Education Organisation's details

Education Organisation's details

SPI Institute Ltd - South Pacific Islands Institute Limited (Frankton)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Sub-field consents to assess

Supported Learning (to level 1)

Domain consents to assess

Standard consents to assess

Apparel Cutting and Sewing

5302 Cut single ply material by shears in the clothing industry (level 2) View details »

4838 Demonstrate knowledge of clothing materials in the clothing industry (level 2) View details »

2846 Demonstrate knowledge of industrial apparel cutting and sewing (level 2) View details »

4839 Demonstrate knowledge of sewing room quality requirements (level 2) View details »

5305 Lay up fabrics by hand in the clothing industry (level 2) View details »

20342 Thread and operate an industrial lockstitch sewing machine in a learning environment (level 2) View details »

20343 Thread and operate an industrial overlock sewing machine in a learning environment (level 2) View details »

Beauty Therapy

29599 Demonstrate knowledge of human body structure and systems for beauty therapy services (level 4) View details »

27172 Perform a manicure service (level 4) View details »

27173 Perform a pedicure service (level 4) View details »

27175 Perform complimentary nail services (level 4) View details »

Civil Defence Operation

528 Demonstrate survival techniques for a Civil Defence emergency (level 2) View details »

Computer Support

29784 Troubleshoot, fix and escalate simple or routine hardware, software and connectivity problems (level 2) View details »

Core Electrical

32616 Apply knowledge of common cords, cables, and electrical fittings (level 4) View details »

15848 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of safeguards for use with portable electrical appliances (level 2) View details »

32615 Demonstrate cable handling and fixing techniques, pre-wire electrical circuits, and join and test TPS cables (level 4) View details »

32605 Demonstrate knowledge for working safely in the electrical industry (level 3) View details »

32626 Demonstrate knowledge of capacitors, inductors, and electronics in the electrical trade (level 3) View details »

32613 Demonstrate knowledge of cords, cables, and cable installation (level 3) View details »

32625 Demonstrate knowledge of damp situations, SELV and PELV systems, and single-phase transformers (level 3) View details »

32614 Demonstrate knowledge of electrical faults, circuit protection, de-commissioning, and commissioning (level 3) View details »

32620 Demonstrate knowledge of electrical plans, switching circuits, and lighting systems (level 3) View details »

750 Demonstrate knowledge of electrical test instruments and take measurements (level 2) View details »

32611 Demonstrate knowledge of magnetism and AC generation (level 3) View details »

32609 Demonstrate knowledge of mathematical principles, conductors and insulators (level 3) View details »

32622 Demonstrate knowledge of the national supply grid, MEN system, and earthing (level 3) View details »

32606 Demonstrate knowledge of tools, fittings, and plans in the electrical industry (level 3) View details »

32610 Demonstrate knowledge of voltage, power and energy, and DC circuits (level 3) View details »

32621 Demonstrate knowledge of wiring support systems and cable installation (level 3) View details »

1174 Disconnect and reconnect fixed wired electrical appliances or equipment (level 3) View details »

29479 Draw and explain electrical diagrams (level 3) View details »

1178 Follow safe practices in an electrical workplace (level 2) View details »

15852 Isolate and test low-voltage electrical subcircuits (level 2) View details »

30657 Isolate low-voltage electrical subcircuits and perform basic checks and tests to confirm isolation (level 2) View details »

32617 Select and use instruments for testing, fault finding, and repairing basic appliances (level 4) View details »

Early Childhood: Educational Theory and Practice

10019 Describe and contribute to safe practices and a safe environment for mokopuna/children in an early childhood setting (level 3) View details »

Early Childhood: Professional Practice

29879 Describe societal influences, practices and legislative requirements that support child protection in an ECE service (level 4) View details »

29880 Describe the roles and responsibilities, administration and reporting requirements, and funding for an ECE service (level 4) View details »

Electrical Installation and Maintenance

29481 Apply knowledge of lighting installation, testing, repair, and disposal (level 3) View details »

29474 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of electrical fittings and components and their installation (level 3) View details »

29471 Demonstrate knowledge of electric switchboards and lighting and power circuits (level 3) View details »

Electrical Standards and Statutes

32619 Demonstrate fundamental knowledge for working in electrical trades (level 3) View details »

32612 Demonstrate knowledge of legislation, industry governance bodies and AS/NZS 3000 for the electrical industry (level 3) View details »

English Language

28062 Participate in a formal interview in English language (level 3) View details »

30999 Read and understand moderately complex English language written texts (level 4) View details »

28070 Write a response for a specific purpose in English language (level 3) View details »

First Aid

6400 Manage first aid in an emergency situation (level 3) View details »

6402 Provide basic life support (level 2) View details »

6401 Provide first aid (level 2) View details »

Fitness Assessment and Exercise Instruction

22772 Demonstrate knowledge of exercise, choreography, motivation, and the structure of group exercise classes (level 4) View details »

21794 Demonstrate, instruct, and monitor stretching (level 2) View details »

505 Manage personal physical fitness with guidance (level 1) View details »

Generic Computing

29782 Demonstrate knowledge of computing hardware, software and terminology to select digital tools for specified purposes (level 2) View details »

29770 Use the main features and functions of a spreadsheet application for a purpose (level 2) View details »

Health Education

91236 Evaluate factors that influence people's ability to manage change (level 2) View details »

Human Anatomy, Physiology and Nutrition

6571 Demonstrate knowledge of micro and macro nutrients and nutritional imbalances (level 3) View details »

30636 Demonstrate knowledge of the human body and its movement during exercise and stretching (level 3) View details »

Interpersonal Communications

1299 Be assertive in a range of specified situations (level 2) View details »

1294 Be interviewed in a formal interview (level 2) View details »

1293 Be interviewed in an informal, one-to-one, face-to-face interview (level 1) View details »

9677 Communicate in a team or group which has an objective (level 2) View details »

33019 Communicate in an organisation (level 2) View details »

1304 Communicate with people from other cultures (level 3) View details »

9681 Contribute within a team or group which has an objective (level 3) View details »

9694 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of communication process theory (level 3) View details »

11097 Listen actively to gain information in an interactive situation (level 3) View details »

10791 Participate in a meeting (level 2) View details »

Occupational Health and Safety Practice

497 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements (level 1) View details »

Recreation and Sport - Coaching and Instruction

31675 Demonstrate knowledge of the role and responsibilities of a coach, and of coaching beginner-level sport participants (level 3) View details »

22771 Plan beginner-level coaching sessions for sport participants (level 3) View details »

Recreation and Sport - Core Skills

21649 Demonstrate knowledge of basic anatomy to the performance of a complex sport skill (level 2) View details »

27299 Describe benefits of participation in recreation in the local community (level 2) View details »

18763 Describe the process of community development as a participant (level 2) View details »

Retail and Distribution Core Skills

28298 Demonstrate knowledge of cash handling in a retail environment (level 2) View details »

Salon Skills

33232 Apply knowledge of health and safety requirements in the salon environment (level 3) View details »

21938 Converse and interact with clients and operators in a salon environment (level 2) View details »

25437 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of personal responsibility and money matters in the salon environment (level 3) View details »

28843 Demonstrate knowledge of personal health and hygiene, and self-styling, for working in a salon (level 3) View details »

28845 Demonstrate safe and professional practice in the salon environment (level 3) View details »

33231 Provide salon support in a commercial environment (level 3) View details »


7127 Make an informed choice in deciding on a major goods or service purchase (level 3) View details »

Service Delivery

11818 Demonstrate and apply product or service knowledge in a service delivery workplace (level 3) View details »

376 Employ customer service techniques to accommodate customer behavioural styles in a workplace (level 3) View details »

62 Maintain personal presentation and a positive attitude in a workplace involving customer contact (level 2) View details »

57 Provide customer service (level 2) View details »

Social and Cooperative Skills

12356 Demonstrate knowledge of consumer problems and ways to resolve them (level 3) View details »

7126 Respond to negative feedback in one-to-one situations (level 3) View details »

Tikanga Concepts

27108 Describe the protocols and roles associated with pōwhiri (level 1) View details »

27106 Describe whakapapa using terms associated within a family structure (level 1) View details »

Work and Study Skills

377 Demonstrate knowledge of diversity in workplaces (level 2) View details »

56 Respond orally to customer enquiries (level 1) View details »