Education Organisation's details

Education Organisation's details

Wairoa College (WAIROA)

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This organisation may not be currently assessing standards in all areas of the DAS that are listed below. To confirm what is currently delivered and assessed, contact the organisation or visit its web site.

Sub-field consents to assess

Domain consents to assess

Accommodation Services (to level 1)

Accounting - Generic (to level 4)

Agricultural and Horticultural Science (to level 4)

Algebra (to level 4)

Apparel Cutting and Sewing (to level 2)

Art History (to level 4)

Astronomy (to level 4)

Basic Residential Property Maintenance (to level 2)

Biblical Studies (to level 3)

Bicycle Sales and Servicing (to level 4)

Biochemistry (to level 4)

Biology (to level 4)

Building, Construction, and Allied Trades Skills (to level 3)

Business Studies (to level 3)

Calculus (to level 4)

Chemistry (to level 4)

Chinese (to level 4)

Christian Ethics (to level 3)

Christian Leadership (to level 3)

Christian Mission (to level 3)

Christian Theological Studies (to level 3)

Christian Worship and Preaching (to level 3)

Classical Studies (to level 4)

Composites (to level 2)

Computer Management (to level 3)

Computer Operations (to level 3)

Computer Support (to level 3)

Construction and Mechanical Technologies (to level 3)

Content Creation (to level 3)

Cook Islands Cultural Studies (to level 3)

Cook Islands M?ori (to level 4)

Cookery (to level 2)

Dance Choreography (to level 4)

Dance Performance (to level 4)

Dance Perspectives (to level 4)

Design - Computer Graphics (to level 4)

Design - Graphic Communication (to level 4)

Design and Visual Communication (to level 3)

Developing Christian Spirituality (to level 3)

Digital Technologies (to level 3)

Drama Creation (to level 4)

Drama Performance (to level 4)

Drama Studies (to level 4)

Driver Licence Class 1 (to level 2)

Earth and Space Science (to level 3)

Earth Science (to level 4)

Economics (to level 4)

Elementary Construction Skills (to level 2)

Embroidery (to level 2)

Engineering - Fabrication (to level 2)

Engineering - Materials (to level 2)

Engineering - Measurement (to level 2)

Engineering Core Skills (to level 2)

Engineering Drawing and Design (to level 2)

Engineering Machining and Toolmaking (to level 2)

English for Academic Purposes (to level 4)

English for Speakers of Other Languages (to level 4)

English Language (to level 4)

English Oral Language (to level 4)

English Visual Language (to level 4)

English Written Language (to level 4)

Entertainment and Event Technology (to level 3)

Entertainment and Event Technology and Operations (to level 3)

Environmental Education (to level 4)

Environmental Sustainability (to level 3)

Environmental Tourism M?ori (to level 3)

Family, Community and Society Studies (to level 4)

Financial Capability (to level 3)

Fluid Power (to level 2)

Fluid Power - Hydraulics (to level 2)

Fluid Power - Pneumatics (to level 2)

Food and Beverage Service (to level 1)

Food and Nutrition (to level 4)

Food Safety (to level 2)

Food Technology and Nutrition (to level 4)

Foundation Skills - Te Ara Tupu (to level 2)

French (to level 4)

Furniture and Cabinet Making (to level 2)

Furniture Making (to level 2)

Furniture Operations (to level 2)

Gagana S?moa (to level 4)

Gagana Tokelau (to level 4)

Generic Computing (to level 4)

Generic Design (to level 3)

Generic Technology (to level 3)

Geography (to level 4)

Geometry (to level 4)

German (to level 4)

Governance of M?ori Authorities (to level 3)

Hangarau (to level 3)

Hauora (to level 3)

Hauora - W?hanga Ako (to level 3)

Health Education (to level 4)

History (to level 4)

History of Christianity (to level 3)

Home and Life Sciences - Textile Technology (to level 4)

Home Economics (to level 3)

Hospitality - Foundation Skills (to level 2)

Hospitality Operations (to level 1)

Indonesian (to level 4)

Japanese (to level 4)

Kaupapa Hauora (to level 3)

Korean (to level 4)

K?rero (to level 4)

Latin (to level 4)

Lea Faka-Tonga (to level 4)

Legal Studies (to level 4)

Macro Economics (to level 4)

Maintenance and Diagnostics in Mechanical Engineering (to level 2)

Making Music (to level 4)

Mana Whakairo (to level 4)

Manaaki Marae - Takat? Kai (to level 3)

Manaaki Marae - Wh?ngai Manuhiri (to level 3)

Manufacturing Pathways Skills (to level 3)

M?ori Environmental Management (to level 3)

M?ori Environmental Practices (to level 3)

M?ori Geography (to level 4)

M?ori Management - Generic (to level 3)

M?ori Performance (to level 3)

M?ori Performing Arts Creation (to level 3)

Materials Technology (to level 4)

Mathematical Processes (to level 4)

Mathematical Studies (to level 4)

Measurement (to level 4)

Mechanical Assembly (to level 2)

Mechanical Engineering Technology (to level 2)

Media Studies (to level 4)

Micro Economics (to level 4)

Microbiology (to level 4)

Molecular Biology (to level 4)

Motor Industry - Introductory Skills (to level 3)

Music Studies (to level 4)

Music Technology (to level 4)

New M?ori Dance (to level 3)

New M?ori Music (to level 4)

New Zealand Sign Language (to level 4)

Ng? K?rero o Neher? (to level 3)

Ng? Mahi a te R?hia (to level 3)

Ng? Tikanga P?p?ho M?ori (to level 3)

Ng? Toi (to level 3)

Niue Arts (to level 4)

Niue Crafts (to level 4)

Niue Music (to level 4)

Niue Tradition and Culture (to level 4)

Number (to level 4)

Outdoor Management (to level 2)

Pacific Change and Development (to level 3)

Pacific Indigenous Knowledge (to level 3)

Pacific Societies (to level 3)

P?ngarau (to level 4)

P?ngarau (to level 3)

P?nui (to level 4)

Performing Arts Technology (to level 4)

Personal Financial Management (to level 3)

Physical Education (to level 4)

Physics (to level 4)

Practical Art (to level 4)

Preliminary Journalism Skills (to level 3)

Probability (to level 4)

Processing Technologies (to level 3)

Psychology (to level 4)

P?taiao (to level 4)

P?taiao (to level 3)

Quantitative Methods (to level 4)

Raranga (to level 3)

Reo Autaia (to level 4)

Reo T??papa (to level 4)

Reo Tumu (to level 4)

Reo Waenga (to level 4)

Samoan (to level 4)

Science - Core (to level 4)

Self-Management (to level 4)

Social and Cooperative Skills (to level 4)

Social Studies (to level 4)

Sociology (to level 4)

Software Development - Design (to level 3)

Software Development - Multimedia (to level 3)

Software Development - Programming (to level 3)

Software Development - System Assurance and Documentation (to level 3)

Spanish (to level 4)

Sports Practice (to level 4)

Sports Skills (to level 4)

Statistics (to level 4)

Supported Learning - Personal, Community and Work Skills (to level 4)

Supported Learning - Work and Community Skills (to level 4)

T?niko (to level 3)

Taonga (to level 3)

Taonga Puoro (to level 3)

Te Aho Wahine (to level 3)

Te Ao Haka (to level 4)

Te Ara Nunumi - ?-Kiko (to level 3)

Te Ara Nunumi - ?-Mahara (to level 3)

Te Ara Nunumi - ?-Wairua (to level 3)

Te Ara Tauira Whakairo (to level 4)

Te M?tauranga M?ori Wh?nui (to level 3)

Te Mau R?kau (to level 3)

Te Parawhakawai (to level 3)

Te Rangatiratanga Mau R?kau (to level 3)

Te Reo M?ori (to level 3)

Te Reo M?ori K?ki '?irani (to level 4)

Te Reo Rangatira (to level 3)

Te Whakamahi Whenua (to level 3)

Te Whakatangi (to level 3)

Te Whakat?nanatanga (to level 3)

Technology - General Education (to level 4)

Text and Information Management - Generic (to level 3)

Tikanga ?-Iwi (to level 3)

Tikanga Concepts (to level 3)

Tikanga Issues (to level 3)

Tikanga Practices (to level 3)

Tikanga-?-Iwi (to level 4)

Toi Ataata (to level 3)

Toi Puoro (to level 3)

Toi Whakairo (to level 4)

Tourism (to level 4)

Tourism M?ori Practices (to level 3)

Trigonometry (to level 4)

Tuhituhi (to level 4)

Understanding Religion (to level 3)

Vagahau Niue (to level 4)

Visitor Services (to level 2)

W?hi Tapu (to level 3)

Welding (to level 2)

Whakaraupapa Whakairo (to level 4)

Whakarongo (to level 4)

Wh?nau Ora (to level 3)

Wh?riki (to level 3)

Whatu (to level 3)

Work and Study Skills (to level 4)

Standard consents to assess

Apparel and Textile Manufacturing - Workplace Skills

17915 Demonstrate knowledge of safe working practices in the apparel and textile industry (level 2) View details »

Apparel Cutting and Sewing

17817 Assemble and sew a complete garment from cut components (level 3) View details »

40128 Bag out, trim and finish a range of shapes using industrial sewing machines (level 3) View details »

2834 Demonstrate knowledge of garment construction in a learning environment (level 3) View details »

40131 Describe industrial sewing manufacturing processes (level 3) View details »

2626 Hand press a garment (level 3) View details »

40130 Insert zips using an industrial sewing machine (level 3) View details »

40135 Sew a variety of materials using industrial sewing machines (level 3) View details »

17818 Sew collars on garments (level 3) View details »

2747 Sew dissimilar fabrics together using an industrial lockstitch sewing machine (level 3) View details »

2746 Sew dissimilar fabrics together using an industrial overlock sewing machine (level 3) View details »

17819 Sew pockets in garments (level 3) View details »

17820 Sew sleeves in garments (level 3) View details »

17821 Sew zips in garments (level 3) View details »


14723 Apply toppings to bakery products using manual production methods (level 2) View details »

14722 Decorate bakery products using manual production methods (level 2) View details »

14724 Fill bakery products using manual production methods (level 2) View details »

14709 Freeze products for batch baking (level 2) View details »

14721 Prepare and apply icings and glazes to bakery products using manual production methods (level 2) View details »

14708 Retard products for batch baking (level 2) View details »

9955 Thaw and prove frozen doughs (level 2) View details »

Cadet Forces Generic

24098 Demonstrate basic foot drill at the halt and on the march (level 2) View details »


22145 Store and prepare materials for use on construction sites (level 3) View details »

Catering Services

22885 Apply knowledge of menu adaptation and resource requirements for preparing food for catering services (level 3) View details »


448 Participate in introductory caving (level 1) View details »


13343 Demonstrate knowledge of nutrition in commercial catering (level 3) View details »

24525 Perform food costing calculations in a commercial hospitality environment (level 3) View details »

13331 Prepare and cook pickles, chutneys, and preserves in a commercial kitchen (level 3) View details »

Core Construction

40286 Select and use common materials for construction tasks (level 2) View details »

2551 Use portable power tools (level 3) View details »

Core Driving Knowledge and Skills

3462 Demonstrate knowledge of traffic law for the purpose of safe driving (level 2) View details »

Engineering - Materials

29550 Demonstrate basic knowledge of common engineering metals (level 2) View details »

Food and Beverage Service

17284 Demonstrate knowledge of coffee origin and production (level 3) View details »

17285 Demonstrate knowledge of commercial espresso coffee equipment and prepare espresso beverages under supervision (level 2) View details »

14434 Prepare and clear areas for table service for a commercial hospitality establishment (level 2) View details »

17287 Prepare and present filtered coffee for service (level 2) View details »

17286 Prepare and present pressed coffee for service (level 2) View details »

14425 Prepare and serve hot and cold non-alcoholic drinks for a commercial hospitality establishment (level 2) View details »

14436 Provide table service for a commercial hospitality establishment (level 2) View details »

Food and Related Product Processing - Safety and Health

7755 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of safe working practices in the food or related product processing workplace (level 2) View details »

Furniture and Cabinet Making

25532 Assemble non-show wood dining chair seat frames (level 2) View details »

25533 Assemble non-show wood frames (level 3) View details »

16231 Calculate lengths, areas, and costs and percentages of waste for furniture making (level 3) View details »

14995 Construct free-hand drawings for use in furniture making (level 2) View details »

18917 Construct hand joints for furniture (level 2) View details »

20047 Hand turn wood to produce furniture articles (level 2) View details »

2216 Interpret and confirm furniture job specifications (level 2) View details »

25536 Operate a bandsaw to produce furniture components (level 2) View details »

2199 Prepare, use and maintain hand tools for furniture making (level 2) View details »

25537 Set a bandsaw to cut furniture components (level 3) View details »

18909 Set and operate a basic planing machine to produce simple wooden furniture components (level 2) View details »

9785 Set and operate a flat bed sander to sand wooden furniture components (level 2) View details »

9786 Set and operate a sanding machine to sand shaped furniture components (level 2) View details »

2220 Set and operate a single boring machine to bore holes in furniture components (level 2) View details »

25552 Set and operate a surface planer to bevel, rebate, and taper wooden furniture components (level 3) View details »

25553 Set and operate a thicknesser to splay and taper wooden furniture components (level 3) View details »

2201 Template and construct an assembly jig for wooden furniture (level 3) View details »

Furniture Operations

16235 Demonstrate knowledge of manufactured boards used in furniture operations (level 2) View details »


29583 Describe key elements of hauora from a M?ori world view (level 1) View details »

Hazardous Substances and Materials

31293 Demonstrate safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous substances in the workplace (level 4) View details »

High Wires and High Ropes

473 Demonstrate safe practices for participation in high ropes course activities (level 2) View details »

470 Participate in low ropes course activities (level 1) View details »

Hospitality - Foundation Skills

19771 Prepare, cook and present seafood in the hospitality industry (level 2) View details »

Hospitality - Generic

14466 Demonstrate knowledge of maintaining a safe and secure environment for people in the hospitality industry (level 2) View details »

14469 Provide customers with information about an establishment in the hospitality industry (level 2) View details »

Joinery Core Skills

28226 Prepare a workspace and use safe practices for joinery work (level 3) View details »

28227 Select, set up, use, and maintain tools and equipment for joinery work (level 3) View details »

2552 Set up, operate, and undertake daily maintenance of fixed machinery for joinery work (level 3) View details »

Mountain Biking

20137 Demonstrate mountain biking on grade 1 terrain (level 1) View details »

20138 Set up and undertake basic maintenance of a mountain or cycle touring bike for outdoor recreation (level 2) View details »

New M?ori Dance

22761 Choreograph and present new M?ori dance (level 3) View details »

Occupational Health and Safety Practice

497 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements (level 1) View details »


5479 Complete white and yellow orienteering courses (level 1) View details »

Public Sector Core Skills

17213 Demonstrate knowledge of a public sector code of conduct and the Protected Disclosures Act (level 3) View details »

Public Sector M?ori

14950 Describe Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi and its application in the public sector (level 3) View details »

Retail - Technical Skills

26557 Select approved child restraints for installation, rental or sale, and install them (level 4) View details »


425 Participate in a day tramp (level 1) View details »

426 Participate in an overnight camp (level 1) View details »


18211 Demonstrate knowledge of Australia as a tourist destination (level 3) View details »

18212 Demonstrate knowledge of New Zealand as a tourist destination (level 3) View details »

3727 Demonstrate knowledge of Pacific Island countries as visitor destinations (level 3) View details »

Visitor Services

18228 Demonstrate knowledge of specific New Zealand regions as tourist destinations (level 3) View details »

23766 Demonstrate knowledge of the tourism industry (level 3) View details »

33212 Describe and analyse the economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts of tourism (level 3) View details »

24733 Describe and promote a New Zealand tourist destination (level 3) View details »

23760 Work in a team on a tourism workplace task or project (level 3) View details »

Weather Interpretation in the Outdoors

20159 Demonstrate knowledge of weather information for an outdoor activity (level 2) View details »

Work and Study Skills

377 Demonstrate knowledge of diversity in workplaces (level 2) View details »

11827 Demonstrate knowledge of, and prepare to participate in, organisational change (level 3) View details »