Domain - Hauora - W?hanga Ako

Domain - Hauora - W?hanga Ako

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Assessment Standards

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Level 1
Contains Maori components 91684 Achievement Te whakam?rama i te whakatau k?whiringa hei oranga m? te tangata
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits Internal
Contains Maori components 91685 Achievement Te whakaatu i ng? tikanga tuku iho o te kai taketake
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits Internal
Contains Maori components 91686 Achievement Te whakam?rama i te p?nga mai o ng? take kai ki te oranga o te tangata
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits Internal
Contains Maori components 91687 Achievement Te whakaahua i te p?nga o te whakamahi hangarau ki te hauora o te tangata
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits Internal
Contains Maori components 91688 Achievement Te whakaatu m?ramatanga ki te ao kori m? te whai w?hi atu
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
3 Credits Internal
Contains Maori components 91689 Achievement Te whakam?rama i te p?nga mai o t?tahi kaupapa tiaki taiao o te w? ki te hauora o te tangata
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits Internal
92056 Achievement Te tautohu i ng? ?huatanga matua o te tuakiri me te hononga ki te oranga
5 Credits Internal
Word  PDF
92057 Achievement Te whakaputa whakaaro m? te whaihua o t?tahi mahere hei whakaea i t?tahi wh?inga whaiaro
5 Credits Internal
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92058 Achievement Te tautohu i ng? ?huatanga matua o te kaitiakitanga me te hononga ki te oranga
5 Credits External
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92059 Achievement Te tautohu i ng? ?huatanga matua o te whanaungatanga me te hononga ki te oranga
5 Credits External
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Level 2
Contains Maori components 91790 Achievement Te whakaahua i t?tahi ?huatanga matatika me te p?nga ki te hunga taiohi
4 Credits Internal
Word  PDF
Contains Maori components 91791 Achievement Te whakaatu m?ramatanga ki ng? kai taketake me te p?nga ki te oranga tangata
4 Credits Internal
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Contains Maori components 91792 Achievement Te arotake i t?tahi kaupapa tiaki taiao i runga i te tirohanga M?ori
5 Credits Internal
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Contains Maori components 91793 Achievement Te whakaatu m?ramatanga ki te p?nga o te whakawhanaungatanga ki te oranga tangata
4 Credits Internal
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Contains Maori components 91794 Achievement Te t?tari i te p?nga o ng? uara o te porihanga ki te oranga o te tangata
4 Credits Internal
Word  PDF
Contains Maori components 92394 Achievement Te t?hura i te manawaroa me te p?nga ki te oranga
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
6 Credits Internal
Contains Maori components 92395 Achievement Te t?hura i te kaupapa hauora M?ori me te p?nga ki te oranga
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits External
Contains Maori components 92396 Achievement Te arotake i t?tahi kaupapa tiaki taiao me te p?nga ki te oranga
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits External
Contains Maori components 92397 Achievement Te t?hura i ng? tikanga hohou i te rongo me te p?nga ki te oranga
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
6 Credits Internal
Level 3
Contains Maori components 91811 Achievement Te ?ta t?tari i te hiranga o te kai taketake ki te oranga o ng? iwi taketake
3 Credits Internal
Word  PDF
Contains Maori components 91812 Achievement Te arotake rautaki e tutuki pai ai ng? hiahia ahurea o te iwi i roto i ng? mahi koiri
5 Credits Internal
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Contains Maori components 91813 Achievement Te whakarite i t?tahi kaupapa tiaki taiao i runga an? i t? te M?ori titiro
3 Credits Internal
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Contains Maori components 91814 Achievement Te t?hura i ng? rongo? taiao hei whakaora i te tangata
3 Credits Internal
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Contains Maori components 91815 Achievement Te ?ta t?tari i ng? ?huatanga o te taukumekume hei para huarahi e pai ake ai ng? hononga t?ngata
5 Credits Internal
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Contains Maori components 91816 Achievement Te ?ta t?tari i te p?nga mai o te tuakiri ki te oranga tangata
4 Credits Internal
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