Education Organisation's details
Te Pi'ipi'nga Kakano Mai I Rangiatea (NEW PLYMOUTH)
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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.
Domain consents to assess
Accommodation Services (to level 1)
Accounting - Generic (to level 4)
Agricultural and Horticultural Science (to level 4)
Algebra (to level 4)
Apparel Cutting and Sewing (to level 2)
Art History (to level 4)
Astronomy (to level 4)
Biblical Studies (to level 3)
Biochemistry (to level 4)
Biology (to level 4)
Building, Construction, and Allied Trades Skills (to level 3)
Business Studies (to level 3)
Calculus (to level 4)
Chemistry (to level 4)
Chinese (to level 4)
Christian Ethics (to level 3)
Christian Leadership (to level 3)
Christian Mission (to level 3)
Christian Theological Studies (to level 3)
Christian Worship and Preaching (to level 3)
Classical Studies (to level 4)
Composites (to level 2)
Computer Management (to level 3)
Computer Operations (to level 3)
Computer Support (to level 3)
Construction and Mechanical Technologies (to level 3)
Content Creation (to level 3)
Cook Islands Cultural Studies (to level 3)
Cook Islands M?ori (to level 4)
Cookery (to level 1)
Dance Choreography (to level 4)
Dance Performance (to level 4)
Dance Perspectives (to level 4)
Design - Computer Graphics (to level 4)
Design - Graphic Communication (to level 4)
Design and Visual Communication (to level 3)
Developing Christian Spirituality (to level 3)
Digital Technologies (to level 3)
Drama Creation (to level 4)
Drama Performance (to level 4)
Drama Studies (to level 4)
Driver Licence Class 1 (to level 2)
Earth and Space Science (to level 3)
Earth Science (to level 4)
Economics (to level 4)
Engineering - Fabrication (to level 2)
Engineering - Materials (to level 2)
Engineering - Measurement (to level 2)
Engineering Core Skills (to level 2)
Engineering Drawing and Design (to level 2)
Engineering Machining and Toolmaking (to level 2)
English for Academic Purposes (to level 4)
English for Speakers of Other Languages (to level 4)
English Language (to level 4)
English Oral Language (to level 4)
English Visual Language (to level 4)
English Written Language (to level 4)
Entertainment and Event Technology (to level 3)
Entertainment and Event Technology and Operations (to level 3)
Environmental Education (to level 4)
Environmental Sustainability (to level 3)
Environmental Tourism M?ori (to level 3)
Family, Community and Society Studies (to level 4)
Financial Capability (to level 3)
Fluid Power (to level 2)
Fluid Power - Hydraulics (to level 2)
Fluid Power - Pneumatics (to level 2)
Food and Beverage Service (to level 1)
Food and Nutrition (to level 4)
Food Technology and Nutrition (to level 4)
Foundation Skills - Te Ara Tupu (to level 2)
French (to level 4)
Furniture and Cabinet Making (to level 2)
Furniture Making (to level 2)
Furniture Operations (to level 2)
Gagana S?moa (to level 4)
Gagana Tokelau (to level 4)
Generic Computing (to level 4)
Generic Design (to level 3)
Generic Technology (to level 3)
Geography (to level 4)
Geometry (to level 4)
German (to level 4)
Governance of M?ori Authorities (to level 3)
Hangarau (to level 3)
Hauora (to level 3)
Hauora - W?hanga Ako (to level 3)
Health Education (to level 4)
History (to level 4)
History of Christianity (to level 3)
Home and Life Sciences - Textile Technology (to level 4)
Home Economics (to level 3)
Hospitality - Foundation Skills (to level 2)
Hospitality Operations (to level 1)
Indonesian (to level 4)
Japanese (to level 4)
Kaupapa Hauora (to level 3)
Korean (to level 4)
K?rero (to level 4)
Latin (to level 4)
Lea Faka-Tonga (to level 4)
Legal Studies (to level 4)
Macro Economics (to level 4)
Maintenance and Diagnostics in Mechanical Engineering (to level 2)
Making Music (to level 4)
Mana Whakairo (to level 4)
Manaaki Marae - Takat? Kai (to level 3)
Manaaki Marae - Wh?ngai Manuhiri (to level 3)
Manufacturing Pathways Skills (to level 3)
M?ori Environmental Management (to level 3)
M?ori Environmental Practices (to level 3)
M?ori Geography (to level 4)
M?ori Management - Generic (to level 3)
M?ori Performance (to level 3)
M?ori Performing Arts Creation (to level 3)
Materials Technology (to level 4)
Mathematical Processes (to level 4)
Mathematical Studies (to level 4)
Measurement (to level 4)
Mechanical Assembly (to level 2)
Mechanical Engineering Technology (to level 2)
Media Studies (to level 4)
Micro Economics (to level 4)
Microbiology (to level 4)
Molecular Biology (to level 4)
Motor Industry - Introductory Skills (to level 3)
Music Studies (to level 4)
Music Technology (to level 4)
New M?ori Dance (to level 3)
New M?ori Music (to level 4)
New Zealand Sign Language (to level 4)
Ng? K?rero o Neher? (to level 3)
Ng? Mahi a te R?hia (to level 3)
Ng? Tikanga P?p?ho M?ori (to level 3)
Ng? Toi (to level 3)
Niue Arts (to level 4)
Niue Crafts (to level 4)
Niue Music (to level 4)
Niue Tradition and Culture (to level 4)
Number (to level 4)
Outdoor Management (to level 2)
Pacific Change and Development (to level 3)
Pacific Indigenous Knowledge (to level 3)
Pacific Societies (to level 3)
P?ngarau (to level 4)
P?ngarau (to level 3)
P?nui (to level 4)
Performing Arts Technology (to level 4)
Personal Financial Management (to level 3)
Physical Education (to level 4)
Physics (to level 4)
Practical Art (to level 4)
Preliminary Journalism Skills (to level 3)
Probability (to level 4)
Processing Technologies (to level 3)
Psychology (to level 4)
P?taiao (to level 4)
P?taiao (to level 3)
Quantitative Methods (to level 4)
Raranga (to level 3)
Reo Autaia (to level 4)
Reo T??papa (to level 4)
Reo Tumu (to level 4)
Reo Waenga (to level 4)
Samoan (to level 4)
Science - Core (to level 4)
Self-Management (to level 4)
Social and Cooperative Skills (to level 4)
Social Studies (to level 4)
Sociology (to level 4)
Software Development - Design (to level 3)
Software Development - Multimedia (to level 3)
Software Development - Programming (to level 3)
Software Development - System Assurance and Documentation (to level 3)
Spanish (to level 4)
Sports Practice (to level 4)
Sports Skills (to level 4)
Statistics (to level 4)
Supported Learning - Personal, Community and Work Skills (to level 4)
Supported Learning - Work and Community Skills (to level 4)
T?niko (to level 3)
Taonga (to level 3)
Taonga Puoro (to level 3)
Te Aho Wahine (to level 3)
Te Ao Haka (to level 4)
Te Ara Nunumi - ?-Kiko (to level 3)
Te Ara Nunumi - ?-Mahara (to level 3)
Te Ara Nunumi - ?-Wairua (to level 3)
Te Ara Tauira Whakairo (to level 4)
Te M?tauranga M?ori Wh?nui (to level 3)
Te Mau R?kau (to level 3)
Te Parawhakawai (to level 3)
Te Rangatiratanga Mau R?kau (to level 3)
Te Reo M?ori (to level 3)
Te Reo M?ori K?ki '?irani (to level 4)
Te Reo Rangatira (to level 3)
Te Whakamahi Whenua (to level 3)
Te Whakatangi (to level 3)
Te Whakat?nanatanga (to level 3)
Technology - General Education (to level 4)
Text and Information Management - Generic (to level 3)
Tikanga ?-Iwi (to level 3)
Tikanga Concepts (to level 3)
Tikanga Issues (to level 3)
Tikanga Practices (to level 3)
Tikanga-?-Iwi (to level 4)
Toi Ataata (to level 3)
Toi Puoro (to level 3)
Toi Whakairo (to level 4)
Tourism (to level 4)
Tourism M?ori Practices (to level 3)
Trigonometry (to level 4)
Tuhituhi (to level 4)
Understanding Religion (to level 3)
Vagahau Niue (to level 4)
W?hi Tapu (to level 3)
Whakaraupapa Whakairo (to level 4)
Whakarongo (to level 4)
Wh?nau Ora (to level 3)
Wh?riki (to level 3)
Whatu (to level 3)
Work and Study Skills (to level 4)