Education Organisation's details

Education Organisation's details

Te Kotahitanga E Mahi Kaha Trust (Kaikohe)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Domain consents to assess

Accounting - Generic (to level 2)

Business Administration Services (to level 2)

Business Information Processing (to level 2)

Empowering People with Disabilities (to level 2)

English for Speakers of Other Languages (to level 2)

English Language (to level 2)

Financial Capability (to level 3)

Generic Computing (to level 2)

Interpersonal Communications (to level 3)

Introductory Communication Skills (to level 2)

K?rero (to level 2)

Measurement (to level 1)

Merchandising and Marketing (to level 2)

Number (to level 2)

Occupational Health and Safety Practice (to level 1)

P?nui (to level 2)

Personal Financial Management (to level 3)

Reading (to level 2)

Reo Autaia (to level 4)

Reo T??papa (to level 4)

Reo Tumu (to level 4)

Reo Waenga (to level 4)

Retail and Distribution Core Skills (to level 2)

Retail and Distribution Management (to level 2)

Sales (to level 2)

Sales Transactions (to level 2)

Self-Management (to level 2)

Selling Skills (to level 2)

Service Sector - Core Skills (to level 2)

Service Sector Skills (to level 2)

Social and Cooperative Skills (to level 2)

Software Development - Multimedia (to level 2)

Stock Control (to level 2)

Tuhituhi (to level 2)

Whakarongo (to level 2)

Wholesale (to level 2)

Work and Study Skills (to level 2)

Writing (to level 1)

Standard consents to assess

Business Administration Services

26768 Use computerised accounting system software to produce financial information (level 3) View details »

Civil Defence Operation

528 Demonstrate survival techniques for a Civil Defence emergency (level 2) View details »

Computer Support

29798 Troubleshoot, fix and escalate a range of common hardware and software problems (level 3) View details »

29784 Troubleshoot, fix and escalate simple or routine hardware, software and connectivity problems (level 2) View details »

English Language

28062 Participate in a formal interview in English language (level 3) View details »

30999 Read and understand moderately complex English language written texts (level 4) View details »

28070 Write a response for a specific purpose in English language (level 3) View details »

Environmental Tourism M?ori

17791 Explain kaitiaki practices in a tourism context (level 3) View details »

31071 Identify and explain the cultural significance of natural and man-made attractions in tourism M?ori (level 3) View details »

Health Education

91236 Evaluate factors that influence people's ability to manage change (level 2) View details »

Making Music

91271 Compose two substantial pieces of music (level 2) View details »

91270 Perform two substantial pieces of music as a featured soloist (level 2) View details »

Occupational Health and Safety Practice

30266 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety culture and practices (level 3) View details »

17600 Explain safe work practices for working at heights (level 3) View details »


7127 Make an informed choice in deciding on a major goods or service purchase (level 3) View details »

Service Delivery

62 Maintain personal presentation and a positive attitude in a workplace involving customer contact (level 2) View details »

57 Provide customer service (level 2) View details »

378 Provide customer service for international visitors (level 3) View details »

Social and Cooperative Skills

12356 Demonstrate knowledge of consumer problems and ways to resolve them (level 3) View details »

Tikanga Concepts

16041 Explain the place of p?r?kau or pakiwaitara in M?ori history (level 3) View details »

Tourism M?ori Practices

17385 Compare and contrast cultural practices in tourism and the impact of tourism on M?ori (level 3) View details »

17391 Demonstrate knowledge of key forms of M?ori communication, and the significance of M?ori identity in tourism M?ori (level 3) View details »

17784 Discuss, examine and recite appropriate karakia in tourism M?ori (level 3) View details »

31070 Explain the importance of M?ori place names, and use reo M?ori greetings and farewells in tourism (level 3) View details »

17578 Explain the value and benefits of wh?nau in tourism M?ori (level 3) View details »

17786 Explain tikanga in tourism M?ori (level 3) View details »

Visitor Services

23759 Provide customer service experiences in a tourism workplace (level 3) View details »


24871 Complete complex forms (level 2) View details »

10792 Write formal personal correspondence (level 2) View details »