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Your search found 9 Unit Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Accommodation Services

14454 Service guest rooms for a commercial hospitality establishment 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (102KB)
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14455 Service guest room toilet and bathroom areas for a commercial hospitality establishment 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (101KB)
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14456 Service guest kitchen areas for a commercial hospitality establishment 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (101KB)
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14457 Strip beds and make beds for a commercial hospitality establishment 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (83KB) (102KB)
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14458 Sort, launder, and finish laundry items in a commercial hospitality establishment 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (104KB)
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14459 Maintain accommodation service supplies in a commercial hospitality establishment 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (112KB) (102KB)
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14461 Service guest laundry areas in a commercial hospitality establishment 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (83KB) (100KB)
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22337 Service public areas in a commercial hospitality environment 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (102KB)
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27930 Clean and service a room in a hotel 25 credits Internal
Unit standard (87KB) (102KB)
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