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Your search found 15 Unit Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Pest Control
Pest Monitoring
Plant Pest, Weed, and Disease Control
Urban Pest Management

21560 Explain agrichemical use for primary sector applications 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (112KB) (69KB)
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21563 Describe hazard classification systems, and the safe and responsible use of agrichemicals 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (100KB) (117KB)
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27207 Describe and carry out monitoring of plant pests and diseases 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (121KB) (112KB)
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27208 Identify and describe plant pests, diseases, and disorders, and methods of prevention and control 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (91KB) (112KB)
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27210 Identify and describe weeds, and methods of prevention and control 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (114KB) (72KB)
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27216 Prepare to apply and apply agrichemicals using motorised equipment 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (92KB) (111KB)
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27217 Describe key features, principles and benefits of integrated pest management in the primary sector 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (79KB) (101KB)
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29335 Describe rural pest animals, monitoring and control operations in New Zealand 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (91KB) (104KB)
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29336 Describe impacts of rural pest animals on the environment, and benefits of rural pest animal control operations 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (30KB) (113KB)
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29337 Prepare for, and use toxins to control rural pest animals 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (118KB)
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29338 Prepare and use traps to control rural pest animals 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (119KB)
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29538 Describe the impacts of pest plants, and benefits and impacts of pest plant control operations 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (111KB)
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29827 Demonstrate knowledge of agrichemicals, and safety when using agrichemicals 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (107KB)
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30081 Describe, prepare for, and carry out, rural pest animal population survey monitoring 15 credits Internal
Unit standard (89KB) (120KB)
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32386 Navigate a transect line in good visibility and poor visibility using a map and GPS for pest control operations 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (100KB) (126KB)
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