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Your search found 182 Unit Standards and 17 Achievement Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Earth and Space Science
Earth Science
Science - Core

91410 Science Carry out an independent practical Earth and Space Science investigation 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (35KB) (56KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (41KB) (57KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (69KB) (61KB)
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91411 Science Investigate a socio-scientific issue in an Earth and Space Science context 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (74KB) (45KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (140KB) (46KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (76KB) (50KB)
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91412 Science Investigate the evidence related to dating geological event(s) 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (71KB) (46KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (136KB) (47KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (19KB) (50KB)
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91413 Science Demonstrate understanding of processes in the ocean system 4 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (71KB) (55KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (137KB) (55KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (23KB) (56KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (312KB)
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91414 Science Demonstrate understanding of processes in the atmosphere system 4 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (96KB) (57KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (178KB) (58KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (20KB) (61KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (312KB)
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91415 Science Investigate an aspect of astronomy 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (30KB) (48KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (36KB) (49KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (66KB) (51KB)
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91466 Home and Life Sciences Investigate a nutritional issue affecting the well-being of New Zealand society 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (35KB) (66KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (42KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (70KB) (69KB)
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91467 Home and Life Sciences Implement an action plan to address a nutritional issue affecting the well-being of New Zealand society 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (76KB) (66KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (143KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (72KB) (70KB)
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91468 Home and Life Sciences Analyse a food related ethical dilemma for New Zealand society 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (32KB) (66KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (38KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (67KB) (69KB)
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91469 Home and Life Sciences Investigate the influence of multinational food corporations on eating patterns in New Zealand 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (31KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (37KB) (68KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (67KB) (70KB)
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91470 Home and Life Sciences Evaluate conflicting nutritional information relevant to well-being in New Zealand society 4 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (30KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (36KB) (68KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (67KB) (71KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (319KB)
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91471 Home and Life Sciences Analyse the influences of food advertising on well-being 4 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (77KB) (68KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (139KB) (70KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (67KB) (72KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (319KB)
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91528 Agricultural & Horticultural Science (AgHort) Carry out an investigation into an aspect of a New Zealand primary product or its production 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (81KB) (64KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (141KB) (65KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (72KB) (68KB)
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91529 Agricultural & Horticultural Science (AgHort) Research and report on the impact of factors on the profitability of a New Zealand primary product 6 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (32KB) (68KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (39KB) (69KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (71KB) (72KB)
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91530 Agricultural & Horticultural Science (AgHort) Demonstrate understanding of how market forces affect supply of and demand for New Zealand primary products 5 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (29KB) (66KB)
Achievement standard 2018 (35KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (35KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (70KB) (71KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (311KB)
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91531 Agricultural & Horticultural Science (AgHort) Demonstrate understanding of how the production process meets market requirements for a New Zealand primary product(s) 4 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (30KB) (66KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (36KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (72KB) (72KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (311KB)
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91532 Agricultural & Horticultural Science (AgHort) Analyse a New Zealand primary production environmental issue 5 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (31KB) (68KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (38KB) (69KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (70KB) (74KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (311KB)
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18 Demonstrate knowledge of animal anatomy and physiology 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (107KB)
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36 Select fencing support materials 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (108KB)
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37 Install fencing wire 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (107KB)
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39 Install fence netting 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (105KB)
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571 Describe wool production in New Zealand 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (108KB)
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572 Describe electric fencing components and systems 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (127KB) (110KB)
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573 Construct, energise, and test a permanent electric fence 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (109KB)
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575 Use and care for farm horses 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (95KB) (70KB)
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581 Dock and treat lambs 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (83KB) (108KB)
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582 Handle livestock when moving and drafting and when livestock are distressed 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (87KB) (109KB)
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771 Demonstrate knowledge of the production horticulture industry in New Zealand 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (90KB) (114KB)
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774 Use and maintain a grape leaf trimmer 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (32KB) (105KB)
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791 Build and maintain support structures for fruit crops 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (86KB)
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792 Build and maintain a covering structure for a fruit crop 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (35KB) (70KB)
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831 Train and prune vine crops 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (83KB) (106KB)
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832 Demonstrate knowledge of training systems for brambles, and prune and tie up brambles 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (34KB) (107KB)
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1667 Describe, select, operate and maintain powered amenity machinery and equipment 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (87KB) (109KB)
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1672 Describe, select and use pruning tools and equipment to prune and train amenity trees and shrubs 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (107KB)
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2772 Transplant amenity trees and shrubs manually 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (92KB) (108KB)
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3146 Prepare and maintain long-term plant display environments in garden retail 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (101KB)
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3147 Provide customers with information and advice on non-plant garden retail products 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (90KB) (105KB)
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6140 Explain Māori hekenga and whakanohonoho 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (148KB) (77KB)
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6142 Explain kaitiakitanga in relation to the way Māori interact with te taiao 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (128KB) (82KB)
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6143 Carry out a local kaitiakitanga activity with direction 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (120KB) (79KB)
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6144 Explain wāhi tapu in relation to how Māori manage the environment 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (115KB) (71KB)
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6145 Explain mahinga kai in relation to the way Māori connect to, and use taonga of, the taiao 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (155KB) (82KB)
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6146 Plan, carry out and evaluate a local mahinga kai activity 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (114KB) (75KB)
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6147 Identify and explain the different views Māori and Pākehā have in relation to te taiao 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (122KB) (75KB)
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6699 Prepare for and construct a garment for a formal occasion 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (71KB) (67KB)
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6700 Prepare for and construct a textile item for specified purpose 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (70KB) (69KB)
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6701 Prepare for and construct a garment using special fabric 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (73KB) (70KB)
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8991 Evaluate sociological theories 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (83KB) (101KB)
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8995 Evaluate a social institution 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (103KB)
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8999 Evaluate a social structure 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (102KB)
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9003 Conduct an independent quantitative sociological enquiry 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (106KB)
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9007 Conduct an independent qualitative sociological enquiry 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (106KB)
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10082 Describe rearing weaner or replacement cattle 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (101KB)
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10087 Describe and plan plantings for insect and bird retention for a given situation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (32KB) (106KB)
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10942 Identify and locate seed trees and collect tree seed 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (101KB)
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10945 Prepare land and make seed beds in a forest nursery 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (103KB)
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10950 Describe the production and operation cycles of seedlings and cuttings in a forest nursery 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (106KB)
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12395 Demonstrate knowledge of a horticultural irrigation system 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (116KB)
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15600 Draw and test a seed sample, and describe contaminants and undesirable weed seeds in samples 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (110KB)
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15603 Operate and maintain seed handling machinery and equipment in a seed processing store, and weigh seeds 15 credits Internal
Unit standard (90KB) (110KB)
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15607 Draw and inspect a seed sample for live insect pests and complete a Phytosanitary Certificate 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (106KB)
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15609 Demonstrate knowledge of sheep milk production 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (110KB)
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17151 Demonstrate knowledge of hazards and safety requirements for tree work near electrical supply lines 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (96KB) (116KB)
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17204 Describe sustainable land management in the New Zealand environment, society and economy 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (91KB) (115KB)
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17205 Describe the management of water and air quality in an agribusiness context 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (110KB)
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17257 Describe safety and process requirements, and fell and limb trees in arboriculture under supervision 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (102KB) (122KB)
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17261 Carry out groundperson's duties in an arboriculture situation 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (91KB) (112KB)
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19046 Service, repair and maintain primary industry machinery 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (94KB) (67KB)
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19048 Apply nutrients using mounted or trailed equipment 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (113KB) (91KB)
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19054 Operate a motorcycle on rolling terrain under limited supervision 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (109KB) (77KB)
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19055 Operate a motorcycle with mounted equipment or a load under limited supervision 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (121KB) (76KB)
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19061 Cultivate with individual tractor-drawn implements 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (116KB) (74KB)
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19070 Harvest cash crops under supervision 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (65KB)
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19075 Describe calving, and associated diseases and health disorders 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (79KB) (99KB)
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19103 Describe methods for maintaining on-farm livestock health and health problems of livestock 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (108KB)
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19111 Describe the types, breeds, uses, and health requirements of farm dogs 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (80KB) (100KB)
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19115 Handle and move livestock 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (37KB) (64KB)
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19119 Set up, operate, and maintain a travelling irrigation system 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (78KB) (64KB)
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19131 Describe fencing end assemblies and explain reasons for structure failure 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (109KB)
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19140 Describe water use and quality, and related land use issues in primary production 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (110KB)
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19149 Describe lambing, and the procedures for assisting ewes having difficulty lambing 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (107KB)
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19157 Describe sheep genetics, and ram selection 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (107KB)
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19370 Demonstrate knowledge of the Spreadmark Code of Practice as it applies to nutrient application 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (90KB) (86KB)
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19371 Demonstrate knowledge of legislation and risk management in transporting and applying nutrients 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (80KB)
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19372 Describe the environmental implications of applying nutrients and associated activities 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (86KB)
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19373 Demonstrate knowledge of nutrients, and the implications for handling and applying nutrients 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (86KB)
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19892 Describe beehive transport requirements, and transport and establish beehives on site 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (123KB) (72KB)
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19931 Install and maintain grapevine trellis 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (86KB)
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19936 Setup, operate, shut down and maintain vineyard equipment 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (107KB)
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20555 Describe, prepare and use soil-less growing media 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (104KB)
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20557 Select, collect and treat seed, and produce seedlings for nursery crops 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (32KB) (104KB)
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20560 Grow nursery crops in containers 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (87KB) (106KB)
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20562 Prune and train nursery plants 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (34KB) (104KB)
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20573 Describe quality standards, and grade nursery crops 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (32KB) (102KB)
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20793 Skin possums for possum fur recovery 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (102KB)
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21031 Identify annuals, herbaceous perennials, biennials and bulbs and their use 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (103KB)
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21041 Demonstrate knowledge of permaculture and plan a site 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (108KB)
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21043 Describe the principles of organic horticultural production 20 credits Internal
Unit standard (101KB) (122KB)
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21045 Describe compost making, and make compost in organic horticulture 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (92KB) (112KB)
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21047 Describe, prepare, and apply liquid fertilisers used in organic horticulture 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (110KB)
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21218 Operate and maintain powered orchard machinery 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (109KB)
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21961 Perform manual grave digging 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (89KB) (114KB)
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21963 Backfill and make good graves 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (102KB)
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22175 Describe soil properties and their effect on plant growth 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (38KB) (116KB)
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22179 Maintain a hydroponic system and monitor plants in the system 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (32KB) (104KB)
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22186 Prepare equipment, and harvest a horticulture crop by hand 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (105KB)
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22189 Describe irrigation filters, and repair and maintain an irrigation system used in horticulture 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (117KB) (106KB)
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22193 Calculate fertiliser requirements, prepare and apply fertiliser, and maintain and store fertiliser equipment 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (108KB)
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22196 Lay a basic concrete pad for landscape work 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (101KB)
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22202 Describe materials required and prepare an order for timber landscape features 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (35KB) (103KB)
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23310 Prepare for bagging, operate, and shut down compost bagging plant at a composting facility 15 credits Internal
Unit standard (94KB) (70KB)
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23355 Grade horticultural produce to pre-determined criteria 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (115KB) (105KB)
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23542 Describe personal and external factors, and strategies to manage factors, that contribute to injury in a rural workplace 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (80KB) (99KB)
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24538 Describe tractor stability and the dynamics of tractors and attached implements 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (106KB) (110KB)
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24539 Maintain and use a power take off (PTO) driven implement attached to a tractor under limited supervision 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (112KB) (80KB)
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24558 Operate a light utility vehicle (LUV) on rolling terrain under limited supervision 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (107KB) (71KB)
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24559 Operate a quad bike on rolling terrain under limited supervision 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (135KB) (82KB)
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24560 Operate a light utility vehicle (LUV) with trailed equipment under limited supervision 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (71KB)
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24561 Operate a quad bike with trailed equipment under limited supervision 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (115KB) (82KB)
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24562 Operate a light utility vehicle (LUV) with mounted equipment or a load under limited supervision 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (90KB) (76KB)
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24563 Operate a quad bike with mounted equipment or load under limited supervision 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (115KB) (80KB)
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24624 Describe cattle genetics and selection 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (102KB)
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24634 Complete documentation, and present livestock for transport, sale, or slaughter 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (105KB)
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24644 Handle ewes and lambs at lambing 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (79KB) (104KB)
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24648 Describe the physical characteristics, and range of, woody stemmed plants and their use 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (83KB) (105KB)
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24821 Locate the position of, and install, primary and intermediate posts for fencing 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (80KB) (105KB)
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24826 Install and nail a rail panel 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (77KB) (101KB)
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24828 Hang a pre-built gate 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (28KB) (101KB)
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24837 Describe non-electric fence types and components 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (80KB) (104KB)
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24846 Prepare to operate, and operate a hand held post hole borer 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (79KB) (64KB)
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25399 Prepare to use, use, and remove a brushwood chipper 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (90KB) (110KB)
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25401 Prepare to use, use, and remove a stump grinder in an arboriculture situation 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (89KB) (104KB)
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25894 Extract honey 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (122KB) (73KB)
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27604 Operate a tractor with an attached implement on rolling terrain under limited supervision 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (129KB) (79KB)
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27705 Describe, select, collect and prepare seeds for plant propagation purposes 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (90KB) (106KB)
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28121 Evaluate a social process 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (101KB)
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28896 Maintain infrastructure in a primary industry workplace 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (30KB) (105KB)
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28920 Demonstrate knowledge of factors which contribute to pastoral livestock feed demand 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (29KB) (69KB)
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28939 Demonstrate knowledge of risks to on-farm milk quality and assist with implementing solutions to milk quality problems 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (90KB) (74KB)
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28971 Describe livestock reproductive processes and practices 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (68KB)
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28972 Assist with livestock mating and mating management 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (34KB) (78KB)
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28973 Assist with livestock parturition 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (34KB) (75KB)
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28974 Describe livestock selection for increased productivity 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (29KB) (68KB)
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28978 Demonstrate knowledge of biosecurity relating to livestock 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (30KB) (68KB)
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28980 Assist with rearing of young stock from birth until first mating, sale or slaughter 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (42KB) (71KB)
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29297 Operate and maintain a chainsaw in a land-based context 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (89KB) (117KB)
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29414 Describe and use a Global Positioning System for a specified rural activity 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (117KB)
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29823 Carry out canopy maintenance of trees or vines 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (105KB)
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29824 Carry out maturity testing of crop samples 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (30KB) (103KB)
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29829 Demonstrate knowledge of plant structure, functions and processes 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (100KB) (106KB)
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29832 Describe workflow management in a horticulture operation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (80KB) (101KB)
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29834 Field graft and/or bud fruit trees or vines 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (102KB)
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29835 Describe growing requirements, and maintain and monitor nursery crops to specifications 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (104KB)
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29836 Pack and dispatch pre-graded nursery plant products and complete documentation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (100KB)
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29837 Palletise produce and complete documentation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (36KB) (109KB)
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29838 Plant and care for plants 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (102KB)
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29841 Recognise plant pests, diseases, and disorders of a horticulture crop 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (109KB) (106KB)
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29843 Select and prepare cutting material, and harden off rooted cuttings 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (103KB)
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30248 Establish, monitor, and maintain turfgrass using seed or turf in amenity horticulture 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (106KB)
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30249 Monitor, and carry out routine care and maintenance of amenity hard assets 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (104KB) (102KB)
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30250 Prepare for, plant and maintain plants 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (109KB)
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30251 Describe pruning and training, and prune and train trees and shrubs 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (104KB)
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30784 Describe and carry out wintering down of beehives 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (118KB) (69KB)
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30785 Describe re-queening and re-queen a beehive 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (120KB) (70KB)
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30788 Demonstrate knowledge of plants that provide feed for bees and harvest declarations 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (69KB)
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30789 Describe American foulbrood, varroa mite, and other bee pests and diseases found in New Zealand 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (87KB) (71KB)
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30790 Assess beehive health, monitor beehive feed requirements, and feed bees 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (116KB) (70KB)
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30792 Carry out honey harvesting 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (116KB) (70KB)
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30795 Carry out an apiary pest and disease management plan over an apiculture season 15 credits Internal
Unit standard (114KB) (69KB)
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30798 Demonstrate knowledge of bees, the bee life cycle and adult bee behaviour patterns 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (83KB) (66KB)
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30799 Describe swarming and methods for swarm control, control a swarm, and unite and divide beehives 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (116KB) (69KB)
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30843 Identify and describe beehive construction equipment, and construct and repair beehives 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (115KB) (70KB)
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31073 Describe water flow and drainage systems, and prepare and lay drainage elements in landscape work 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (103KB)
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31074 Select and plant plants, and apply mulches, in landscape work 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (80KB) (99KB)
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31076 Operate and maintain power tools and small machinery used in landscape work 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (99KB)
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31077 Assist with site set up for landscape construction 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (79KB) (98KB)
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31078 Describe the use of concrete and reinforcing in landscape work 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (100KB)
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31079 Describe and lay hard surfaces in landscape work 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (100KB)
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31080 Construct timber features for landscape work 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (79KB) (98KB)
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31081 Sow turfgrass seed or lay turf areas, and describe an alternative method of turf installation in landscaping 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (81KB) (101KB)
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31183 Plant trees in arboriculture situations 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (106KB)
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31184 Demonstrate knowledge of pruning trees and shrubs in arboriculture situations 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (91KB) (134KB)
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31186 Demonstrate knowledge of Codes of Practice and guidelines for arboriculture 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (82KB) (99KB)
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31187 Prune young amenity trees and shrubs from the ground and above ground in arboriculture situations 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (90KB) (108KB)
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31188 Demonstrate knowledge of basic plant nomenclature, and identify trees used in arboriculture 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (89KB) (108KB)
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31195 Describe and apply operating procedures and the code of conduct to a work role in a primary industry organisation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (201KB) (63KB)
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31947 Demonstrate knowledge of cow behaviour and reproduction, and perform calculations for artificial insemination 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (69KB)
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32009 Assist with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of livestock health problems 16 credits Internal
Unit standard (34KB) (71KB)
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32010 Assist with milking, identify and report problems associated with milking dairy livestock 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (72KB) (74KB)
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32011 Assist with the operation of a farm dairy for milk harvesting 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (39KB) (72KB)
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32089 Demonstrate knowledge of, and assist with pasture management practices to maintain quality, growth and utilisation 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (91KB) (72KB)
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32090 Demonstrate knowledge of soils and assist with soil management practices 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (93KB) (70KB)
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32091 Assist with neonatal care and weaning of livestock in a dairy farming operation 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (69KB)
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32092 Assist with feeding and supplying water to pastoral livestock to meet production targets 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (84KB) (73KB)
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32883 Prune mature fruit trees 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (32KB) (104KB)
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32884 Train and prune young fruit trees 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (32KB) (103KB)
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19148 (expiring) Identify and observe lambed and unlambed ewes, and monitor and report on ewes at lambing 12 credits Internal
Unit standard (98KB) (99KB)
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26117 (expiring) Work safely in a science laboratory 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (98KB) (103KB)
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