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Level 4

Make ready and print four colour process work for screen printing
This standard is expiring. The last date for assessment to take place is Wed Dec 31 00:00:00 NZDT 2025.

Word  PDF

Version 4

16773 Unit Standard 20 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: set and position the screens for four colour process work; make ready the screen printing unit for four colour process work; and print four colour process work.

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Carry out advanced make ready and print for screen printing

Word  PDF

Version 3 This unit standard replaced unit standard 6152, unit standard 6153, and unit standard 6154.

16796 Unit Standard 30 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: select and set screen printing tools on the machinery being operated; describe methods of rectifying printing problems and solve printing problems, encountered during the print run.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 13 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Undertake pre-make ready for screen printing

Word  PDF

Version 7 This unit standard replaced unit standard 344.

5144 Unit Standard 20 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: select inks or dyes for screen printing; mix and match inks or dyes, and select and use additives; demonstrate knowledge of the production of film positives, and stripping and cutting film positives, for screen printing.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 13 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics Workforce Development Council

Data as at 2024-07-26 23:01:06.887