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Your search found 35 Unit Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Financial Capability
Law-Related Education
Personal Financial Management
Social and Cooperative Skills
Work and Study Skills

525 Recognise sexual harassment and describe responses 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (104KB)
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542 Recognise discrimination and describe ways of responding 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (104KB)
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1979 Describe employment agreements 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (104KB)
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4252 Produce a personal targeted CV (curriculum vitae) 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (105KB)
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4253 Demonstrate knowledge of job search skills 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (105KB)
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4261 Identify legal rights and obligations in relation to motor vehicle ownership and operation 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (102KB)
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7117 Develop strategies to enhance own learning 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (80KB) (103KB)
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7118 Manage own learning in a programme 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (104KB)
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7123 Apply a problem-solving model 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (31KB) (104KB)
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7124 Demonstrate knowledge of one-to-one negotiation 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (99KB)
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8548 Demonstrate knowledge of accessing legal assistance 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (29KB) (99KB)
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10780 Complete a work experience placement 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (31KB) (101KB)
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10781 Produce a plan for own future directions 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (102KB)
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12349 Demonstrate knowledge of time management 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (30KB) (103KB)
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12352 Describe aspects of one's own whakapapa, heritage, and cultural identity 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (102KB)
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12354 Describe legal rights and responsibilities under tenancy law and means to prevent and resolve related problems 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (104KB)
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12355 Describe strategies for managing stress 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (30KB) (100KB)
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12357 Demonstrate knowledge of human sexuality 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (29KB) (102KB)
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12359 Describe household sustainability strategies 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (28KB) (99KB)
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12383 Explore career options and their implications 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (102KB)
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16688 Describe the effects of shift work and strategies to manage them 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (29KB) (101KB)
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24695 Explain taxation and other deductions relating to personal income 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (102KB)
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24871 Complete complex forms 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (101KB)
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25073 Read texts to recognise differing points of view on a topic 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (102KB)
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28092 Explain the effect of significant life events on personal income at different life stages 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (109KB) (109KB)
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28093 Describe tertiary study funding options and potential financial consequences for future choices and responsibilities 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (105KB)
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28094 Produce a household budget, set a financial goal and review and adjust the budget to achieve the goal 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (89KB) (108KB)
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28095 Explain personal financial savings and investment options 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (91KB) (108KB)
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28096 Explain insurance products as financial risk management strategies for personal finances 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (91KB) (113KB)
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28097 Explain and select banking products and services in relation to personal finances 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (104KB) (105KB)
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33141 Evaluate fake online information 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (76KB) (102KB)
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33142 Demonstrate knowledge of alcohol and other drugs for wellbeing/hauora 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (75KB) (98KB)
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33143 Demonstrate knowledge of strategies to keep safe online 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (28KB) (98KB)
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7119 (expiring) Describe memory processes and demonstrate a memory technique 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (116KB) (101KB)
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12382 (expiring) Describe the significance of one's work within an employing organisation 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (97KB) (103KB)
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