Change Report for November 2020
Field: Society and Culture- Change report for the review of the Whakamahi Whenua (Mahinga Kai - Te Hoata), Wahi Tapu and Environment Maori qualifications
- Review of Change report for the review of the Maori Worldview of Early Learning New Zealand Qualifications
- Change report for the review of Yacht Rig Structures New Zealand Qualification
- Change report for the review of Roadmarking New Zealand Qualifications
- Change report for the review of Electronic Engineering New Zealand Qualification
- Change report for the review of New Zealand Manufacturing Qualifications
- Change report for the review of Meat Processing (Halal) New Zealand Qualification
- Change report for the review of the Kaupapa Maori Public Health, and Te Tuapapa Hei Whai i te Ao Marama qualifications
- Change report for the review of the Tiaki Kuia Koroua and Social Services New Zealand Qualifications
- Change report for the review for the the Whanau Ora Qualification
Unit Standards
Field: Maori Field: Engineering and Technology- Review of Electricity Supply unit standards
- Review of Extractive Industries Management unit standard 31091
- Review of Travel unit standards
- Review of Maritime Unit Standards
- Extension of expiry date of Real Estate unit standards
- Review of Navigation and Seamanship Unit Standards