Domain - Riding for the Disabled

Domain - Riding for the Disabled

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Level 3
26498 Unit Develop a session plan for a Riding for the Disabled session for a rider
5 Credits
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30165 Unit Describe and apply health and safety requirements for Riding for the Disabled sessions
5 Credits
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30166 Unit Describe Riding for the Disabled rider programmes and determine rider suitability for a programme
2 Credits
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30167 Unit Describe rider impairments and health conditions, and support needs in a Riding for the Disabled session
10 Credits
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30168 Unit Describe and fit special or adaptive equipment to the horse in preparation for a Riding for the Disabled session
5 Credits
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30169 Unit Describe and conduct a therapeutic Riding for the Disabled session for a rider
6 Credits
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30170 Unit Review a Riding for the Disabled session and maintain rider records
2 Credits
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30171 Unit Demonstrate and supervise sidewalking and leading within a Riding for the Disabled session
6 Credits
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30172 Unit Plan for, and supervise riders to mount and dismount in a Riding for the Disabled session
7 Credits
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32152 Unit Describe and apply communication techniques for riders in a Riding for the Disabled session
4 Credits
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Level 4
17041 Unit Select and train horses for Riding for the Disabled purposes, and manage stress in RDA horses
10 Credits
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26497 Unit Plan a Riding for the Disabled therapy programme for a rider, and evaluate and amend the programme
10 Credits
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26500 Unit Plan a series of RDA sessions for a group of riders in either an educational or sport and recreation programme
12 Credits
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26504 Unit Prepare for, conduct, and review a series of Riding for the Disabled sessions for a group of riders
10 Credits
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30173 Unit Describe, and assist a therapist with, a new rider evaluation for a Riding for the Disabled therapy programme
3 Credits
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30174 Unit Demonstrate professional and ethical behaviour as a Riding for the Disabled coach
8 Credits
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30175 Unit Describe, apply, and review effectiveness of, an inclusive and positive learning approach when coaching RDA riders
6 Credits
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30176 Unit Describe and implement strategies for managing rider behaviour in a Riding for the Disabled context
8 Credits
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30177 Unit Describe leadership and professional development as a Riding for the Disabled coach
8 Credits
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30178 Unit Manage the routine care and health of a group of mixed age therapeutic riding horses used for RDA purposes
10 Credits
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