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Search results

Your search found 26 Unit Standards, and 4 Achievement Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

English for Speakers of Other Languages
English Language
English Oral Language
English Visual Language
English Written Language
Interpersonal Communications
Introductory Communication Skills

91924 English Demonstrate understanding of how context shapes verbal language use 5 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See website
91925 English Demonstrate understanding of specific aspects of studied text 5 credits Internal
This standard is internally assessed. See website
91926 English Develop ideas in writing using stylistic and written conventions 5 credits External
No files available
91927 English Demonstrate understanding of significant aspects of unfamiliar texts 5 credits External
No files available
1285 Make enquiries and complete practical transactions face-to-face and by telephone 2 credits Internal
No files available
1293 Be interviewed in an informal, one-to-one, face-to-face interview 2 credits Internal
No files available
3483 Fill in a form 2 credits Internal
No files available
3490 Complete an incident report 2 credits Internal
No files available
3501 Demonstrate knowledge of and apply listening techniques 2 credits Internal
No files available
3503 Communicate in a team or group to complete a routine task 2 credits Internal
No files available
9707 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace communication requirements 3 credits Internal
No files available
27996 Write a simple text on an everyday topic in English language 5 credits Internal
No files available
27997 Write a simple text for a practical everyday purpose in English language 5 credits Internal
No files available
27998 Complete a simple form with personal information in English language 5 credits Internal
No files available
30978 Listen to and understand basic English language spoken texts in common everyday situations 10 credits Internal
No files available
30979 Listen to and understand simple English language spoken texts in everyday situations 10 credits Internal
No files available
30983 Listen to and understand basic English language spoken instructions in common everyday situations 5 credits Internal
No files available
30984 Listen to and understand simple English language spoken instructions in everyday situations 5 credits Internal
No files available
30993 Read and understand basic English language words and phrases in a common everyday written text 5 credits Internal
No files available
30994 Read and understand a simple English language written text in an everyday context 5 credits Internal
No files available
31000 Read and understand basic English language written information for common everyday practical purposes 10 credits Internal
No files available
31001 Read and understand a simple English language written text for an everyday practical purpose 5 credits Internal
No files available
31005 Read and understand a range of simple English language written texts independently 5 credits Internal
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31012 Participate in basic everyday spoken interactions in English language 10 credits Internal
No files available
31013 Participate in simple everyday spoken interactions in English language 10 credits Internal
No files available
31024 Present basic information on an everyday personal topic in English language 5 credits Internal
No files available
31025 Present simple information on an everyday familiar topic in English language 5 credits Internal
No files available
31030 Write phrases and simple sentences on a personal topic in English language 5 credits Internal
No files available
31036 Complete a basic form with personal information in English language 5 credits Internal
No files available
31041 Write a basic text for a practical purpose related to personal need in English language 5 credits Internal
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