Domain - Seafood Generic

Domain - Seafood Generic

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TOP > Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Seafood > Seafood Generic


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Assessment Standards

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Level 2
20309 Unit Describe M?ori terminology and concepts relevant to a marine or freshwater activity
2 Credits
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20935 Unit Describe the Quota Management System in New Zealand
5 Credits
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23835 Unit Describe the operation, workplace chain of command and structure of a seafood company
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
3 Credits
Level 3
20310 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of, and use, a chemical in a seafood operation
5 Credits
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21983 Unit Supervise the labelling of seafood product
5 Credits
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23687 Unit Describe permits and registrations, and prepare and submit application forms for a seafood company
5 Credits
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23688 Unit Describe the returns required by New Zealand seafood legislation, and prepare and report returns
5 Credits
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23836 Unit Describe the process of allocating and transferring Annual Catch Entitlement
5 Credits
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Level 4
21978 Unit Describe and carry out development, implementation and maintenance of a documented system in a seafood operation
10 Credits
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21979 Unit Describe and carry out an audit of a documented system in a seafood operation
10 Credits
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23651 Unit Provide an overview of the New Zealand seafood industry
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
5 Credits
23689 Unit Provide an overview of governance and management in a New Zealand seafood organisation
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
12 Credits
23837 Unit Describe the requirements for fishing permit holders and for Annual Catch Entitlement
10 Credits
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24087 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of conversion factors used in the seafood industry
10 Credits
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31658 Unit Describe legislative compliance of work routines, and implement and monitor work routines in a seafood operation
10 Credits
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32937 Unit Describe fisheries sustainability and management under the Fisheries Act 1996
10 Credits
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Level 5
21984 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of labelling requirements, and design labels, for seafood product
10 Credits
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