Education Organisation's details

Education Organisation's details

Te Pou Oranga o Whakatohea Limited (Opotiki)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Sub-field consents to assess

Hospitality (to level 1)

Seafood (to level 2)

Domain consents to assess

Standard consents to assess

Agricultural Vehicles and Machinery

31914 Attach and detach a power take off driven 3 point linkage mounted implement to a basic tractor under close supervision (level 2) View details »

19044 Demonstrate knowledge of the legal requirements and hazards associated with tractor use (level 2) View details »

31913 Operate a basic tractor on flat terrain under close supervision (level 2) View details »

27604 Operate a tractor with an attached implement on rolling terrain under limited supervision (level 3) View details »

Amenity Horticulture

29663 Care for trees and shrubs (level 2) View details »

21027 Plant and maintain displays of bedding plants (level 2) View details »


18490 Count and classify mortalities on a fin fish farm (level 3) View details »

16340 Demonstrate knowledge of the biology of the New Zealand Greenshell mussel (level 3) View details »

17254 Outline the abalone (pāua) farming industry in New Zealand (level 2) View details »

Business Administration Services

1986 Apply calculations, analyse and interpret data, and produce information for an organisation (level 4) View details »

21866 Demonstrate and apply knowledge to provide medical administration services (level 4) View details »

32348 Maintain administrative systems and processes and recommend improvements to meet business needs (level 4) View details »

29030 Process comprehensive data and perform detailed financial calculations to produce business information (level 4) View details »

21867 Process medical records and related information using a computerised patient database (level 4) View details »

29029 Provide administrative services using business applications and technological devices (level 4) View details »

Business Information Processing

32003 Create and customise business documents (level 3) View details »

117 Write shorthand at 80 words per minute (wpm) and transcribe to produce required information (level 3) View details »

Civil Defence Operation

528 Demonstrate survival techniques for a Civil Defence emergency (level 2) View details »

Computer Support

29798 Troubleshoot, fix and escalate a range of common hardware and software problems (level 3) View details »

29784 Troubleshoot, fix and escalate simple or routine hardware, software and connectivity problems (level 2) View details »


24525 Perform food costing calculations in a commercial hospitality environment (level 3) View details »

English Language

28062 Participate in a formal interview in English language (level 3) View details »

31014 Participate in a straightforward spoken interaction on a familiar topic in English language (level 2) View details »

31002 Read and understand a straightforward English language written text for a routine practical purpose (level 2) View details »

30995 Read and understand a straightforward English language written text on a familiar topic (level 2) View details »

30999 Read and understand moderately complex English language written texts (level 4) View details »

28070 Write a response for a specific purpose in English language (level 3) View details »

27999 Write a simple connected text on a familiar topic in English language (level 2) View details »

First Aid

6400 Manage first aid in an emergency situation (level 3) View details »

6402 Provide basic life support (level 2) View details »

6401 Provide first aid (level 2) View details »

25459 Provide first aid for young children (level 2) View details »

Food and Beverage Service

27959 Prepare for food service in a quick service restaurant (level 3) View details »

27934 Provide food service in a quick service restaurant (level 3) View details »

Forest Foundation Skills

22994 Demonstrate knowledge of factors that affect the performance of forestry workers (level 3) View details »

Forest Operations

17772 Demonstrate knowledge of environmental requirements in forestry operations (level 3) View details »

24575 Demonstrate knowledge of factors that affect the quality of commercial forestry operations (level 3) View details »

6916 Demonstrate knowledge of the rules relating to chainsaw use (level 2) View details »

1221 Explain and interpret job prescriptions for forestry operations (level 3) View details »

43 Maintain a chainsaw (level 3) View details »

Forest Operations Advanced

1224 Use prescription maps for forestry operations (level 4) View details »

Fruit Production

792 Build and maintain a covering structure for a fruit crop (level 3) View details »

791 Build and maintain support structures for fruit crops (level 3) View details »

21218 Operate and maintain powered orchard machinery (level 3) View details »

31927 Prepare and operate a hydraulic ladder for fruit harvesting (level 3) View details »

General Agriculture

19139 Gather and record information from a rain gauge, thermometer, and barometer; or weather station (level 1) View details »

Guest Services

27931 Provide portering services in a hotel (level 3) View details »


15986 Demonstrate knowledge of tikanga in relation to rongoā rākau (level 2) View details »

Health Education

91236 Evaluate factors that influence people's ability to manage change (level 2) View details »

Hospitality - Foundation Skills

19771 Prepare, cook and present seafood in the hospitality industry (level 2) View details »

Interpersonal Communications

11101 Collaborate within a team which has an objective (level 4) View details »

1304 Communicate with people from other cultures (level 3) View details »

1307 Speak to a known audience in a predictable situation (level 3) View details »

Mana Whakairo

2571 Appreciate mana whenua for a whakairo context through te reo (level 3) View details »

2572 Demonstrate formal welcome to manuhiri through te reo (level 4) View details »

2563 Explain mana whenua to demonstrate cultural awareness in whakairo (level 4) View details »

2559 Observe tikanga and kawa practice to demonstrate cultural awareness in whakairo (level 4) View details »

2574 Use and explain kupu whakairo (level 4) View details »

Māori Environmental Management

6151 Carry out mahi rangahau with guidance in relation to a local Māori resource management issue (level 4) View details »

6138 Explain the role of whakataukī in relation to how Māori manage te taiao (level 1) View details »

Māori Environmental Practices

6143 Carry out a local kaitiakitanga activity with direction (level 3) View details »

15990 Demonstrate knowledge of a native bird and its significance to Māori (level 1) View details »

15983 Demonstrate knowledge of kai preservation (level 1) View details »

15985 Demonstrate knowledge of the use of rākau Māori (level 1) View details »

15988 Demonstrate knowledge of tikanga for the preparation of mahinga kai (level 1) View details »

6139 Describe aroha in relation to the way Māori interact with te taiao (level 1) View details »

6137 Describe tapu, noa, and mana in relation to the way Māori interact with te taiao (level 1) View details »

19670 Describe the role of, and interactions between atua Māori in te taiao (level 1) View details »

6141 Describe whanaungatanga in relation to how Māori interact and take care of te taiao (level 2) View details »

6142 Explain kaitiakitanga in relation to the way Māori interact with te taiao (level 3) View details »

15991 Explain the importance of one native insect to Māori in a local context (level 1) View details »

15987 Explain tikanga Māori for the use of rākau Māori in clothing, whare, waka and implements (level 2) View details »

6148 Explain tino rangatiratanga in relation to the way Māori interact with te taiao (level 4) View details »

19671 Identify and describe a Māori view of te taiao (level 1) View details »

15976 Identify and explain te taiao occurrences in a local context using pūrākau and waiata (level 1) View details »

6147 Identify and explain the different views Māori and Pākehā have in relation to te taiao (level 3) View details »

Non Commercial Forestry Skills

6917 Demonstrate basic chainsaw operation in a non-forestry production environment (level 2) View details »

Nursery Production

27707 Describe plant propagation by budding, grafting, tissue culture and layering (level 2) View details »

27708 Describe sexual and asexual plant propagation and propagation methods (level 2) View details »

20555 Describe, prepare and use soil-less growing media (level 3) View details »

Occupational Health and Safety Practice

497 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements (level 1) View details »

Plant Pest, Weed, and Disease Control

21556 Control weeds under supervision (level 2) View details »

21563 Describe hazard classification systems, and the safe and responsible use of agrichemicals (level 3) View details »

21560 Explain agrichemical use for primary sector applications (level 3) View details »

27208 Identify and describe plant pests, diseases, and disorders, and methods of prevention and control (level 3) View details »

27210 Identify and describe weeds, and methods of prevention and control (level 3) View details »

27213 Identify and interpret agrichemical product information, and describe safety procedures when working with agrichemicals (level 2) View details »

27215 Prepare to apply and apply agrichemicals using hand held equipment (level 2) View details »

21561 Use, maintain, and store agrichemical personal protective equipment (level 2) View details »

Primary Products Food Processing - Core Skills

28630 Apply hygiene and food safety procedures to own work area in a primary products food processing operation (level 3) View details »

28633 Demonstrate knowledge of cleaning and sanitation in a primary products food processing operation (level 3) View details »

Primary Sector Core Skills

31656 Demonstrate knowledge of safe work practices in a primary industry operation (level 2) View details »

22174 Demonstrate knowledge of soils and fertilisers (level 2) View details »

19138 Describe weather, climate and micro-climate characteristics, and interpret weather maps for a primary industry operation (level 2) View details »

28931 Interact with internal customers in a primary industry operation (level 3) View details »

2803 Maintain a documented work record for a primary industry operation (level 2) View details »

4 Maintain hand tools and service small engines used in a primary industry operation (level 2) View details »

28650 Work in a team to achieve designated tasks in a primary industry operation (level 3) View details »

Production Horticulture

29823 Carry out canopy maintenance of trees or vines (level 3) View details »

30073 Carry out manual thinning of tree or vine crops (level 3) View details »

829 Demonstrate knowledge of plant nomenclature (level 2) View details »

29829 Demonstrate knowledge of plant structure, functions and processes (level 3) View details »

22175 Describe soil properties and their effect on plant growth (level 3) View details »

23355 Grade horticultural produce to pre-determined criteria (level 3) View details »

29833 Grade produce to pre-determined standards using a computerised system (level 3) View details »

29499 Identify a range of plants by botanical and common name, and their basic features (level 2) View details »

29502 Plant out by hand (level 2) View details »

1 Prepare and sow outdoor seedbeds manually (level 1) View details »

22186 Prepare equipment, and harvest a horticulture crop by hand (level 3) View details »

29844 Stack and store produce in a coolstore or other storage facility, clean surroundings and document cleaning schedule (level 3) View details »

831 Train and prune vine crops (level 3) View details »

Sales Transactions

28295 Demonstrate knowledge of serving customers in a retail environment (level 2) View details »

Seafood Generic

20310 Demonstrate knowledge of, and use, a chemical in a seafood operation (level 3) View details »

Seafood Processing

6212 Demonstrate knowledge of contamination, and clean and sanitise a seafood operation (level 3) View details »

31493 Demonstrate knowledge of handling practices, and produce seafood product fit for its intended purpose (level 3) View details »

25948 Demonstrate knowledge of packing, and pack, seafood product (level 3) View details »

15653 Demonstrate knowledge of, and complete, an individual system monitoring in a seafood operation (level 3) View details »

25946 Describe contamination, cleaning and sanitation in a seafood operation (level 3) View details »

25947 Describe microbial contamination, and cleaning and sanitation verification, in a seafood operation (level 3) View details »

Seafood Retailing

17076 Clean and maintain a live shellfish display or holding system (level 3) View details »

Seafood Vessel Operations

19877 Describe protection of the marine environment during seafood vessel operations (level 3) View details »

19847 Describe the reduction of incidental marine mammal capture during commercial fishing (level 3) View details »

19846 Describe the reduction of incidental seabird capture during commercial fishing (level 3) View details »


548 Demonstrate knowledge of the effects of alcohol and other drugs on self (level 1) View details »

12352 Describe aspects of one's own whakapapa, heritage, and cultural identity (level 2) View details »

7127 Make an informed choice in deciding on a major goods or service purchase (level 3) View details »

496 Produce, implement, and reflect on a plan to improve own personal wellbeing/hauora (level 1) View details »

Service Delivery

27927 Apply health, safety and security practices to a work role in a service delivery workplace (level 3) View details »

28145 Interact with customers in a service delivery context (level 2) View details »

62 Maintain personal presentation and a positive attitude in a workplace involving customer contact (level 2) View details »

57 Provide customer service (level 2) View details »

378 Provide customer service for international visitors (level 3) View details »

Social and Cooperative Skills

12356 Demonstrate knowledge of consumer problems and ways to resolve them (level 3) View details »

Te Whakamahi Whenua

19535 Demonstrate knowledge of a native freshwater fish and a shellfish species and its significance to Māori (level 1) View details »

19531 Demonstrate knowledge of a native marine fish and a native marine shellfish species and its significance to Māori (level 1) View details »

15994 Demonstrate knowledge of native freshwater and native marine plant species used for kai (level 2) View details »

15980 Demonstrate knowledge of te whānau marama (level 2) View details »

15982 Demonstrate knowledge of tikanga Māori for rākau Māori used for kai (level 2) View details »

15975 Demonstrate knowledge of traditional Māori ways of managing insect pests and plant diseases (level 2) View details »

15992 Explain harvesting and processing of native freshwater and native marine fish or shellfish species for kai (level 2) View details »

6145 Explain mahinga kai in relation to the way Māori connect to, and use taonga of, the taiao (level 3) View details »

6146 Plan, carry out and evaluate a local mahinga kai activity (level 3) View details »

Toi Whakairo

2594 Employ drawing techniques to create toi Māori (level 2) View details »

2595 Employ paint techniques to create toi whakairo (level 3) View details »

2596 Employ tukutuku techniques to create toi whakairo (level 3) View details »

2580 Explain design elements used to generate Toi Māori design (level 2) View details »

2581 Explain design principles used to generate two-dimensional Māori design (level 4) View details »

2583 Explain pattern conventions used to generate whakairo design (level 4) View details »

2597 Maintain quality of materials and tools used to create whakairo (level 3) View details »

2598 Manipulate material surfaces to create whakairo (level 4) View details »

Vegetable Production

1793 Store vegetable crops (level 2) View details »

Visitor Information

18819 Operate systems and processes in a visitor information centre (level 4) View details »

28289 Provide client services in a visitor information centre (level 4) View details »

Visitor Services

30627 Demonstrate knowledge of and present the natural features of Aotearoa New Zealand to visitors (level 4) View details »

12410 Demonstrate knowledge of the principles and practice of ecological tourism management (level 4) View details »

26428 Develop a policy, procedure, or system for a tourism workplace (level 4) View details »

28285 Explain and apply the practices and principles of sustainable tourism management (level 4) View details »

18365 Manage health and safety in a tourism workplace (level 4) View details »

26426 Perform an internal legislative compliance audit of a tourism workplace (level 4) View details »

5562 Present the characteristics of Aotearoa New Zealand as a visitor destination (level 4) View details »

Wāhi Tapu

6140 Explain Māori hekenga and whakanohonoho (level 3) View details »

6144 Explain wāhi tapu in relation to how Māori manage the environment (level 3) View details »

Whakaraupapa Whakairo

2575 Maintain occupational health and safety of the individual producing whakairo (level 3) View details »

2579 Observe conservation practices for environmental resources used in whakairo (level 4) View details »

Work and Study Skills

10780 Complete a work experience placement (level 2) View details »

4253 Demonstrate knowledge of job search skills (level 2) View details »

10781 Produce a plan for own future directions (level 2) View details »


24871 Complete complex forms (level 2) View details »

3491 Write a report (level 3) View details »

10792 Write formal personal correspondence (level 2) View details »

1279 Write in plain English (level 3) View details »