Domain - Arboriculture

Domain - Arboriculture

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Level 2

Describe the New Zealand arboriculture industry

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Version 6

2763 Unit Standard 3 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to describe: the history and development of the arboriculture industry; the structure and governance of arboriculture organisations important to arborists and the New Zealand arboriculture industry; and important issues that affect arborists and the arboriculture industry in New Zealand.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Assist with general arboriculture duties

Word  PDF

Version 2

29658 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to assist to set up a site for arboriculture work under close supervision, carry out general ground-based arboriculture on-site duties under close supervision, and work safely around other people and machinery on an arboriculture site.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 52 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Level 3

Identify trees used in arboriculture
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 6 This unit standard was replaced by unit standard 31188 and unit standard 31190.

17150 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe the characteristics, site adaptations and uses of trees; identify, collect, label and present a range of trees used in arboriculture; and identify, either in situ or ex situ, a range of common trees, excluding previously collected or uniquely photographed specimens.

Standard-setting body:

Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Demonstrate knowledge of hazards and safety requirements for tree work near electrical supply lines

Word  PDF

Version 7

17151 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of hazards involved and safety requirements for tree work near electrical lines and equipment.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Use climbing equipment for arboriculture
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 5 This unit standard and unit standard 2767 were replaced by unit standard 31185.

17256 Unit Standard 3 Credits

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This unit standard is for trainees and arborists wanting to extend their skills in climbing. People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of lines and other climbing equipment, and use knots and lines for aerial arboriculture work.

Standard-setting body:

Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Describe safety and process requirements, and fell and limb trees in arboriculture under supervision

Word  PDF

Version 7

17257 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe safety and process requirements for felling and limbing trees; discuss and assess felling task in consultation with the supervisor; fell trees under supervision; and limb felled trees.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Use a brush chipper and stump grinder
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 3 This unit standard has been replaced by unit standard 25399 and unit standard 25401.

17260 Unit Standard 4 Credits

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This unit standard is for people wishing to extend their range of skills in an arboriculture situation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: operate and maintain a brush chipper, and operate and maintain a stump grinder.

Standard-setting body:

Primary Industry Training Organisation - Horticulture

Carry out groundperson's duties in an arboriculture situation

Word  PDF

Version 6

17261 Unit Standard 4 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: secure a site for arboriculture work; support aerial crew members; and carry out general ground duties.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Prepare to use, use, and remove a brushwood chipper

Word  PDF

Version 4 This unit standard and unit standard 25401 replaced unit standard 17260.

25399 Unit Standard 3 Credits

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This unit standard is for people working in an amenity or arboriculture context. People credited with this unit standard are able to: prepare to use a brushwood chipper; use a brushwood chipper; and remove brushwood chipper from the site.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Prepare to use, use, and remove a stump grinder in an arboriculture situation

Word  PDF

Version 2

25401 Unit Standard 3 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: prepare to use; use; and remove a stump grinder from site; in an arboriculture situation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Maintain amenity trees and shrubs
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 8 This unit standard and unit standard 2768 were replaced by unit standard 31184 and unit standard 31187.

2766 Unit Standard 8 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: control weeds and ground cover under amenity trees and shrubs; describe irrigation systems and irrigate newly planted trees and shrubs; demonstrate knowledge of the application of fertilisers and soil amendments to trees and shrubs; inspect and maintain tree protection systems; identify and maintain formative pruning equipment; describe the principles and importance of pruning and training; formative prune young amenity trees and shrubs to prescribed form; and train young amenity trees and shrubs.

Standard-setting body:

Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Prune young trees and shrubs in arboriculture situations
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 8 This unit standard and unit standard 2766 were replaced by unit standard 31184 and unit standard 31187.

2768 Unit Standard 4 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to identify the form and features to be emphasised in the tree, and prune young trees and shrubs under 10 metres.

Standard-setting body:

Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Assess a site for amenity trees
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 5 This unit standard and unit standard 2819 have been replaced by unit standard 25404.

2770 Unit Standard 8 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify site specific soil factors likely to limit tree selection, growth or survival; identify site specific climatic factors likely to limit tree selection, growth or survival; identify other factors likely to limit tree selection, growth or survival; prepare a site survey summary; and identify and select species suited to specific sites.

Standard-setting body:

Primary Industry Training Organisation - Horticulture

Transplant amenity trees and shrubs manually

Word  PDF

Version 7

2772 Unit Standard 4 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify trees and shrubs and conditions suitable for transplanting; prepare transplanting hole for trees and shrubs; and transplant trees and shrubs manually.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Select and layout trees for treed landscapes
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 5 This unit standard and unit standard 2770 have been replaced by unit standard 25404.

2819 Unit Standard 4 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to undertake preliminary site survey, and select species and plan location of trees.

Standard-setting body:

Primary Industry Training Organisation - Horticulture

Plant trees in arboriculture situations

Word  PDF

Version 3

31183 Unit Standard 2 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: prepare hole for planting trees and fill; plant trees manually in their final site; and demonstrate knowledge of tree protection systems.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of pruning trees and shrubs in arboriculture situations

Word  PDF

Version 3 This unit standard and unit standard 31187 replaced unit standard 2766 and unit standard 2768.

31184 Unit Standard 3 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of the principles and importance of pruning and training, and how pruning enhances tree form.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of Codes of Practice and guidelines for arboriculture

Word  PDF

Version 3

31186 Unit Standard 2 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of Codes of Practice and guidelines for arboriculture.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Prune young amenity trees and shrubs from the ground and above ground in arboriculture situations

Word  PDF

Version 3 This unit standard and unit standard 31184 replaced unit standard 2766 and 2768.

31187 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: prune young amenity trees and shrubs from the ground to a prescribed form; and prune young amenity trees and shrubs under 10 metres while aloft.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of basic plant nomenclature, and identify trees used in arboriculture

Word  PDF

Version 3 This unit standard and unit standard 31190 replaced unit standard 17150.

31188 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: use correct botanical nomenclature for naming trees; identify tree leaves using a leaf key; identify, photograph or press, label and present trees commonly found in New Zealand arboriculture situations; and verbally communicate the botanical names of trees commonly found in New Zealand arboriculture situations.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Level 4

Use advanced felling techniques in arboriculture, and describe methods to handle windthrown trees

Word  PDF

Version 6

17258 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of advanced felling techniques; directionally fell trees using advanced felling techniques; and describe methods to handle windthrown trees and safety requirements.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Operate an elevated platform vehicle for arboriculture

Word  PDF

Version 4

17259 Unit Standard 4 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: prepare an elevated platform vehicle (EPV) for an arboriculture site; and use an EPV for arboriculture works.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Describe the requirements and process of transplanting large trees using specialist equipment, and post planting care

Word  PDF

Version 4

25405 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to describe: the procedures required for transplanting trees; the process and requirements of transplanting large trees using specialist equipment; and post-transplant care.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Undertake sectional felling in arboriculture tree work

Word  PDF

Version 4 This unit standard replaced unit standard 2822.

25406 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: select equipment and techniques for sectional felling and identify hazards; use climbing equipment to ascend and descend trees with a clear trunk or stem of at least 10 meters; use sectional felling techniques that do not require the use of rigging equipment; use sectional felling techniques that require the use of basic rigging equipment; leave the site clean and tidy; and describe and carry out a pole rescue above 10 metres in an arboriculture situation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Climb a well branched tree
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 8 This unit standard and unit standard 17256 were replaced by unit standard 31185.

2767 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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This unit standard is for people in the arboriculture industry wanting to acquire skills in climbing and basic aerial rescues. People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify and check the equipment required for climbing and the suitability of conditions; inspect tree and site for hazards; climb tree using a ladder; climb tree using climbing lines and harness; and undertake a one person aerial rescue.

Standard-setting body:

Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Demonstrate knowledge of amenity tree health problems

Word  PDF

Version 9

2773 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe trees'' natural responses to pests, disease causing organisms, disorder causing factors, and stress; and demonstrate knowledge of: common amenity tree diseases, pests and disorders; common non-disease causing fungi associated with trees; and quarantine legislation for pest and disease control for amenity trees.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Climb difficult trees, branch walk and undertake aerial rescue above 15 metres in arboriculture situations

Word  PDF

Version 8

2774 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: use a throw ball and line to set climbing lines above 10 metres; use climbing lines and harness to ascend and descend mature trees; install and use false crotches; set climbing lines for branch walking; branch walk; climb difficult trees with trunks or stems over 10 metres; undertake an aerial rescue above 15 metres in an arboriculture situation; and demonstrate knowledge of medical emergencies a tree climber could encounter and first aid response.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Prune semi mature and mature amenity trees in arboriculture situations

Word  PDF

Version 10

2775 Unit Standard 12 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify the tree form and features to be emphasised; and prune semi mature and mature amenity trees with hand tools and a chainsaw.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Use amenity tree evaluation methods and describe timber markets
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 6 This unit standard was replaced by unit standard 32780.

2776 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe the uses and importance of trees in the landscape and tree evaluation criteria; demonstrate knowledge of STEM used in New Zealand; and describe timber markets in New Zealand.

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Transplant large trees using specialist equipment
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 5 This unit standard has been replaced by unit standard 25405.

2818 Unit Standard 7 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of procedures required to manage transplanting; transplant trees using specialist equipment; and provide post-transplant care.

Standard-setting body:

Primary Industry Training Organisation - Horticulture

Undertake sectional felling in tree work
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 5 This unit standard has been replaced by unit standard 25406.

2822 Unit Standard 7 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to select equipment for sectional felling, and use techniques and procedures suitable for sectional felling.

Standard-setting body:

Primary Industry Training Organisation - Horticulture

Demonstrate knowledge of climbing equipment, climb a tree and undertake one-person aerial rescue

Word  PDF

Version 3 This unit standard replaced unit standard 2767 and unit standard 17256.

31185 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of climbing equipment; prepare to use knots for aerial arboriculture work; inspect tree and site for hazards and take appropriate action; identify and check equipment required before ascending, and select an appropriate tree climbing method; climb up and descend tree using climbing ropes and harness undertake a one-person aerial rescue in an arboriculture situation; and, describe the use of, and use, a ladder.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Conduct visual tree assessments in arboriculture situations

Word  PDF

Version 3

31189 Unit Standard 3 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify symptoms of mechanical defects in a tree that requires further inspection; and demonstrate knowledge of stress distribution and shape optimisation in trees.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Identify and present trees found in New Zealand arboriculture situations

Word  PDF

Version 3 This unit standard and unit standard 31188 replaced unit standard 17150.

31190 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify, photograph or press, label, and present trees commonly found in New Zealand arboriculture situations; and verbally communicate the botanical names of trees commonly found in New Zealand.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of tree biology, and impacts of arboriculture maintenance activities on tree biology

Word  PDF

Version 1

32382 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of: tree anatomy and morphology; and tree growth processes and life cycles; and the impacts of tree maintenance activities.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Level 5

Carry out an arboriculture tree inspection

Word  PDF

Version 5

17262 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: assess a tree for hazards it presents; assess a tree for vigour and vitality in comparison with trees in a similar situation; assess a tree for features, positive contributions, and negative impacts; and identify and specify tree maintenance requirements.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Describe tree support systems, and their installation and maintenance in arboriculture situations

Word  PDF

Version 2

25400 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to describe: tree support systems, hardware, and support materials and their application in arboriculture situations; the process of installing a cable support system for trees and its application in arboriculture situations; the use and placement of rod bracing and propping systems and their application in arboriculture situations; and inspection and maintenance cycles for tree support systems in arboriculture situations.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate advanced tree climbing for arborists, and undertake a simulated aerial rescue

Word  PDF

Version 2

25402 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: tie, dress and use knots and friction hitches for tree climbing; install, use, and compare anchor points and hardware; use the static rope ascending system to safely ascend to at least 15 metres and descend safely to the ground; undertake a simulated aerial rescue in an arboriculture situation where the casualty is on a static rope ascending system; describe and use work positioning single rope techniques (SRT) to ascend a tree; describe, demonstrate, install and use a retrievable redirect system; and undertake an aerial rescue in a simulated arboriculture situation using the counterweight method.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Calculate, plan, and use advanced rigging, and describe speed line system installation in arboriculture tree work

Word  PDF

Version 4

25403 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: calculate and plan a tree rigging job; select rigging system equipment and prepare for use under load; tie, dress and use knots for sectional rigging; use rigging systems to lower timber sections; and describe installation of speed line systems to lower sections of timber.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Evaluate a site for amenity trees, select trees, and prepare a planting plan

Word  PDF

Version 2

25404 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of soil properties, pests and diseases likely to limit amenity tree selection, growth or survival, and measures to restore soil properties on a site; evaluate weather and climatic factors likely to limit amenity tree selection, growth or survival; evaluate factors other than climate that are likely to limit amenity tree selection, growth or survival; identify amenity tree species suited to different sites, and amenity tree species that could enhance a planting site; undertake a preliminary site analysis for a specific site; and select amenity tree species and prepare a planting plan for a specific site.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Describe the application of law to arboriculture in New Zealand

Word  PDF

Version 8

2769 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to describe: the objectives, principles and provisions of the Resource Management Act 1991 and its application to arboriculture; employment law in New Zealand and how it applies to arborists; the purpose of the Accident Compensation Corporation in relation to arboriculture; the application of law to tree protection in New Zealand; the application of law and bylaws to working with trees; and contract law in New Zealand, and the application of standard clauses in arboriculture contracts.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Manage the development, conservation, and the use of woodlots
This standard has expired and is no longer available.

Version 6 This unit standard was replaced by unit standard 32781.

2820 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: define the scope and application of woodlots; identify suitable woodlot sites and plan for their use; and implement woodlot development.

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Plan and manage complex tree work

Word  PDF

Version 6

2821 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: assess tree work required; develop a plan and quote for completion of the required work; and manage completion of the work.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Monitor and manage site works to protect established trees on construction sites

Word  PDF

Version 1

32750 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to monitor and manage site works to protect established trees on construction sites.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Describe hazards of machine assisted tree felling, and fell trees using machine assistance for arboriculture work

Word  PDF

Version 1

32751 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe the use of, and associated hazards associated with using, a machine to push trees to assist tree felling; describe the use of, and associated hazards associated with using, a winch or winch equipped machine to back-pull trees for tree felling; prepare for tree felling where machine assistance is required; and fell trees using machine assistance.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Prepare for and undertake arboriculture work with cranes, and apply risk management and hazard control

Word  PDF

Version 1

32752 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: apply risk management and hazard control when preparing to work with cranes in arboriculture work; and prepare for and undertake arboriculture work with cranes.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Describe amenity tree evaluation criteria and apply the Standard Tree Evaluation Method

Word  PDF

Version 1 This unit standard replaced unit standard 2776.

32780 Unit Standard 4 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe the uses and importance of trees in the landscape and tree evaluation system criteria; describe and apply Standard Tree Evaluation Method (STEM) to carry out tree evaluations.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of the development and use of woodlots, and timber markets in New Zealand

Word  PDF

Version 1 This unit standard replaced unit standard 2820.

32781 Unit Standard 4 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe the characteristics and functions of woodlots; identify suitable woodlot sites and plan for their use; describe woodlot development; and describe timber markets in New Zealand.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Identify a range of conifers, exotic trees and native trees, and research and evaluate trees found in arboriculture

Word  PDF

Version 1

32859 Unit Standard 6 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify a range of trees commonly found in New Zealand arboriculture; verbally communicate the botanical names of trees; and research a range of trees found in New Zealand locations and evaluate their suitability for locations

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 32 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Data as at 2024-07-26 23:01:06.887