Domain - Raranga

Domain - Raranga

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Level 1
Contains Māori components 15977 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of tikanga Māori in relation to the production of dyes
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
2 Credits
Contains Māori components 18689 Unit Whakamārama i ngā tikanga a te Whare Pora
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits
29531 Unit Harvest and prepare harakeke and raranga konae
4 Credits
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29711 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of weaving resources and tikanga of Te Whare Pora
4 Credits
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7879 Unit Whakamahi whiri
2 Credits
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7881 Unit Create tīpare
3 Credits
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7906 Unit Harvest and prepare harakeke and raranga kono
4 Credits
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Level 2
29533 Unit Explain kete design, usage and patterns
3 Credits
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Contains Māori components 7867 Unit Explain the history of traditional kete design and usage
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
10 Credits
7869 Unit Harvest and prepare harakeke for kete whakairo
3 Credits
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7873 Unit Harvest and produce muka handles for kete
3 Credits
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Contains Māori components 7875 Unit Harvest and prepare harakeke for kete whakairo
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
3 Credits
7882 Unit Harvest and prepare harakeke and raranga kete whiri
4 Credits
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7907 Unit Harvest and prepare harakeke and raranga kete kūmara
4 Credits
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7908 Unit Harvest and prepare harakeke and raranga koronae
2 Credits
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Level 3
18691 Unit Raranga pōtae
6 Credits
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18692 Unit Raranga tāpeka
4 Credits
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18693 Unit Raranga tātua
5 Credits
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18694 Unit Complete a tukutuku panel
8 Credits
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30064 Unit Harvest and prepare kuta for kete
2 Credits
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30067 Unit Raranga Wahakura
6 Credits
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7870 Unit Harvest and prepare kiekie for kete whakairo
3 Credits
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7871 Unit Harvest and prepare pīngao for kete whakairo
3 Credits
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7872 Unit Prepare natural and synthetic dyes to dye whenu
3 Credits
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7877 Unit Raranga flat-based kete harakeke
4 Credits
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7878 Unit Raranga kete tahā/hue
4 Credits
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Contains Māori components 7880 Unit Raranga kete harakeke - whakatae
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits
Contains Māori components 7894 Unit Raranga tātua
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
4 Credits
7909 Unit Raranga kete pīkau
6 Credits
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Level 4
Contains Māori components 7868 Unit Identify traditional and contemporary kete whakairo patterns
This standard has expired and is no longer available.
10 Credits
7876 Unit Raranga kete whakairo
6 Credits
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