Education Organisation's details

Education Organisation's details

Feats Ltd (Hawera)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Sub-field consents to assess

Accounting (to level 2)

Agriculture (to level 2)

Business Administration (to level 2)

Communication Skills (to level 3)

Computing (to level 3)

Core Generic (to level 2)

Distribution (to level 2)

Driving (to level 2)

Mathematics (to level 2)

Primary Sector (to level 2)

Retail and Wholesale (to level 2)

Retail, Distribution, and Sales (to level 2)

Service Sector Skills (to level 2)

Domain consents to assess

Accounting - Generic (to level 3)

Automotive Administration (to level 2)

Automotive Electrical and Electronics (to level 2)

Automotive Fuel Systems and Exhaust (to level 2)

Automotive Preventative Maintenance (to level 2)

Automotive Preventive Maintenance (to level 2)

Automotive Transmission Systems (to level 2)

Automotive Workshop Engineering (to level 2)

Bicycle Sales and Servicing (to level 4)

Building, Construction, and Allied Trades Skills (to level 2)

Business Administration Services (to level 3)

Business Information Processing (to level 3)

Community Support Services (to level 4)

Community Support Services (to level 4)

Cookery (to level 3)

Digital Technologies (to level 1)

Engines (to level 2)

English for Speakers of Other Languages (to level 3)

English Language (to level 3)

English Oral Language (to level 3)

English Visual Language (to level 3)

English Written Language (to level 3)

Exercise Prescription (to level 2)

Financial Capability (to level 3)

Food and Beverage Service (to level 3)

Food Safety (to level 3)

Forest Establishment (to level 3)

Forest Foundation Skills (to level 2)

Forest Harvesting Operations (to level 2)

Forest Silvicultural Operations (to level 2)

Forestry - Breaking Out (to level 2)

Forestry Knowledge (to level 2)

Furniture Making (to level 2)

Health and Disability Principles in Practice (to level 4)

Health Education (to level 1)

Hospitality - Foundation Skills (to level 1)

Hospitality Operations (to level 2)

Interpersonal Communications (to level 4)

Legal Studies (to level 2)

Machine Operations - Forestry (to level 2)

Māori Geography (to level 2)

Māori Office Systems (to level 2)

Motor Industry - Introductory Skills (to level 2)

Occupational Health and Safety Practice (to level 1)

Older Persons' Health and Wellbeing (to level 4)

Pāngarau (to level 2)

Personal Financial Management (to level 3)

Pest Control (to level 2)

Recreation and Sport - Coaching and Instruction (to level 2)

Recreation and Sport - Core Skills (to level 2)

Self-Management (to level 3)

Social and Cooperative Skills (to level 3)

Sport Officiating (to level 2)

Supported Learning - Personal, Community and Work Skills (to level 1)

Supported Learning - Work and Community Skills (to level 1)

Supporting People with Disabilities (to level 3)

Text and Information Management - Generic (to level 3)

Tyres (to level 2)

Vehicle Braking Systems (to level 2)

Vehicle Steering and Suspension (to level 2)

Work and Study Skills (to level 3)

Standard consents to assess

Agricultural Vehicles and Machinery

19046 Service, repair and maintain primary industry machinery (level 3) View details »

Amenity Horticulture

29663 Care for trees and shrubs (level 2) View details »

21027 Plant and maintain displays of bedding plants (level 2) View details »


30790 Assess beehive health, monitor beehive feed requirements, and feed bees (level 3) View details »

30784 Describe and carry out wintering down of beehives (level 3) View details »

19892 Describe beehive transport requirements, and transport and establish beehives on site (level 3) View details »

30785 Describe re-queening and re-queen a beehive (level 3) View details »

30843 Identify and describe beehive construction equipment, and construct and repair beehives (level 3) View details »

Automotive Administration

21673 Demonstrate knowledge of maintaining stock security in the automotive and related industries (level 4) View details »

Automotive Electrical and Electronics

30563 Demonstrate knowledge of automotive charging and starting systems (level 3) View details »

30574 Demonstrate knowledge of ignition systems (level 3) View details »

30571 Demonstrate knowledge of the principles and testing of automotive electrical circuits (level 3) View details »

30556 Service an automotive battery (level 3) View details »

30558 Test and repair automotive electrical circuits (level 3) View details »

Automotive Fuel Systems and Exhaust

30436 Demonstrate knowledge of an electronic fuel injection (EFI) system (level 3) View details »

30437 Demonstrate knowledge of the operation of a diesel fuel system (level 3) View details »

Automotive Transmission Systems

30560 Demonstrate knowledge of clutches and manual transmissions (level 3) View details »

Automotive Workshop Engineering

30570 Demonstrate knowledge of welding in the motor industry (level 3) View details »

21684 Use a MIG welding plant in the automotive industry (level 3) View details »

Business Administration Services

21866 Demonstrate and apply knowledge to provide medical administration services (level 4) View details »

21867 Process medical records and related information using a computerised patient database (level 4) View details »

Catering Services

22885 Apply knowledge of menu adaptation and resource requirements for preparing food for catering services (level 3) View details »

27945 Apply menu requirements to catering services production (level 4) View details »

27951 Provide trayline services for a catering services operation (level 3) View details »

Civil Defence Operation

528 Demonstrate survival techniques for a Civil Defence emergency (level 2) View details »


13336 Prepare and cook hot cocktail food in a commercial kitchen (level 4) View details »

19840 Prepare and cook pâtés, terrines, and mousses in a commercial kitchen (level 4) View details »

13329 Prepare and finish marinades, dressings, cold sauces, and dips in a commercial kitchen (level 4) View details »

13333 Prepare and present cold cocktail food in a commercial kitchen (level 4) View details »

13319 Prepare to bake, and bake and present dough products in a commercial kitchen (level 4) View details »

Core Health

23374 Describe autism and support strategies to assist a person with autism (level 3) View details »

Driver Educator

25717 Demonstrate knowledge of, and apply, effective decision-making processes for optimal driving safety (level 5) View details »

20179 Describe light motor vehicle components, systems, dynamics, and handling characteristics (level 4) View details »

Driver Licence Endorsements

18496 Demonstrate knowledge and skills for driving a forklift on a road for endorsement F (level 3) View details »


30480 Demonstrate knowledge of automotive cooling systems and engine coolant (level 3) View details »

30477 Demonstrate knowledge of petrol and diesel engines (level 3) View details »

30479 Service an automotive cooling system (level 3) View details »

English Language

30999 Read and understand moderately complex English language written texts (level 4) View details »

Farming Skills

18 Demonstrate knowledge of animal anatomy and physiology (level 3) View details »

19115 Handle and move livestock (level 3) View details »


24837 Describe non-electric fence types and components (level 3) View details »

24828 Hang a pre-built gate (level 3) View details »

24826 Install and nail a rail panel (level 3) View details »

37 Install fencing wire (level 3) View details »

36 Select fencing support materials (level 3) View details »

First Aid

6400 Manage first aid in an emergency situation (level 3) View details »

6402 Provide basic life support (level 2) View details »

6401 Provide first aid (level 2) View details »

25459 Provide first aid for young children (level 2) View details »

Fitness Assessment and Exercise Instruction

21794 Demonstrate, instruct, and monitor stretching (level 2) View details »

505 Manage personal physical fitness with guidance (level 1) View details »

Food and Beverage Service

4638 Demonstrate knowledge of imported wines (level 4) View details »

4637 Demonstrate knowledge of New Zealand wines and wine producers (level 4) View details »

22912 Evaluate wine (level 4) View details »

27953 Monitor food service staff to ensure the provision of hospitality sales and service opportunities to customers (level 4) View details »

Forest Establishment

1234 Plant plantation trees (level 3) View details »

1237 Release plantation trees using agrichemicals (level 3) View details »

Forest Foundation Skills

22994 Demonstrate knowledge of factors that affect the performance of forestry workers (level 3) View details »

Forest Operations

24575 Demonstrate knowledge of factors that affect the quality of commercial forestry operations (level 3) View details »

1221 Explain and interpret job prescriptions for forestry operations (level 3) View details »

43 Maintain a chainsaw (level 3) View details »

Forest Silvicultural Operations

6950 Demonstrate knowledge of thinning plantation trees and equipment used (level 3) View details »

1245 Prune plantation trees from off the ground (level 3) View details »

Furniture and Cabinet Making

25533 Assemble non-show wood frames (level 3) View details »

16231 Calculate lengths, areas, and costs and percentages of waste for furniture making (level 3) View details »

9792 Operate a dovetailing machine to dovetail wooden drawers (level 3) View details »

25537 Set a bandsaw to cut furniture components (level 3) View details »

18903 Set a straight cutting saw to cut furniture components (level 3) View details »

25552 Set and operate a surface planer to bevel, rebate, and taper wooden furniture components (level 3) View details »

25553 Set and operate a thicknesser to splay and taper wooden furniture components (level 3) View details »

16232 Use basic portable power tools for furniture making (level 2) View details »

Furniture Finishing

25525 Apply preparation coatings to furniture surfaces using conventional spray equipment (level 2) View details »

25523 Apply stains to furniture surfaces using conventional spray methods (level 3) View details »

25524 Apply stains to furniture surfaces using wiping methods (level 3) View details »

2206 Demonstrate knowledge of safety requirements and safely handle hazardous substances used in furniture finishing (level 2) View details »

3152 Prepare wooden furniture surfaces and apply grain filler (level 2) View details »

17740 Rectify faults in furniture surfaces for furniture finishing (level 2) View details »

25530 Remove uncured coatings from furniture surfaces using solvents (level 2) View details »

25528 Set up and maintain air-assisted spray equipment for furniture finishing (level 3) View details »

25527 Set up and maintain conventional spray equipment for furniture finishing (level 3) View details »

Furniture Operations

16235 Demonstrate knowledge of manufactured boards used in furniture operations (level 2) View details »

25569 Demonstrate knowledge of timber types, timber seasoning and insect attack in furniture operations (level 2) View details »

General Agriculture

23543 Describe compliance requirements, and develop a health and safety plan, for a rural workplace (level 4) View details »

23542 Describe personal and external factors, and strategies to manage factors, that contribute to injury in a rural workplace (level 3) View details »


29583 Describe key elements of hauora from a Māori world view (level 1) View details »

Health Education

91236 Evaluate factors that influence people's ability to manage change (level 2) View details »

Hospitality - Foundation Skills

19771 Prepare, cook and present seafood in the hospitality industry (level 2) View details »

Hospitality - Generic

14466 Demonstrate knowledge of maintaining a safe and secure environment for people in the hospitality industry (level 2) View details »

14469 Provide customers with information about an establishment in the hospitality industry (level 2) View details »

Hospitality - Specific Skills

4645 Demonstrate knowledge of maintaining a responsible drinking environment as a server in licensed premises (level 3) View details »

22604 Demonstrate knowledge of the requirements of a doorperson in the hospitality industry (level 3) View details »

Human Anatomy, Physiology and Nutrition

6571 Demonstrate knowledge of micro and macro nutrients and nutritional imbalances (level 3) View details »

30636 Demonstrate knowledge of the human body and its movement during exercise and stretching (level 3) View details »

Joinery Core Skills

28226 Prepare a workspace and use safe practices for joinery work (level 3) View details »

Livestock Husbandry

28971 Describe livestock reproductive processes and practices (level 3) View details »

Māori Environmental Management

6151 Carry out mahi rangahau with guidance in relation to a local Māori resource management issue (level 4) View details »

6138 Explain the role of whakataukī in relation to how Māori manage te taiao (level 1) View details »

Māori Environmental Practices

6143 Carry out a local kaitiakitanga activity with direction (level 3) View details »

6139 Describe aroha in relation to the way Māori interact with te taiao (level 1) View details »

6137 Describe tapu, noa, and mana in relation to the way Māori interact with te taiao (level 1) View details »

19670 Describe the role of, and interactions between atua Māori in te taiao (level 1) View details »

6141 Describe whanaungatanga in relation to how Māori interact and take care of te taiao (level 2) View details »

6142 Explain kaitiakitanga in relation to the way Māori interact with te taiao (level 3) View details »

6148 Explain tino rangatiratanga in relation to the way Māori interact with te taiao (level 4) View details »

19671 Identify and describe a Māori view of te taiao (level 1) View details »

6147 Identify and explain the different views Māori and Pākehā have in relation to te taiao (level 3) View details »

Merchandising and Marketing

11993 Identify advertising copy requirements and write advertising copy in a retail or distribution environment (level 3) View details »

Milk Processing

4829 Describe heat transfer and heat treatment in a dairy processing operation (level 3) View details »

4825 Describe milk collection and reception in a dairy processing operation (level 4) View details »

4835 Describe product packaging of dairy products (level 3) View details »

4826 Describe the composition of, and chemical and physical changes to, milk during dairy processing (level 3) View details »

Milk Products

4832 Describe casein processing in a dairy processing operation (level 3) View details »

4833 Describe cheese making in a dairy processing operation (level 3) View details »

4830 Describe cream products processing in a dairy processing operation (level 3) View details »

4831 Describe evaporation and spray drying of dairy products in a dairy processing operation (level 3) View details »

Motor Industry - Introductory Skills

3856 Demonstrate knowledge of carrying out emergency procedures in the automotive and related industries (level 3) View details »

Painting and Decorating

27399 Remove and replace doors and door and window components when painting and decorating (level 3) View details »

Plant Pest, Weed, and Disease Control

21563 Describe hazard classification systems, and the safe and responsible use of agrichemicals (level 3) View details »

21560 Explain agrichemical use for primary sector applications (level 3) View details »

27208 Identify and describe plant pests, diseases, and disorders, and methods of prevention and control (level 3) View details »

27210 Identify and describe weeds, and methods of prevention and control (level 3) View details »

Production Horticulture

1 Prepare and sow outdoor seedbeds manually (level 1) View details »

Project Management

21336 Lead a team to achieve a project outcome (level 5) View details »

30362 Lead aspects of a project(s) under broad guidance (level 4) View details »

Recreation and Sport - Coaching and Instruction

31675 Demonstrate knowledge of the role and responsibilities of a coach, and of coaching beginner-level sport participants (level 3) View details »

Retail - Technical Skills

26556 Demonstrate knowledge of child restraints to provide advice for installation, rental or sale (level 3) View details »

Retail and Distribution Core Skills

12003 Demonstrate knowledge of buying processes in a retail or distribution environment (level 3) View details »

Seed Dressing

15600 Draw and test a seed sample, and describe contaminants and undesirable weed seeds in samples (level 3) View details »


548 Demonstrate knowledge of the effects of alcohol and other drugs on self (level 1) View details »

496 Produce, implement, and reflect on a plan to improve own personal wellbeing/hauora (level 1) View details »

9696 Solve a complex problem using a problem-solving model (level 4) View details »

Service Delivery

27927 Apply health, safety and security practices to a work role in a service delivery workplace (level 3) View details »

27928 Interact with other staff and managers, and customers to provide service delivery outcomes (level 3) View details »

28146 Prepare for and handle payment transactions in a service delivery context (level 3) View details »

378 Provide customer service for international visitors (level 3) View details »

Sheep Farming

19146 Carry out wool shed tasks during shearing operations (level 2) View details »

19149 Describe lambing, and the procedures for assisting ewes having difficulty lambing (level 3) View details »

Stock Control

28504 Receive and process inwards and returned goods in a retail or distribution facility (level 3) View details »

Te Whakamahi Whenua

6145 Explain mahinga kai in relation to the way Māori connect to, and use taonga of, the taiao (level 3) View details »

6146 Plan, carry out and evaluate a local mahinga kai activity (level 3) View details »

Tikanga Concepts

27108 Describe the protocols and roles associated with pōwhiri (level 1) View details »

27106 Describe whakapapa using terms associated within a family structure (level 1) View details »

Vehicle Braking Systems

30518 Bleed a hydraulic brake system (level 3) View details »

Wāhi Tapu

6140 Explain Māori hekenga and whakanohonoho (level 3) View details »

6144 Explain wāhi tapu in relation to how Māori manage the environment (level 3) View details »

Whānau Ora and Community Support

1810 Provide information about resources and support services in a health or wellbeing setting (level 3) View details »