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Your search found 5 Achievement Standards under the following subjects:

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Classical Studies

91200 Classical Studies Examine ideas and values of the classical world 4 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (32KB) (62KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (38KB) (63KB)
Achievement standard 2015 (38KB) (63KB)
Achievement standard 2012 (67KB) (66KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (339KB)
Examination paper 2023 (635KB)
Examination paper 2022 (682KB)
Exemplar answer script 2017 (14875KB)
Exemplar answer script 2016 (13347KB)
Exemplar answer script 2015 (31453KB)
Examination paper 2021 (559KB)
Assessment report 2023 (396KB)
Assessment schedule 2023 (125KB)
Assessment report 2022 (166KB)
Assessment schedule 2022 (57KB)
Assessment schedule 2021 (70KB)
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91201 Classical Studies Examine the significance of features of work(s) of art in the classical world 4 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (34KB) (69KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (41KB) (70KB)
Achievement standard 2015 (41KB) (70KB)
Achievement standard 2012 (72KB) (71KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (339KB)
Examination paper 2023 (653KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Excellence (640KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Merit (695KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Achievement (529KB)
Examination paper 2022 (823KB)
Exemplar answer script 2022 (2676KB)
Exemplar answer script 2017 (12655KB)
Examination paper 2021 (597KB)
Assessment report 2023 (396KB)
Assessment schedule 2023 (126KB)
Assessment report 2022 (166KB)
Assessment schedule 2022 (58KB)
Assessment schedule 2021 (71KB)
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91202 Classical Studies Demonstrate understanding of a significant event in the classical world 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (31KB) (63KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (37KB) (64KB)
Achievement standard 2015 (13KB) (66KB)
Achievement standard 2012 (69KB) (65KB)
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91203 Classical Studies Examine socio-political life in the classical world 6 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (30KB) (61KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (36KB) (62KB)
Achievement standard 2015 (36KB) (62KB)
Achievement standard 2012 (69KB) (66KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (339KB)
Examination paper 2023 (636KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Excellence (4052KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Merit (2133KB)
Exemplar answer script 2023 - Achievement (6501KB)
Examination paper 2022 (684KB)
Exemplar answer script 2017 (11585KB)
Exemplar answer script 2016 (2558KB)
Examination paper 2021 (576KB)
Assessment report 2023 (396KB)
Assessment schedule 2023 (126KB)
Assessment report 2022 (166KB)
Assessment schedule 2022 (60KB)
Assessment schedule 2021 (87KB)
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91204 Classical Studies Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between aspects of the classical world and aspects of other cultures 6 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (32KB) (66KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (38KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2015 (38KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2012 (70KB) (66KB)
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