Domain - Snowsport Instruction and Facilitation

Domain - Snowsport Instruction and Facilitation

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Level 3
18990 Unit Demonstrate techniques for instructing a group of children in beginner snowsport
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
8 Credits
21746 Unit Demonstrate communication and customer service skills for snowsport instruction
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
5 Credits
21747 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of the policy and procedures of a snowschool
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
2 Credits
4587 Unit Instruct beginner snowsport
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
6 Credits
4590 Unit Demonstrate adaptive snowsport instruction for people with disabilities
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
5 Credits
Level 4
21752 Unit Understand teaching and learning styles, and develop own teaching style for snowsport instruction
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
3 Credits
30224 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of learning processes and environments, and teaching styles for introductory snowsport instruction
10 Credits
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30225 Unit Operate professionally in a snowschool instruction role
10 Credits
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30226 Unit Plan and instruct beginner snowsport lessons for groups
25 Credits
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30227 Unit Instruct up to and including advanced wedge turns on skis on green terrain
10 Credits
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30228 Unit Instruct up to and including linked skidded turns on snowboards on green terrain
10 Credits
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30229 Unit Instruct up to and including linked beginner turns on telemark skis on green terrain
10 Credits
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30351 Unit Demonstrate personal skiing competence to enable safe and effective snowsport instruction
5 Credits
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30352 Unit Demonstrate personal snowboarding competence to enable safe and effective snowsport instruction
5 Credits
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30353 Unit Demonstrate personal telemark skiing competence to enable safe and effective snowsport instruction
5 Credits
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32356 Unit Demonstrate personal cross-country skiing competence to enable safe and effective snowsport instruction
5 Credits
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32357 Unit Instruct beginner classic and skate technique on cross-country skis on groomed green terrain
10 Credits
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4588 Unit Instruct intermediate snowsport
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
10 Credits
Level 5
18991 Unit Demonstrate advanced techniques for instructing groups of children of different ages in snowsport
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
10 Credits
18992 Unit Apply advanced teaching and group management skills when instructing snowsport
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
10 Credits
21748 Unit Instruct intermediate pipe and park snowsport
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
8 Credits
21753 Unit Supervise and manage the operation of a snowschool
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
20 Credits
30230 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of techniques and theory for intermediate snowsport instruction
10 Credits
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30231 Unit Integrate knowledge of snowsport instruction, safety, and customer service to provide intermediate snowsport instruction
30 Credits
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30232 Unit Reflect on own learning experience in an alternative snowsport discipline to inform own instruction practice
5 Credits
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30233 Unit Instruct intermediate ski lessons in a snowschool
10 Credits
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30234 Unit Instruct intermediate snowboard lessons in a snowschool
10 Credits
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30235 Unit Instruct intermediate telemark ski lessons in a snowschool
10 Credits
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30354 Unit Demonstrate high personal skiing competence to enable safe and effective intermediate snowsport instruction
5 Credits
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30355 Unit Demonstrate high personal snowboarding competence to enable safe and effective intermediate snowsport instruction
5 Credits
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30356 Unit Demonstrate high personal telemark skiing competence to enable safe and effective intermediate snowsport instruction
5 Credits
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32358 Unit Demonstrate personal cross-country skiing competence to enable safe and effective intermediate snowsport instruction
5 Credits
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32359 Unit Instruct intermediate cross-country ski lessons in a snowschool
10 Credits
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4589 Unit Instruct advanced snowsport
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
15 Credits