Education Organisation's details

Education Organisation's details

Land Based Training Limited (Wanganui)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Sub-field consents to assess

Domain consents to assess

Agribusiness Management (to level 6)

Amenity Horticulture (to level 3)

Animal Product Examination (to level 4)

Basic Residential Property Maintenance (to level 2)

Boning Operations (to level 4)

Building, Construction, and Allied Trades Skills (to level 2)

Business Information Processing (to level 2)

Carpentry Theory (to level 2)

Commercial Road Transport Skills (to level 4)

Concrete Core Skills (to level 2)

Construction Health and Safety, and Injury Prevention (to level 5)

Core Driving Knowledge and Skills (to level 2)

Driver Educator (to level 5)

Driver Licence Classes (to level 4)

Driver Licence Endorsements (to level 3)

Engineering - Fabrication (to level 2)

Engineering - Materials (to level 2)

Engineering - Measurement (to level 2)

Engineering Core Skills (to level 2)

Engineering Drawing and Design (to level 2)

English for Speakers of Other Languages (to level 1)

English Language (to level 1)

Equine Care (to level 3)

Financial Capability (to level 3)

Forest Establishment (to level 2)

Forest Foundation Skills (to level 2)

Forest Operations (to level 2)

Forest Silvicultural Operations (to level 2)

Forestry Knowledge (to level 2)

Generic Computing (to level 2)

Goods Service (to level 4)

Horticulture Production Management (to level 4)

Interpersonal Communications (to level 2)

Introductory Communication Skills (to level 1)

Mathematical Processes (to level 1)

Mathematical Studies (to level 1)

Meat Industry - Rendering (to level 3)

Meat Industry Generic (to level 3)

Meat Manufacturing (to level 4)

Meat Processing - Core Skills (to level 3)

Meat Quality (to level 4)

Mechanical Engineering Technology (to level 1)

Non Commercial Forestry Skills (to level 3)

Number (to level 1)

Nursery Production (to level 3)

Passenger Service (to level 4)

Personal Financial Management (to level 3)

Pest Control (to level 4)

Pre and Post Slaughter and Dressing (to level 4)

Primary Products Food Processing - Core Skills (to level 4)

Primary Products Food Processing - Operational Skills (to level 4)

Production Horticulture (to level 4)

Reading (to level 1)

Self-Management (to level 2)

Service Sector - Core Skills (to level 2)

Social and Cooperative Skills (to level 2)

Specialist Driving Knowledge and Skills (to level 4)

Transportation of Waste and Recoverable Resources (to level 4)

Wastewater Treatment (to level 4)

Water - Generic (to level 4)

Water Reticulation (to level 4)

Water Treatment (to level 4)

Wool Classing (to level 3)

Work and Study Skills (to level 2)

Writing (to level 1)

Standard consents to assess

Agricultural Contracting

6257 Operate a mounted front-end loader unit for agricultural contracting (level 3) View details »

Bitumen Surfacing Construction

13519 Operate an asphalt paving machine (level 4) View details »


13002 Demonstrate knowledge of timber use in construction (level 3) View details »

12997 Demonstrate knowledge of working safely in construction (level 3) View details »

24378 Make calculations for carpentry (level 3) View details »

22145 Store and prepare materials for use on construction sites (level 3) View details »

Carpentry Theory

12998 Demonstrate knowledge of carpentry hand tools (level 3) View details »

13000 Demonstrate knowledge of portable power tools used on construction sites (level 3) View details »

12999 Demonstrate knowledge of timber machining equipment used on construction sites (level 3) View details »

Civil Defence Operation

528 Demonstrate survival techniques for a Civil Defence emergency (level 2) View details »

Computer Support

29798 Troubleshoot, fix and escalate a range of common hardware and software problems (level 3) View details »

29784 Troubleshoot, fix and escalate simple or routine hardware, software and connectivity problems (level 2) View details »

Construction Management

14599 Produce a site specific safety plan and strategy for its implementation for a medium building (level 4) View details »

Core Driving Knowledge and Skills

3468 Apply precise control in riding a motorcycle (level 3) View details »

3466 Apply risk reduction techniques and strategies while driving (level 3) View details »

17677 Demonstrate knowledge of safe night driving (level 3) View details »

1734 Demonstrate knowledge of stress, health and fatigue for driving (level 3) View details »

17678 Drive a light motor vehicle on unsealed road surfaces (level 3) View details »

Core Plumbing, Gasfitting, and Drainlaying

30532 Demonstrate knowledge of excavating and trenching for plumbing, gasfitting, or drainlaying (level 3) View details »

30533 Position, excavate, and backfill excavations and trenches for plumbing, gasfitting, or drainlaying (level 3) View details »

Engineering - Measurement

4438 Demonstrate knowledge of fits, limits, and tolerances in engineering (level 3) View details »

Engineering Drawing and Design

29653 Manually produce third angle orthographic drawings of simple engineering objects incorporating plane geometric shapes (level 3) View details »

English Language

28062 Participate in a formal interview in English language (level 3) View details »

31014 Participate in a straightforward spoken interaction on a familiar topic in English language (level 2) View details »

31002 Read and understand a straightforward English language written text for a routine practical purpose (level 2) View details »

30995 Read and understand a straightforward English language written text on a familiar topic (level 2) View details »

30999 Read and understand moderately complex English language written texts (level 4) View details »

28070 Write a response for a specific purpose in English language (level 3) View details »

27999 Write a simple connected text on a familiar topic in English language (level 2) View details »

Equine Care

19461 Evaluate equine pasture production methods (level 4) View details »

Equine Health

1651 Demonstrate knowledge of good health, ill health, common ailments, and lameness in horses (level 3) View details »

Equine Husbandry

32121 Assist to foal a mare and provide post-foaling care for the foal (level 3) View details »

Equine Industry

29176 Communicate with internal and external clients, and seek raceday rides or drives (level 4) View details »

29173 Communicate with team members and stakeholders, and comply with employment contract obligations in an equine workplace (level 3) View details »

1658 Describe the nature and requirements of a career in the equine industry (level 2) View details »

23970 Describe the racing industry adjudicative system and processes (level 4) View details »

20523 Identify and describe a horse race venue, and attend to horses before, during, and after racing (level 3) View details »

29177 Manage personal finances for racing purposes (level 4) View details »

Equine Training

1660 Identify, catch, and prepare a horse for exercise (level 2) View details »


1618 Ride a horse for exercise (level 2) View details »

Fellmongery Processing Knowledge

18571 Describe grading systems for slipe wool and preserved skins, the production processes, and usage of slipe wool (level 4) View details »

First Aid

6400 Manage first aid in an emergency situation (level 3) View details »

6402 Provide basic life support (level 2) View details »

6401 Provide first aid (level 2) View details »

25459 Provide first aid for young children (level 2) View details »

Fitness Assessment and Exercise Instruction

505 Manage personal physical fitness with guidance (level 1) View details »

Food and Beverage Service

17285 Demonstrate knowledge of commercial espresso coffee equipment and prepare espresso beverages under supervision (level 2) View details »

14431 Demonstrate knowledge of food service styles and menu types in the hospitality industry (level 2) View details »

14440 Prepare and clear areas for counter food service for a commercial hospitality establishment (level 2) View details »

14434 Prepare and clear areas for table service for a commercial hospitality establishment (level 2) View details »

17287 Prepare and present filtered coffee for service (level 2) View details »

17286 Prepare and present pressed coffee for service (level 2) View details »

14425 Prepare and serve hot and cold non-alcoholic drinks for a commercial hospitality establishment (level 2) View details »

14436 Provide table service for a commercial hospitality establishment (level 2) View details »

Food Safety

20666 Demonstrate basic knowledge of contamination hazards and control methods used in a food business (level 2) View details »

168 Demonstrate knowledge of food contamination hazards, and control methods used in a food establishment (level 3) View details »

167 Practise food safety methods in a food business under supervision (level 2) View details »

Forest Foundation Skills

22994 Demonstrate knowledge of factors that affect the performance of forestry workers (level 3) View details »

Forest Operations

17772 Demonstrate knowledge of environmental requirements in forestry operations (level 3) View details »

43 Maintain a chainsaw (level 3) View details »

Forestry Earthworks

20474 Demonstrate knowledge of forestry earthworks job prescriptions (level 3) View details »

Generic Infrastructure Works

22290 Demonstrate knowledge of and carry out infrastructure works quality assurance requirements (level 4) View details »

22992 Prepare and maintain records for civil construction works (level 4) View details »

Generic Road Works

12569 Demonstrate knowledge of the design, construction, and maintenance of road drainage systems (level 5) View details »

Guest Services

27931 Provide portering services in a hotel (level 3) View details »

Harness Racing

23969 Gear up and drive a standardbred horse at racing workouts and trials (level 4) View details »

29232 Gear up and drive standardbred horses in trackwork, and attend to horses after trackwork (level 3) View details »

29178 Prepare, implement, and monitor a plan for the care of standardbred horses in training (level 4) View details »

Hazardous Substances and Materials

31291 Demonstrate knowledge of hazardous substances relevant to Certified Handlers (level 5) View details »

Health Education

91236 Evaluate factors that influence people's ability to manage change (level 2) View details »

Hospitality - Foundation Skills

15891 Demonstrate knowledge of commercial cutlery and crockery types, uses, and care in the hospitality industry (level 1) View details »

21059 Demonstrate knowledge of knife care, use, storage, and carrying for the hospitality industry (level 1) View details »

15918 Demonstrate knowledge of work roles in the hospitality industry (level 1) View details »

21058 Identify career pathways in the hospitality industry (level 1) View details »

15905 Serve non-alcoholic beverages to tables in the hospitality industry (level 1) View details »

Hospitality - Generic

14466 Demonstrate knowledge of maintaining a safe and secure environment for people in the hospitality industry (level 2) View details »

14469 Provide customers with information about an establishment in the hospitality industry (level 2) View details »

Hospitality - Specific Skills

16705 Demonstrate knowledge of host responsibility requirements as a duty manager of licensed premises (level 4) View details »

4645 Demonstrate knowledge of maintaining a responsible drinking environment as a server in licensed premises (level 3) View details »

4646 Demonstrate knowledge of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 and its implications for licensed premises (level 4) View details »

Industrial Rope Access

23229 Use safety harness system when working at height (level 3) View details »

15757 Use, install and disestablish temporary proprietary height safety systems when working at height (level 3) View details »

Infrastructure Civil Works

31469 Carry out non-structural concrete operations for infrastructure works (level 4) View details »

17501 Demonstrate knowledge of subgrade for infrastructure civil works (level 4) View details »

28711 Interpret civil infrastructure plans (level 4) View details »

25832 Use a nuclear density meter to measure compaction of soils, sands, or gravels (level 4) View details »

Infrastructure Works Supervision

6435 Implement notification requirements for infrastructure worksite activities (level 5) View details »

6456 Plan the supply and coordinate delivery and storage of material resources for infrastructure works projects (level 5) View details »

Infrastructure Works Utilities

31523 Install pipes for infrastructure pipelaying (level 4) View details »

20485 Provide tracking for horizontal directional drilling (level 4) View details »

Interpersonal Communications

1304 Communicate with people from other cultures (level 3) View details »

9694 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of communication process theory (level 3) View details »

9705 Give feedback on performance in the workplace (level 3) View details »

9704 Manage interpersonal conflict (level 4) View details »

Leather Processing Skills

21830 Grade wet salted processed hides (level 3) View details »

8017 Set up, operate and maintain complex tannery machinery (level 4) View details »

Meat Industry - Rendering

31948 Operate and monitor rendering equipment and associated processes (level 4) View details »

Merchandising and Marketing

420 Create window displays in a retail or distribution environment (level 3) View details »

Occupational Health and Safety Practice

497 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements (level 1) View details »

Pipeline Construction and Maintenance

25396 Demonstrate knowledge of damage avoidance, consequences of damage, and damage response for trenchless installations (level 4) View details »

27328 Install infrastructure pipelaying structures (level 4) View details »

Powered Industrial Lift Trucks

10851 Operate a powered industrial lift truck (forklift) (level 3) View details »

18409 Use a forklift mounted safety platform in the workplace (level 3) View details »


2989 Read and assess texts on a topic (level 2) View details »

25073 Read texts to recognise differing points of view on a topic (level 2) View details »

Retail and Distribution Core Skills

28298 Demonstrate knowledge of cash handling in a retail environment (level 2) View details »

Road Construction

12570 Demonstrate knowledge of the materials used in road formation (level 4) View details »

31482 Install road furniture (level 4) View details »

Road Maintenance

31487 Maintain and repair bridges (level 4) View details »

31486 Maintain and repair road furniture (level 4) View details »

31484 Use dig-out and stabilisation or modification methods for road maintenance tasks (level 4) View details »


21431 Demonstrate knowledge of specifications used for complex roadmarking (level 4) View details »

21429 Describe and manage health, safety, and environmental requirements in roadmarking (level 4) View details »

15934 Manage safety and environmental care on roadmarking sites (level 3) View details »

18050 Undertake and supervise new roadmarking work using a B-type applicator (level 4) View details »

18047 Undertake and supervise new roadmarking work using an A-type applicator (level 4) View details »


6579 Clean and maintain saddlery for horses (level 2) View details »

Sales Transactions

11831 Apply skills and qualities of a salesperson in a retail or distribution environment (level 3) View details »

28295 Demonstrate knowledge of serving customers in a retail environment (level 2) View details »


548 Demonstrate knowledge of the effects of alcohol and other drugs on self (level 1) View details »

7127 Make an informed choice in deciding on a major goods or service purchase (level 3) View details »

Service Delivery

27927 Apply health, safety and security practices to a work role in a service delivery workplace (level 3) View details »

28145 Interact with customers in a service delivery context (level 2) View details »

27928 Interact with other staff and managers, and customers to provide service delivery outcomes (level 3) View details »

62 Maintain personal presentation and a positive attitude in a workplace involving customer contact (level 2) View details »

57 Provide customer service (level 2) View details »

Social and Cooperative Skills

12356 Demonstrate knowledge of consumer problems and ways to resolve them (level 3) View details »

525 Recognise sexual harassment and describe responses (level 2) View details »

Stock Control

28500 Maintain stock in a retail or distribution facility (level 3) View details »

Thoroughbred Racing

25441 Describe and maintain optimum personal health, and apply strategies for high performance in a racing industry context (level 4) View details »

22358 Ride thoroughbred racehorses at official trials to obtain a raceday licence (level 4) View details »

1630 Ride thoroughbred racehorses at raceday (level 4) View details »

22356 Ride thoroughbred racehorses for barrier practice and jump outs, and report on the horse's performance (level 3) View details »

22357 Ride thoroughbred racehorses in fastwork as instructed by the trainer (level 3) View details »

1629 Ride thoroughbred racehorses in pacework as instructed by the trainer (level 3) View details »


33135 Demonstrate knowledge of safety and health while welding and thermal cutting (level 3) View details »

Work and Study Skills

64 Perform calculations for a specified workplace (level 1) View details »

504 Produce a CV (curriculum vitae) (level 1) View details »


24871 Complete complex forms (level 2) View details »

10792 Write formal personal correspondence (level 2) View details »

1279 Write in plain English (level 3) View details »