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Your search found 37 Unit Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Animal Product Examination
Animal Product Examination - Generic
Animal Product Examination - Species Specific
Boning Operations
Fellmongery and Hide Processing
Fellmongery Processing
Fellmongery Processing Knowledge
Fellmongery Processing Skills
Meat Industry - Cooked Meat Products
Meat Industry - Freezers and Chillers
Meat Industry - Further Processing
Meat Industry - Packaging
Meat Industry - Rendering
Meat Industry Generic
Meat Manufacturing
Meat Quality
Meat Retail Butchery
Meat Retailing
Pre and Post Slaughter and Dressing
Primary Products Food Processing - Core Skills
Primary Products Food Processing - Operational Skills
Primary Sector Core Skills
Slaughter and Dressing

3116 Prepare raw meat products and operate a meat preserving machine in a meat processing operation 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (125KB) (75KB)
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6995 Produce hand crafted meat-based sausages for sale 18 credits Internal
Unit standard (147KB) (83KB)
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6997 Produce trays of wrapped and labelled meat suitable for display and sale 16 credits Internal
Unit standard (150KB) (84KB)
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16496 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of non-conforming product and procedures for processing and removal 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (68KB)
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17234 Demonstrate knowledge of livestock development and slaughter 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (146KB) (82KB)
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17236 Demonstrate knowledge of storage and refrigeration of meat in the retail meat industry 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (208KB) (81KB)
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17237 Describe the purpose and methods for adding value to meat products for retail sale 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (203KB) (78KB)
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17238 Demonstrate knowledge of nutritional values and cooking methods for meat products 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (145KB) (81KB)
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17239 Explain the purpose and application of legislation governing the retail meat industry 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (87KB) (84KB)
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18522 Prepare casings in a meat processing operation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (121KB) (76KB)
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18527 Prepare manufactured meat product formulations 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (83KB) (66KB)
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18531 Demonstrate knowledge of and apply processes to sort and classify meat for by-products in a meat processing operation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (87KB) (72KB)
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18812 Batch meat for by-products in a meat processing operation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (89KB) (71KB)
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19342 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of fermentation and maturation of manufactured meat products in meat processing 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (89KB) (70KB)
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19343 Demonstrate knowledge of curing manufactured meat products in a meat processing operation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (123KB) (74KB)
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20226 Operate a meat processing skinning machine 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (114KB) (68KB)
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20234 Demonstrate knowledge of risk management programmes for an animal product processing operation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (68KB)
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20639 Extract animal foetal blood in a meat processing operation 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (89KB) (72KB)
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20641 Operate a suspended splitting saw in a meat processing operation 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (118KB) (69KB)
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20642 Supply, inspect and maintain skids and gambrels in a meat processing operation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (87KB) (70KB)
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20644 Demonstrate knowledge of the Animal Welfare Act in a primary industry operation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (155KB) (91KB)
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21159 Pre-trim carcasses in a meat processing operation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (95KB) (69KB)
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21161 Use retain rail equipment in a meat processing operation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (71KB)
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21623 Describe halal slaughter requirements in a meat processing operation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (119KB) (108KB)
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22047 Demonstrate knowledge of the poultry industry as it applies to poultry meat examination 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (128KB) (97KB)
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25926 Describe Shariah in the production and certification of halal food and food products 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (127KB) (123KB)
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25927 Describe halal slaughter process and prepare, slaughter, and process an animal to meet halal processing requirements 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (121KB) (120KB)
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26282 Produce rolled poultry meat products for sale 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (143KB) (80KB)
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28183 Remove non-viscera by-products from carcasses in a meat processing operation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (111KB) (65KB)
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28234 Trim meat products in a meat processing operation 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (115KB) (68KB)
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30044 Select, use and maintain hand knives used in the retail meat industry 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (32KB) (68KB)
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30046 Apply food safety, contamination, and control procedures in a retail meat operation 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (153KB) (85KB)
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30047 Select and mince meat in a retail meat operation 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (33KB) (77KB)
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30049 Select and slice meat by machine in a retail meat operation 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (143KB) (78KB)
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30052 Measure, calculate, and weigh for the retail meat trade 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (145KB) (79KB)
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30054 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of meat cuts and stock control in a retail meat operation 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (141KB) (77KB)
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30296 Demonstrate understanding of post-mortem examination of rabbit products used for human consumption 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (150KB) (80KB)
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