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Your search found 8 Unit Standards and 4 Achievement Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Te Ao Haka

91984 Te Ao Haka Reflect on a personal learning journey in a discipline of Te Ao Haka 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2023 (235KB) (108KB)
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91985 Te Ao Haka Perform three categories within a discipline of Te Ao Haka 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2023 (248KB) (118KB)
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91986 Te Ao Haka Perform two Te Ao Haka disciplines 5 credits External
Achievement standard 2023 (237KB) (100KB)
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91987 Te Ao Haka Demonstrate understanding of a key role within Te Ao Haka 5 credits External
Achievement standard 2023 (239KB) (110KB)
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15020 Perform whakaraka 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (109KB) (124KB)
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22757 Demonstrate knowledge of influencing factors in the historical development of Māori performing arts 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (199KB) (123KB)
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32955 Perform a Māori performing arts bracket with expression 15 credits Internal
Unit standard (170KB) (91KB)
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32969 Research haka wahine 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (135KB) (119KB)
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32971 Research haka 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (133KB) (92KB)
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32972 Research mōteatea 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (167KB) (91KB)
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32973 Research poi 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (134KB) (91KB)
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32974 Research waiata ā-ringa 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (168KB) (93KB)
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