Domain - Core Health

Domain - Core Health

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TOP > Community and Social Services > Health, Disability, and Aged Support > Core Health


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Level 2
27140 Unit Describe continence, incontinence, interventions, and required reporting in an aged care, health, or disability context
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
8 Credits
Level 3
23374 Unit Describe autism and support strategies to assist a person with autism
3 Credits
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27457 Unit Describe the anatomy and physiology of systems and associated organs of the human body
6 Credits
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27460 Unit Describe a person's nutritional requirements and feeding issues in a health or wellbeing setting
3 Credits
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27461 Unit Describe indicators of wellness, interventions, care, and support for people at different lifespan stages
5 Credits
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27462 Unit Describe the impact of, and manage, a client's chronic illness as a health assistant
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
3 Credits
28520 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of specific conditions and their impacts when providing support in a health or wellbeing setting
9 Credits
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28547 Unit Support a person with diabetes in a health or wellbeing setting
3 Credits
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28550 Unit Support a person with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in a health or wellbeing setting
3 Credits
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28737 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of pressure injuries and pressure area care, and preventive care
4 Credits
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Level 4
12700 Unit Describe the human cardiovascular system
3 Credits
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12706 Unit Describe the human digestive system
2 Credits
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12713 Unit Describe the human integumentary system
1 Credits
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12719 Unit Describe the human musculoskeletal system
2 Credits
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12722 Unit Describe the human nervous system
5 Credits
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12728 Unit Describe the human respiratory system
3 Credits
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12730 Unit Describe the special senses of the human body
4 Credits
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12731 Unit Describe the human urinary system
2 Credits
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14785 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of diseases and disorders in the human body
9 Credits
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40488 Skill Perform foot care procedures
15 Credits
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40489 Skill Demonstrate safe foot care practice
5 Credits
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40490 Skill Operate within scope of practice of a foot care assistant
5 Credits
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