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Your search found 7 Achievement Standards under the following subjects:

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Art History

91180 Art History Examine the effects of formal elements of art works 4 credits External
Examination paper 2023 (599KB)
Resource booklet 2023 (6057KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Excellence (784KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Merit (671KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Achievement (658KB)
Examination paper 2022 (719KB)
Resource booklet 2022 (6133KB)
Exemplar answer script 2018 (12332KB)
Exemplar answer script 2017 (9625KB)
Examination paper 2021 (616KB)
Resource booklet 2021 (6557KB)
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91181 Art History Examine the meanings conveyed by art works 4 credits External
Examination paper 2023 (607KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Excellence (3108KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Merit (500KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Achievement (3010KB)
Examination paper 2022 (712KB)
Exemplar answer script 2018 (4856KB)
Exemplar answer script 2017 (8499KB)
Examination paper 2021 (611KB)
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91182 Art History Examine the influence of context(s) on art works 4 credits External
Examination paper 2023 (610KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Excellence (889KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Merit (717KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Achievement (2167KB)
Examination paper 2022 (735KB)
Exemplar answer script 2020 (12634KB)
Exemplar answer script 2017 (7215KB)
Examination paper 2021 (618KB)
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91183 Art History Examine how media are used to create effects in art works 4 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See Te Kete Ipurangi website
91184 Art History Communicate understanding of an art history topic 4 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See Te Kete Ipurangi website
91185 Art History Communicate a considered personal response to art works 4 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See Te Kete Ipurangi website
91186 Art History Demonstrate understanding of art works in relation to their physical environments 4 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See Te Kete Ipurangi website

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