Domain - Legal Studies

Domain - Legal Studies

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Level 1
27835 Unit Describe concepts of democracy and government
4 Credits
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27838 Unit Describe concepts of justice
4 Credits
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27841 Unit Describe the purpose of law
4 Credits
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27844 Unit Describe litigation processes in New Zealand
4 Credits
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27847 Unit Describe law making processes
4 Credits
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27850 Unit Describe New Zealand's system of government and the process for forming a government
4 Credits
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Level 2
10337 Unit Describe the legal rights and personal responsibilities of secondary school students
3 Credits
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10338 Unit Describe and compare methods of dispute resolution in the legal system
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3 Credits
10339 Unit Describe causes and apply resolution processes to neighbourhood disputes
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2 Credits
10340 Unit Describe the application of law to discrimination
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2 Credits
10342 Unit Describe the application of law to wills and intestacy
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2 Credits
10343 Unit Describe the legal consequences of living in rented accommodation
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2 Credits
10346 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of principles and operation of law in relation to the environment
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2 Credits
10348 Unit Describe the changing status of women in the law in New Zealand
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2 Credits
27836 Unit Explain concepts of democracy and government in a New Zealand context
4 Credits
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27839 Unit Explain concepts of justice
4 Credits
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27842 Unit Explain concepts of law
4 Credits
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27845 Unit Explain litigation and dispute resolution processes
4 Credits
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27848 Unit Explain a law making process
4 Credits
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27851 Unit Explain systems for the formation of central government in a New Zealand context
4 Credits
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8543 Unit Describe the role of law and its relationship with New Zealand society
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2 Credits
8544 Unit Describe how laws are made and changed in New Zealand
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4 Credits
8545 Unit Describe factors contributing to, and consequences of, crime
3 Credits
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8546 Unit Describe the New Zealand judicial system
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2 Credits
8547 Unit Describe the role, and operation of the Youth Justice System
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3 Credits
8550 Unit Describe the role and application of family law in New Zealand
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3 Credits
8551 Unit Describe the application of New Zealand law to personal relationships
3 Credits
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8552 Unit Describe legal and non-legal consequences and protections relating to family violence and child abuse
3 Credits
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8554 Unit Describe elements and remedies for breach of a contract
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2 Credits
8555 Unit Describe the objectives and evaluate the application of consumer law
3 Credits
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8556 Unit Identify legal and financial implications of buying a house
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2 Credits
Level 3
10341 Unit Describe and evaluate the legal relationship between the state and the individual
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4 Credits
10344 Unit Describe and evaluate a law reform
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3 Credits
10345 Unit Compare legal systems and their ability to accommodate differences
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3 Credits
10347 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of the development of the New Zealand legal system
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5 Credits
10349 Unit Describe and evaluate criminal and civil court processes, and systems of justice
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4 Credits
10351 Unit Describe and evaluate the New Zealand criminal justice system
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4 Credits
10352 Unit Describe and evaluate the application of law to technological change
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3 Credits
23699 Unit Describe and apply civil law to specific situations
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4 Credits
27837 Unit Evaluate a concept of democracy and government in relation to restraint on state power
4 Credits
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27840 Unit Evaluate a concept of justice in relation to an actual situation
4 Credits
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27843 Unit Evaluate a concept of law in relation to an actual situation
4 Credits
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27846 Unit Evaluate litigation and dispute resolution processes in relation to challenging state power
4 Credits
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27849 Unit Evaluate a law making process in relation to a significant legal issue
4 Credits
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27852 Unit Evaluate systems of government and their formation
4 Credits
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32360 Unit Evaluate key concepts of New Zealand's legal system from pre-European practices to current practices
4 Credits
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Level 4
10350 Unit Describe, and evaluate an aspect of, the NZ legal system in terms of achieving just outcomes
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits