Domain - Primary Sector Core Skills

Domain - Primary Sector Core Skills

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Level 1

Demonstrate the social requirements for family living in a primary industry context

Word  PDF

Version 3 This unit standard and unit standard 19137 replaced unit standard 3.

19136 Unit Standard 2 Credits

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This unit standard is for people working, or intending to work, in the primary industry. People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe and demonstrate appropriate behaviour that are consistent with an employer''s family; and carry out basic household duties of laundering, cooking and cleaning.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Describe the opportunities, advantages, and disadvantages of primary industry employment

Word  PDF

Version 3 This unit standard and unit standard 19136 replaced unit standard 3.

19137 Unit Standard 2 Credits

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This unit standard is for people working, or intending to work, in the primary industry. People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe career and training opportunities in the primary industry in New Zealand; and describe personal advantages and disadvantages of primary industry employment.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Level 2

Describe weather, climate and micro-climate characteristics, and interpret weather maps for a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 3 This unit standard and unit standard 19139 replaced unit standard 32.

19138 Unit Standard 4 Credits

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This unit standard is for people working in the primary industry who require understanding of weather information. People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe different characteristics of weather, climate and micro-climate; describe land features which affect weather, and their influence on plant growth and livestock production; and interpret information supplied on weather maps in relation to a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Perform calculations in a primary industry context

Word  PDF

Version 3

19143 Unit Standard 3 Credits

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This unit standard is for people working, or intending to work, in the primary sector. People credited with this unit standard are able to perform calculations in a primary industry context.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Describe hydration, nutrition, and sleep in relation to physical well-being of primary industry workers

Word  PDF

Version 3

19145 Unit Standard 4 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to describe: fluid loss when involved in primary industry physical work; hydration and types and volumes of fluids required to maintain adequate hydration for a primary industry workplace; the role of nutrition in maintaining the physical well-being of primary industry workers; and the importance of rest and sleep in maintaining the physical well-being of primary industry workers.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of soils and fertilisers

Word  PDF

Version 2 This unit standard and unit standard 22175 replaced unit standard 14, unit standard 33, unit standard 34, and unit standard 35.

22174 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is for people requiring knowledge of soils and fertilisers in a primary sector context. People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe the composition of soil; demonstrate knowledge of soil aggregates, soil texture and soil structure; describe soils using the New Zealand Soil Classification; and describe the role of fertiliser for plant health and growth.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Maintain a documented work record for a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 5

2803 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is for people working, or intending to work, in the primary sector. People credited with this unit standard are able to maintain a documented work record for a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of safe work practices in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 1 This unit standard replaced unit standard 23540 and unit standard 23541.

31656 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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This unit standard is for people working, or intending to work, in any primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of features of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 applicable to a primary industry operation; and apply the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 in relation to the duties of a primary industry worker.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Describe water supply system components and tools, and assemble a simple water supply system

Word  PDF

Version 1

31657 Unit Standard 3 Credits

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This unit standard is for people working, or intending to work, in the primary industry. People credited with this unit standard are able to; identify components and tools used in building a simple water supply system, and describe their purpose; and assemble a simple water supply system based on a given plan.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Apply knowledge of seasonal employment requirements and workplace expectations in a primary industry context

Word  PDF

Version 1

31666 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is for people working in a primary sector context. People credited with this unit standard are able to, in a primary industry context: demonstrate knowledge of the requirements for seasonal employment; and comply with workplace expectations.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 33 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Assist with the routine maintenance of an irrigation system

Word  PDF

Version 1

31667 Unit Standard 2 Credits

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This unit standard is for people working in the horticulture industry. People credited with this unit standard are able to assist with the routine maintenance of an irrigation system.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 33 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Maintain hand tools and service small engines used in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 6

4 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is for people working, or intending to work, in any kind of primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify a range of tools and equipment, and demonstrate the use of appropriate safety equipment; sharpen hand tools using files, oilstones or grindstones, and electric bench grinders; and check and service two-stroke and four-stroke small engines used in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Level 3

Relocate production materials in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 6

20017 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This entry-level unit standard is for people carrying out materials handling functions in a primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of safe relocation of materials; confirm load relocation requirements; and relocate load, in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 22 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of the Animal Welfare Act in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 4

20644 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of: animal welfare legislative requirements; and good practice in animal welfare in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 33 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Describe integrated pest management for a plant protection programme

Word  PDF

Version 2 This unit standard and unit standard 21552 replaced unit standard 10892.

21551 Unit Standard 3 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to describe: integrated pest management (IPM) for a given plant protection programme; non-agrichemical methods of pest control; and the relationship between the physical and chemical properties and the environmental effect and fate of plant protection products.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 52 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Identify quality assurance requirements for own work and monitor own work quality in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 3 This unit standard replaced unit standard 4310, unit standard 4821, unit standard 19975, unit standard 19986 and unit standard 25901.

28619 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to identify quality assurance requirements in relation to own work area; and monitor quality of own work area, in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 33 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Comply with all documentation requirements in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 2 This unit standard replaced unit standard 4819.

28621 Unit Standard 3 Credits

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This entry-level unit standard is for people working in a primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of the requirements for a document management system; and complete documentation relevant to the workplace, in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 33 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate and apply knowledge of sustainable environmental practices in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 2 This unit standard replaced unit standard 25902.

28624 Unit Standard 2 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of sustainable environmental practices; and apply sustainable environmental practices in own work area in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 22 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Apply pest control procedures in own work area in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 2 This unit standard replaced unit standard 19335.

28635 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This entry-level unit standard is for people who are responsible for pest control in a primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of pests to be found and pest management programmes, and monitor pest control in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Apply safe work practices in own work area in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 3 This unit standard replaced unit standard 4818 and unit standard 19976.

28644 Unit Standard 3 Credits

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This entry-level unit standard is for people who work in a primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of health and safety principles and procedures relating to individual job and work area; follow safe work practices and procedures relating to own work; and follow emergency procedures in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 22 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Work in a team to achieve designated tasks in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 3 This unit standard replaced unit standard 20170 and unit standard 20171.

28650 Unit Standard 3 Credits

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This entry-level unit standard is for people who work in a primary industry operation and need to apply team skills in their job role. People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of team work procedures, and complete personal work tasks within a team situation, in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 22 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Interact with internal customers in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 2 This unit standard replaced unit standard 20174.

28931 Unit Standard 2 Credits

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This entry-level unit standard is for people working in a primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of: personnel and responsibilities; identify and describe information requirements and are able to interact with internal customers, in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 33 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Apply product safety practices to own work area in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 2 This unit standard replaced unit standard 25906.

29089 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: handle product hygienically; and monitor product safety in a work area, in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 33 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Demonstrate knowledge of product safety practices and processes in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 3 This unit standard replaced unit standard 25903.

29090 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify and describe product safety practices in relation to control of food safety hazards; describe standards of product safety for premises, environment, and equipment; demonstrate knowledge of standards of product safety for security; and identify and describe implementation of product safety plan for a specific work area, in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 33 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Conduct routine maintenance to plant and equipment in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 2 This unit standard replaced unit standard 19981 and unit standard 19983.

29095 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This entry-level unit standard is for people working in a primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of routine maintenance requirements; conduct routine checks of plant and equipment; and implement routine maintenance, in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Apply product and stores knowledge to own work area in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 2 This unit standard replaced unit standard 20018 and unit standard 25904.

29141 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This entry-level unit standard is for people who work in the stores area in a primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of basic stores operations; identify company products and quality requirements; and locate materials and goods in storage facilities, in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 33 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Load transport containers in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 2 This unit standard replaced unit standard 17598.

29143 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This entry-level unit standard is for people who work in the stores area in a primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to ensure goods and containers are ready for loading, and load containers with goods ready for dispatch, in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 33 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Work in and control a cool storage area in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 2 This unit standard replaced unit standard 21130.

29146 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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This entry-level unit standard is for people working in the stores area in a primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: work in a cool storage area; chill products; and control a cool storage area, in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 33 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Operate palletising equipment in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 2 This unit standard replaced unit standard 20011.

29154 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This entry-level unit standard is for people working in the stores area in a primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of palletiser operation; prepare the palletiser for operation; operate the palletiser; and shut down the palletiser, in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Contains Māori components

Set up data capture equipment for packaging in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 4

29155 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This entry-level unit standard is for people who work in the stores area in a primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to: set up product specification details for packaging; set up label requirements for products; and download product information to data capture equipment, in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 33 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Unload transport containers in a primary industry operation

Word  PDF

Version 2

29156 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is for people who work in the stores area in a primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to unload transport containers in a primary industry operation.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Manage personal wellbeing when carrying out primary industry operational activities

Word  PDF

Version 1

31832 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is for people working in the primary industry. People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify and communicate risks or concerns that affect personal wellbeing when carrying out primary industry operational activities; identify support groups and describe the services they provide to primary industry workers; identify personal factors that contribute to fatigue and stress, and describe strategies for their management, in a primary industry workplace; develop a meal plan that supports personal wellbeing when carrying out primary industry operational activities; and develop a plan to achieve professional learning goals when carrying out primary industry operational activities.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Complete a risk assessment, and develop recording systems for primary industry machinery use

Word  PDF

Version 1

31833 Unit Standard 10 Credits

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This unit standard is for people working in any kind of primary industry operation. People credited with this unit standard are able to, for a primary industry operation: demonstrate knowledge of the Health and Safety at Work Act in relation to the responsibilities of a worker, PCBU and inspector; complete a risk assessment and assist with risk management for machinery activities; and develop health and safety recording systems for machinery use.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Level 4

Coordinate agribusiness activities

Word  PDF

Version 1

32013 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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This unit standard is intended for people working in a farming context. People credited with this unit standard are able to coordinate agribusiness activities applying a range of technology, and effective communication and interpersonal skills.

Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 232 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Describe the application of technology as an agribusiness management tool to capture data

Word  PDF

Version 1

33059 Unit Standard 5 Credits

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Consent & Moderation Requirements:

CMR 52 Word PDF

Standard-setting body:

Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council

Data as at 2024-07-26 23:01:06.887